But the problem is…
This is the real elite tiger wolf unit of the empire!
The concept changed instantly.
The scariest thing is…
There are so many well-trained elite cavalry of the empire.
An elite iron cavalry among a hundred thousand elites!
What a terrifying arraybattle?
Even if it’s just a group of rabble, a hundred thousand cavalry is enough to make them feel desperate.
Not to mention.
The group of cavalry they encountered now is still the elite of the empire’s elite!
“If I’m not mistaken.”
Observed for a long time.
Finally, Yan Dan let out a heavy breath, sighed bitterly and helplessly: “These imperial cavalry, they are the rumored Golden Fire Cavalry!”
“The famous golden fire cavalry!”
“One of the most powerful armies in the empire, led by the empire’s prestigious general Meng Tian.”
“I never thought about it.”
“One day, we actually ran into the strongest army of the empire!”
“It’s even more surrounded by them!”
Xiaoyaozi’s pupils shrank slightly, and his heart sank.
Although he is a member of the rivers and lakes, Xiaoyaozi also feels the prestige of the Golden Fire Cavalry.
This is one of the four most powerful armies in the empire!
An army led by General Meng Tian himself!
This alone is enough to show the terrible zero of this army…
did not expect.
Today, they actually ran into each other!
“The chief culprit who set up a hundred thousand imperial cavalry to ambush us is Meng Tian?!”
Xiaoyaozi felt more and more stressed.
Meng Tian’s reputation is far and wide, even in the Jianghu, he is also famous!
The Golden Fire Cavalry under his command is a terrifying nightmare for all the sects in the world!
Even Xiaoyaozi, who is the head of the Taoist family sect, couldn’t help but feel full of energy. He only felt that his spirit was tense, and his face was full of dignity.
“There should be nothing wrong.”
“Except for Meng Tian, ​​no one in the empire can control the Golden Fire Cavalry!”
Yan Dan’s eyelids slightly lowered.
The most desperate thing, after all, happened.
This is not only a well-trained and powerful cavalry unit!
Or the Golden Fire Cavalry led by General Meng Tian himself!
The moment you learn the truth.
Rao Yiyandan’s calm heart, could not help but be deeply moved and lost his composure.
As the former prince of the N kingdom, Yan Dan can certainly be deeply aware of it.
What a terrifying force and unit the Golden Fire Cavalry of the Great Qin Empire is!
The destruction of the N kingdom back then…
There is also the shadow of the Golden Fire Cavalry!
This is an extremely powerful terrorist army!
Look around the world.
There are very few arms that can be compared with it.
Back then, the Kingdom of N was almost unilaterally swept and crushed by the Golden Fire Cavalry!
That’s why.
It was Yan Dan who had such a deep impression on the Golden Fire Cavalry.
“One hundred thousand golden fire cavalry have surrounded us heavily.”
“How to break the situation?”
“We only have 3,000 people here, and most of them have been scared out of their wits.”
Yan Dan glanced away.
He saw the group of anti-Qin elements in the rear, and the faces of these people showed that uncontrollable fear.
The anti-Qin team that he himself managed to pull together.
At this very moment, the moment when you meet the empire’s 100,000 golden fire cavalry.
Before the battle broke out…
It’s just that the two armies have just met!
But the anti-Qin team on their side has completely lost the courage and faith to fight.
Neither fight broke out.
They have lost the courage to fight.
How can I fight this?
The difference in numbers between the two sides is too great!
Three thousand versus one hundred thousand, the gap is too big!
Based on the above reasons.
The pressure in Yandan’s heart is also increasing, and his heart is getting heavier and heavier.
“We can’t all expect them to obey our orders…”
“Some of them agreed to join the anti-Qin alliance we formed just on a whim.”
“Now that we have encountered a huge setback, if they don’t voluntarily surrender, we are already going to burn incense.”
“We must not rely on them to help us deal with the Empire’s Golden Fire Cavalry.”
Xiaoyaozi calmly analyzed the current situation.
Facing the current desperate situation, half of the more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements can retain their combat power, which is already a very good result.
As for more?
They dare not hope.
Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.
Among the more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, at least half are already in a state of trembling, as if 4.9 of their courage has been frightened by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry.
Count on them to deal with the imperial cavalry?
This is clearly a dream!
“It counts as much as you can escape.”
“You can’t just watch and let them all be wiped out here.”
Yan Dan said feeling powerless.
“Extremely true.”
“I don’t expect to be able to escape all of them, but at least we can’t annihilate them all!”
Xiaoyaozi nodded heavily.
When the two returned to the Mohist Trick City, they were completely unpredictable.
On the way back, they will encounter a 100,000 cavalry army deliberately ambushed by the empire to intercept and kill them!
All of this caught them off guard.
The two of them hardly had any mental preparations!
“Do you want to rely on these thousands of people to contend against the 100,000 Golden Fire Cavalry led by Meng Tian himself?”
“It’s as difficult as ever!”
In this regard, Yan Dan dared not have any hope at all.
“I can only fight to the death!”
Xiaoyaozi is ready.
Just when Yandan and Xiaoyaozi made up their minds and prepared to fight to the death.

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