Gravity contains an extremely terrifying tearing force…
I want to destroy everything in the world!
Wherever I go…
Everything is annihilated!
Visible to the naked eye.
Those anti-Qin elements hit head-on by the dark purple slash, their bodies couldn’t even react, and they didn’t even have time to mobilize the internal force in their bodies to resist.
In just an instant, they were hit on the body by the dark purple slash.
next second.

The bodies of anti-Qin elements one after another were directly shattered and exploded by the dark purple slash, turning into blood mist dancing in the sky.
Blood mist floats, blood stains the sky!
With just one face-to-face encounter, the sharp sword energy erupting from the dark purple slash had already crushed the bodies of hundreds of anti-Qin elements, cutting them all off.
The exploding bloodstains flew all over the sky, and then scattered on the soil in all directions.
The domineering power of the perfect-level armed color is contained in the slash. When the power explodes, just the spread of the aftermath is enough to directly crush the human body into powder.
Another hundred anti-Qin elements died and disappeared.
Very miserable!
Can’t even resist.
Unable to parry!
One face to face, this sword took hundreds of lives.
The power has not ceased.
The power that erupted just now is just the beginning.
The show has begun!
When the power of the slash fully erupted, the terrifying gravity contained in the slash’s appearance descended on the scene one after another with the aura of destroying everything in the world.
All creatures and creatures within a radius of hundreds of meters, including all objects, will be swept and shrouded by this terrifying gravitational energy.
The bodies of the anti-Qin elements exploded on the spot, turning into countless blood scattered all over the sky.
Like a celestial maiden scattering flowers, bright red blood spilled into the sky.
It seemed that even the sky was going to be dyed red by this piece of blood and become extraordinarily strange.
The splashed blood blended into the soil, dyed the soil in this area red, and turned dark red, and emitted a strong and pungent smell all the time.The smell of blood.
The slash pierces the ground.
It forcibly tore open a terrifying and ferocious crack that nearly spread for hundreds of meters.
The earth pierces!
The soil is collapsing!
Under the influence of this terrifying force, the entire land received a huge shock and baptism.
The earth shakes and the mountains shake!
The sky is falling apart!
A sword tore the earth apart and destroyed everything in the world.
There were bursts of crisp and pleasant voices.
Under the influence of this terrifying force, the earth continued to crack and shatter, turning into countless cracks, and the cracks spread in all directions like spider webs.
The dense cracks caused the ground to tremble.
Then the earth collapsed again.
for a while.
The dust is flying wantonly, the smoke and dust are billowing and flying all over the sky.
“My hand! My hand!”
“Help me, I don’t want to die!”
“My leg is broken! Who can save me…”
The sound of painful wailing resounded through the sky.
Those who were hit head-on by this dark purple slash naturally died suddenly on the spot.
Some people who were hit by the aftermath were able to recover their lives by luck.
But under the influence of the terrifying power that erupted in the aftermath, their bodies were also more or less damaged and affected.
Such as.
It’s not too normal to have a broken limb or something.
The damaged anti-Qin elements, without exception, lay on the ground crying in pain, their faces were pale, and they rolled on the ground in fear.
The dark purple slash traversed hundreds of meters away and wiped out thousands of lives before this terrifying power slowly began to dissipate.
This shocking sword…
For this group of anti-Qin elements, it can be described as a dimensionality reduction blow!
The terrifying power originating from the higher only crushed their bodies and crushed their lives.
The blasted air wave turned into a shock wave, sweeping the smoke and dust in the air, rolling into the distance.
Under the cover of dust, the specific appearance of the battlefield suddenly became impossible to see clearly.
The atmosphere is weird!
Hundreds of thousands of elite iron cavalry of the empire stared at the movement of the battlefield in a daze.
Their throats were dry and they were unable to speak for a while.
Including Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying and others.
As well as Shao Siming, and two brothers and sisters, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
Without exception, they all showed the horror, shock, and horror in their hearts.
Pairs of eyes gathered on the battlefield ahead, their eyes widened, and they could no longer move their eyes from them.
Meng Tian couldn’t help rolling his throat and swallowing his saliva.
It can be clearly seen.
How strong is the shock in his heart at this moment.
“This, this…~‖…”
Meng Tian’s eyes widened and rounded, staring blankly at the battlefield.
That sword just now…
What kind of terrifying power is this?
Under one sword, everything is an ant!
Even though it was far away, he still felt it.
How terrifying and astonishing is the power that erupted from that shocking sword!
Even the ground was torn apart and pierced through hundreds of meters of ferocious cracks!
What is this concept?
Can human power really do such terrible destruction?
Simply unheard of!
“Good, so strong!”
Shao Si Ming’s pink lips moved slightly, and his tone was full of surprise.
Rao is as calm as her, and at this moment, her mood is turbulent, and she can’t help but ripple violently.
As for Mengying?

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