There is no other reason.
only because……
The quantity gap between the two sides is really too big!
Three thousand versus one hundred thousand!
How does this make them fight?
For all the above reasons, these anti-Qin elements had a strong sense of timidity in their hearts before they took action, and lost the courage and will to fight.
Sensing the subtle change in the atmosphere at the scene, Yan Dan and Xiaoyaozi, the leaders of the team, frowned.
The two of them couldn’t help but look at each other, each of them could capture the solemnity and pressure deep in their eyes.
Even if they are as strong as the two martial arts masters, when faced with the current predicament, they all feel an unprecedented sense of oppression and threat.
Although Yan Dan was still encouraging the anti-Qin elements before, in fact, he didn’t have any confidence in his heart that he could lead more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements to break out of the encirclement.
It’s too difficult!
It is as difficult as climbing the sky!
Yandan’s first glance is enough to judge.
There were no less than 100,000 elite cavalrymen of the empire who surrounded them heavily!
“One hundred thousand imperial cavalry!”
“It has already surrounded us heavily! It is impenetrable!”
“In this case, how canbreakout? ”
“Difficult! Difficult! Difficult!”
Three difficulties in succession revealed Yan Dan’s depressed mood at the moment.
He felt an unparalleled heavy burden, oppressing his body, making him look extra stiff and dull.
The oppressive air pervading in the air is getting stronger and stronger.
“Tutor, we seem to be set in an ambush!”
“The iron cavalry of the empire is waiting here for us to come to our door.”
“How did they know that we are returning to the Mohist Trick City?”
Xiaoyaozi’s brows were full of sorrow, and his tone seemed particularly heavy.
this time.
Not only did Taoism send Xiaoyaozi, the head of Renzong, he also brought about two hundred Taoist disciples, all of whom were elite Taoists.
Each of them has the strength not inferior to the third-rate warriors!
Among them, there are no second-rate warriors!
all in all.
This time, in order to rush to the Mohist organ city and form an anti-Qin alliance with the Mohism, Xiaoyaozi can be said to have taken great pains and put in a certain amount of effort.
On the way to the Mohist organ city, he was ambushed by imperial cavalry!
This surprised Xiaoyaozi greatly.
He dispatched at once, a total of two hundred elite disciples of the Taoist clan.
If the entire army is wiped out this time, he dare not imagine what a painful blow the Taoist clan will face.
What a loss!
For the Taoist sect, the loss of two hundred elite disciples was already painful.
“Not good!”
Xiaoyaozi felt the oppression in the air, and his mood became heavier and heavier.
He felt a little remorse in his heart.
You shouldn’t be so impulsive, dispatching a full two hundred Taoist clan elites at once.
it’s good now.
He was surrounded by a hundred thousand cavalry from the empire!
at the moment.
How should we break the situation?
Rao Xiaoyaozi, who is a strong martial arts master, was at a loss for a while, completely helpless.
“If the two hundred Renzong disciples all died here.”
“For a long time to come…”
“Taoism will be seriously injured!”
“The Renzong is very likely to be directly annexed by the Tianzong, so that they can be merged into one!”
“From then on, there is only one talker left in Taoism!”
Xiaoyaozi secretly felt tricky and stressed.
He regrets it.
This time, so many elite disciples of the Human Sect should not be dispatched.
The two hundred elite disciples of the Ren sect are already the mainstay of the Taoist sect. If it was all lost today, Xiaoyaozi would not be able to fathom it.
What kind of sect power will the Taoist family become.
As for your own safety?
Xiaoyaozi was not worried about this.
As a powerful martial arts master, Xiaoyaozi is naturally not worried that he will be completely wiped out by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry.
Xiaoyaozi still has this confidence and self-confidence.
“It’s going to be a fierce battle!”
“Brother Xiaoyao, please make preparations in advance.”
“This time, I’m the one who hurt you.”
“I’m ashamed.”
Yan Dan sighed, his tone full of helplessness.
Hearing this, Xiaoyaozi shook his head: “You don’t need to do this, the top priority is, let’s think about how to deal with so many imperial cavalry. This is the most important thing.”
Yan Dan took a deep breath: “It makes sense.”
The eyes of the two martial arts masters were full of sharpness and heavyness, and they stared at the surrounding environment closely, carefully observing the dark imperial cavalry army.
catches the eye!
All of them are iron cavalry!
They are all imperial soldiers in neat and sophisticated armor, armed with weapons and equipment, riding iron cavalry horses, with piercing eyes, and a sense of iron and blood exuding from their bodies.
A total of 100,000 cavalry, the overall color is dark red.
Observing this, Yan Dan suddenly felt bad.
Do not know why.
The ominous premonition in his heart became more and more intense.
“Brother Xiaoyao, do you feel it?”
“This group of imperial cavalry seems to be completely different from what we have encountered before?”
Yan Dan frowned, her voice was slightly low.
“felt it.”
“The imperial iron cavalry we met before can be said to be a group of rabble.”
“But right now.”
“The group of imperial iron cavalry we have encountered now is obviously a group of well-trained absolute elites!”
“This is the fundamental difference.”
“From the soldiers of these empires, I feel their tenacious and firm belief and fighting spirit. Such people must have experienced many battles.”
“If it weren’t for this, they would not have such tenacious fighting spirit and belief.”
Having said this, Xiaoyaozi’s heart became heavier and heavier.
The pressure is mounting!
no doubt……
Both of them can judge accurately.
The elite group of imperial iron cavalry they encountered today are all well-trained imperial soldiers. It’s not that the rabble they encountered in the past can be compared.
This is a real imperial tiger and wolf unit!
Every soldier of the empire here is almost the best of the elite who have experienced many battles!
“Brother Xiaoyao is right.”
“They are the real elite of the empire!”
Yandan felt the pressure.
If it was just a group of rabble, then he wouldn’t be under such great pressure.

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