He wanted to return to the Mohist institution city to carry out rescue operations as quickly as possible.
This point was also within Ying Changge’s expectations.
“He’s in a hurry.”
“Once a person is in a hurry, he will lose the reason to think calmly.”
“It seems that they will 100% fall into the encirclement net of the empire.”
A playful smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
These anti-Qin elements are about to be arrested!
“My lord, they are here!”
Meng Tian suddenly reminded in a low voice.
Now he can already see the team that is approaching rapidly on the road in the distance from the dense forest.
There is only a difference of less than a hundred meters between the two.
“Do you want to do it?”
Meng Tian asked again.
“Not urgent.”
“It won’t be too late to act when they really enter the encirclement net.”
Ying Changge was in a calm mood and didn’t feel too much urgency, maintaining a calm and calm posture as always.
Seeing the calm expression on Ying Changge’s face, the eagerness in Meng Tian’s heart eased a little bit.
Tread Tread!
The sound of iron hooves trampling the ground was extremely loud and spread in all directions.
This group of teams has officially arrived at the center of the siege!
that moment.
The corners of Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly, and only a short word fell.
The voice is cold and austere, without any emotional fluctuations.
The temperature of the surrounding air seemed to drop a little.
When he heard this word, Meng Tian immediately stood up from the dense forest, raised his arms, and shouted loudly: “The whole army obeys the order, and immediately deploy the encirclement net!”
A loud shout resounded through the sky.
The sound like thunder pierces the ears, humming and spreading for thousands of milesrice strip.
at the same time.
With Meng Tian’s voice just sounded.
The 100,000 elite cavalrymen of the empire who were lurking on both sides of the road immediately dispatched without hesitation, riding their horses and hurriedly emerged their respective figures.
“Surround them all!”
“Follow the general’s orders and surround these guys!”
“Remember! Don’t let any one go!”
“Fight! Fight! Fight!”
A hundred thousand elite cavalrymen of the empire clenched their fists tightly and let out voices full of fighting spirit.
for a while.
Morale is like a rainbow!
The momentum is soaring!
There was an air of iron and blood in all directions, and the intent to kill slowly spread, covering the audience.
Just less than a moment’s time.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry all showed their figures, and each of them surrounded the area with a radius of more than a kilometer from both sides of the road.
Hundreds of thousands of iron cavalry surrounded this airtight place!
Surrounded into an iron bucket!
Not even a mosquito can fly out!
The sound of a hundred thousand iron hooves trampling the soil is truly deafening.
The whole earth seemed to be trembling under the shock of this iron hoof trampling.
The endless iron hooves trampled on the ground, and there was a loud sound, revealing an unparalleled sense of terror and oppression, filling all directions.
By contrast.
These 3,000 anti-Qin elements are like a group of fat sheep at the mercy of others.
Their movement just now, compared with the movement of a hundred thousand iron cavalry trampling the ground, is like a small witch, and the two are almost incomparable.
Terrifying turbulence, the sound of the thousand-meter radius of the scroll was heard.
Like thunder rolling.
The momentum of a hundred thousand iron hooves on the ground is too great.
Under the shroud of this sense of oppression.
The 3,000 teams who had just passed the road, and the horses they were riding under their feet, could not control the screams of panic.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
The horse suddenly seemed very restless, and there was a series of restlessness.
“not good!”
“We’re under attack!”
“Damn it!”
“It’s the iron cavalry of the empire. I didn’t expect to meet here.”
“No, no, look carefully.”
“It’s not a coincidence, but we were ambushed.”
“The iron cavalry of the empire has been ambushing here, waiting for us to pass by here.”
“How to do?!”
“There are so many imperial cavalry, I’m afraid there are no less than 100,000! There are a hundred thousand imperial cavalry!”
“What kind of amazing force is this?”
In such a short period of time, a group of more than 3,000 anti-Qin elements fell into panic.
Panic spreads!
in particular……
They looked in all directions, and all they could see was the black imperial cavalry army!
They are surrounded!
Surrounded by an airtight!
There is no escape!
Now they seem to have become the turtles in the urn.
A full hundred thousand elite iron cavalry of the empire surrounded them with almost no dead ends.
In this situation.
They could hardly find any way to escape from the scene.
Nothing can be done!
Faced with this desperate situation, they will naturally feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.
“How to do?”
“Are we going to be destroyed here?”
… ….. 0
“It took us a long time to agree to the Mohist giant and join the anti-Qin alliance. I don’t want to die in this ghost place so soon!”
“Even the anti-Qin alliance hasn’t been formed yet. Are we going to be wiped out?”
“No! I don’t want to die!”
“What should I do?”
More than 3,000 anti-Qin elements were all in extreme panic.
With panicked faces, they stared at the dark elite cavalry of the empire in all directions.
With the depression that swept through the air, the fear in their hearts was infinitely magnified.

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