Already stunned, his whole body was stiff and motionless.
“What amazing power can cause such terrible destructive power?”
“Seventh Young Master, he must have surpassed the level of invincibility in the world, right?”
With a dry throat, Yu Ziqi said in shock.
At least.
In his impression, the Great Elder is far from being so powerful.
With one sword, a crack extending hundreds of meters across the earth was severed!
What kind of monster is this?
What kind of powerful existence can do it?
“Even the Great Elder can’t do it!”
“However, the seventh son did it.”
“It seems easy…”
“This sword cut down without any effort is enough to destroy the world.”
Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, the shock in her heart could not calm down for a long time.
She also felt it.
How terrifying was the power of that burst of purple slash just now.
It made her tremble all over, and goosebumps rose up.
Even if that sword wasn’t aimed at her.
But just the power from the aftermath spreading to her body was enough to make her tremble all over.
She can’t imagine.
What would happen to her if she was hit by that sword?
I’m afraid I’m going to be smashed to pieces!
In this world, is there really anyone who can block this shocking sword?
Shi Lan had this thought in her heart.
Ying Changge’s shocking sword gave everyone present an unprecedented spiritual impact.
A total of 100,000 cavalry soldiers were all in a state of extreme shock and bewilderment.
Pairs of eyes gathered on the battlefield ahead.
The smoke and dust all over the sky dispersed.
The whole picture of the battlefield was finally clearly presented in the eyes of everyone.
Let Meng Tian, ​​Meng Ying, Shao Si Ming and others clearly witness.
The smoke cleared.
In front of everyone’s eyes is…
The terrain is riddled with holes!
A ferocious and terrifying crack, nearly half a meter deep.
Extending all the way to hundreds of meters away, the ground where more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements were located was forcibly pierced and divided.
Under the influence of this ferocious crack, the surrounding soil and landforms also shattered and cracked, and endless cracks appeared.Numerous dense cracks are as chilling as spider webs.
There are also countless deep pits that have collapsed on the ground, bottomless, like trenches.
All the sights are messy ruins, and it is impossible to capture any complete terrain.
Apart from the terrifying terrain, the most eye-catching thing is…
This group of anti-Qin elements scattered in every corner.
clear and distinct.
An anti-Qin activist was lying on the ground screaming and wailing in pain, and there were chaotic sounds that spread hundreds of meters away.
at the same time.
The cold and bloody corpses were scattered in different places.
Like a mass grave!
Corpses are everywhere!
The pungent smell of blood filled the sky.
The hideous and terrifying crack that spread on the ground for a hundred meters, all the anti-Qin elements that passed by were crushed to powder on the spot, not even a corpse was left behind.
It can be said that…
No bones left!
“No! It must be fake!”
“Dead, dead…”
“Everyone is dead!”
“We are no exception!”
“Just one sword is enough to destroy the world!”
“What kind of terrifying power is this?”
The anti-Qin elements who were lucky enough to survive this sword fell into extreme panic, their eyes widened and rounded, and they were on the verge of going insane.
They were shocked.
Especially after witnessing the messy traces at the scene, the fear in their hearts was infinitely magnified.
The strong and pungent smell of blood lingered in their sense of smell.
Countless emotions frantically flooded into the minds of the survivors.
They stood there in a daze, their faces full of horror, and their minds became chaotic, stiff like statues.
A preliminary conservative estimate was made.
Survivors, there are only about 2,000 people left.
A thousand probably escaped unscathed…
The other 1,000 people had already lost their hands and feet, and various degrees of injuries accumulated on their bodies, causing them to lie on the ground and howl in pain.
“help me!”
“Who can save me!”
“I don’t want to die!”
“My hand is missing…”
The ear-piercing noise sounded, making the mess even more chaotic.
The remaining survivors looked terrified and trembled uncontrollably.
Fear has fully dominated their bodies and minds.
None of them could believe it.
The terrifying incident that subverted cognition just happened.
“We are an anti-Qin alliance formed by more than 3,000 people from the rivers and lakes.”
“But at that moment.”
“Under the power brought by that shocking sword…”
“Almost half of them are dead!”
“What amazing power is this?”
“Is this still a human? How can a human be so strong?”
“This is the real magic trick!”
“One sword is enough to destroy the sky and the earth, destroying a thousand lives in an instant.”
“What kind of monster is this?”

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