“How to do?”
“Why are you panicking? Before the army of 100,000 iron cavalry makes a move, can this monster kill all of us by itself?”
“This is a joke!”
“No matter how powerful this monster is, we still have thousands of people!”
“Thousands of people will be killed by one person? Stop joking.”
“We will never die until the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army is dispatched.”
“No matter how strong this monster is, it is absolutely impossible to shake more than 3,000 of us.”
The anti-Qin elements were deeply terrified, but they were still forcing themselves to comfort themselves.
Seeing Ying Changge pointing a sword at them, they would naturally feel panic and fear.
This is an invincible powerhouse who is a sword-slashing martial arts master!
How could they not be afraid?
They don’t think so.
The monster in front of him could wipe out more than 3,000 of them all by himself!
No matter how strong the opponent is, he is just one person.
By comparison.
Obviously, there is still an army of 100,000 cavalry, and the deterrence given to them is much more terrifying.
Under their trembling eyes.
I see.
Ying Changge made a move.
He lifted the famous sword Abyss in his hand seemingly lightly, the blade was wrapped around a black armour., emitting an incomparably sharp and icy aura.
in a moment……
Terrifying gravity gathered around the blade.
A series of dark purple currents lingered around the sharp blade again, making the Abyss Sword wrapped around the black armor even more oppressive.
“I only use one sword…” 367
“Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck.”
Ying Changge spoke slowly.
The words fell.
Don’t wait for these anti-Qin elements to react.
The Yuanyuan sword in Ying Chang’s singer quickly slashed down.
The sharp blade sliced ​​through the sky, and there was a piercing sound of piercing the sky.
The space was forcibly distorted and wriggled, trembling constantly, as if it was about to collapse.
at the same time.
A dark purple terrifying slash forced out all the terrifying gravitational energy wrapped around the blade, and the two merged into one, aiming at the front and slashing swiftly.
call out!
The terrifying slash rushed forward swiftly.
With the terrifying power of destroying the world, he aimed at more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements.
The sword light is like a scorching sun!
It is like a ray of light that covers the sky.
The appearance of the dark purple slash is entwined with terrifying gravity, carrying the power to destroy everything, crushing all objects in its path into powder.
The domineering power of the perfect-level armed color, coupled with the power of the perfect-level gravity fruit…
Two forces gathered together in this slash at the same time.
Can imagine.
How terrifying and destructive is this shocking sword?
This moment.
Thousands of anti-Qin elements could only see an incomparably bright and dazzling purple halo.
The rays of light enveloped their bodies overwhelmingly, making their eyes and vision completely filled with the rays of light.
The aura and coercion emanating from this terrifying slash, even though they were separated by a long distance, had already affected the bodies of thousands of anti-Qin elements.
How to describe and describe this sword?
Ordinary words are no longer enough to describe and summarize the horror of this sword!
This is……
A sword to destroy the world!
Enough to destroy everything in the world!
Cut off everything in the world!
“Good, what a terrifying power!”
“How powerful is this?”
“Is this human power? It’s the magic of a fairy!”
“Under the shocking power brought by this sword…”
“We are all ants!”
All the anti-Qin elements present felt deeply at this moment.
That boundless terrifying force fully dominated their bodies.
The fear in my heart was infinitely magnified.
Facing this terrifying slash.
The only thought in their minds is…
Can’t compete!
“It’s over!”
All the thoughts turned into a thought of despair.
The sword light flashed.
Immediately afterwards.
This dark purple slash fell suddenly with the power to destroy the world!
From the frontal direction, it traversed a group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements with unrivaled strength.
The momentum is overwhelming!
Sweep everything!
boom! .
Chapter 239 Harvesting Thousands of Lives with One Sword! The living sword fairy! 【Please customize】
There was a loud noise like thunder on the ground.
Like thunder!
As if the sky was pierced, the entire sky exploded with a shocking sound.
A dark purple slash that pierced through the space between heaven and earth landed on a group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements head-on, cutting down from the front.
The incomparable power directly exploded and cracked.
Toss the river and sea!
The gravity contained in this sword exploded at the moment it fell.

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