The chaotic scene fully ignited the fear in everyone’s heart.
At this time.
The two middle-aged men in the lead raised their brows, their faces were a bit heavy, and then they shouted: “Everyone be quiet! Things are not without a turn for the better!”
“If you don’t want to die, then calm down.”
“There is no doubt that we are now surrounded by the iron cavalry of the empire. However, this does not mean that we will be slaughtered.”
“We can still resist!”
“We still have hope!”
“No matter how difficult the situation is, we must not give up hope easily.”
“If even we ourselves have given up hope. Then, to meet our end, there is only one dead end!”
Under the comfort of this loud voice.
The atmosphere of panic at the scene has only slightly weakened.
But the more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements present still held deep fear in their hearts.
Compared to the Liushen Wuzhu just now, they have obviously regained some sanity now.
Pairs of eyes full of fear, hope, and longing all involuntarily converge on the two martial arts masters at the head of the team.
They can only pin their hopes on these two people.
And these two…
Naturally it is the giant of the Mohist school, Yan Dan!
And the head of the Taoist sect, Xiaoyaozi!
The two of them are the spiritual pillars of the entire team!
Before they fell down.
There are more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements, naturally they still have strong hopes in their hearts.
There was a slight breeze.
Rolling Yandan’s hair.
He is currently driving a war horse and wearing a bamboo hat.
from Bamboo Hat FourThe black curtains hanging around him almost covered his face, making it impossible to see his true appearance clearly.
On this face hidden under the bamboo hat, there is a very ferocious scar like a centipede, which almost runs through the entire face, leaving an indelible mark.
This ferocious scar like a centipede gave Yandan an iron-blooded aura.
He was wearing a pitch-black robe, like an ancient knight-errant, showing a sense of mystery, making it impossible to see through him, making him appear unfathomable!
And beside Yan Dan.
It was a man in a gray robe.
He has gray hair that flutters in the wind, exuding a sense of immortality.
Take a closer look.
He is like a monk who transcends the mundane world.
From top to bottom, there is almost no mundane atmosphere at all.
This person is Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist clan! Where.
Chapter 222 Finally meet! A figure walking out of a hundred thousand cavalry! 【Please customize】
“Giant, what should we do?”
“A lot of imperial cavalry!”
“We’re completely surrounded.”
“How to escape from the scene? How to break out of the encirclement?”
“There are too many iron cavalry in the empire here.”
A well-known Jianghu person was full of fear, looking at the back of the Mohist giant Yan Dan in front of him, his eyes were full of hope and longing.
Now the only ones who can give them hope are Yandan and Xiaoyaozi.
Only two martial arts masters can ease their panic a little bit.
“Juzi and Xiaoyaozi, who have reached the level of martial arts masters, must be able to stop these imperial cavalry, right?”
“That’s right!”
“It must be able to block the imperial cavalry.”
Everyone present could only comfort themselves in this way.
If not.
They can only sink into despair.
Look around.
A dense crowd of cavalrymen.
They made a preliminary conservative estimate.
The imperial cavalry army that sprang up in all directions, at least in number no less than 50,000!
Even one hundred thousand!
An army of one hundred thousand imperial cavalry, what kind of terrifying lineup is this?
And how many people are there on their side?
They are only a mere 3,000 people.
If 3,000 people are placed in the Jianghu forces, they can naturally be called a huge group.
But if compared with the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army, then these 3,000 people would be reduced to an insignificant small group, with almost no threat.
Three thousand versus one hundred thousand?
What is this concept?
This gap in the number of people is too great!
What a world of difference!
It was precisely because of this that the more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements who followed the Mohist giant fell into an unparalleled panic.
The atmosphere is depressing!
A chilling air emerged spontaneously, filling the audience.
Under this murderous aura, the more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements were all terrified, only feeling goosebumps rising all over their bodies, and the sense of fear in their hearts was rising day by day.
“How to do?!”
“Can the giants do “350”?”
“Xiaoyaozi and the others, can they really stop the empire’s hundreds of thousands of cavalry?”
“It’s over, it’s over!”
“It’s a bad start!”
“We hadn’t arrived at the Mohist organ city, and we were ambushed by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry on the way. Now, we have almost no possibility of surviving.”
A group of anti-Qin elements were terrified and trembling uncontrollably.
They can only keep comforting in their hearts.
There are two strong martial arts masters, and they will not be wiped out here.
only if.
Only then could they contain a little, the incomparably strong sense of fear in their hearts.
The surroundings were densely packed, like the black cavalry army surging in the ant’s nest, and all the anti-Qin elements present felt unprecedented fear.
A full 100,000 cavalry!
What kind of terrifying battle is this?
For the first time in their lives, they were surrounded by an army of 100,000 imperial cavalry.
A group of anti-Qin elements rolled their throats and swallowed uncontrollably.
Can vaguely see.
Many anti-Qin elements turned pale and trembled all over.
Although the battle did not completely break out, it was obvious that this group of anti-Qin elements had already been terrified by the 100,000 imperial cavalry troops.
A start.
The anti-Qin elements have already lost their fighting spirit and faith.

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