When the knowledge and color scouted here.
A meaningful smile could not help but appear on Ying Changge’s face.
“They, here they come!”.
Chapter 221 Appear! The Mohist giant and the head of the Taoist sect! 【Please customize】
“General Meng Tian, ​​my master is about to pass by this road.”
“get ready.”
“Let all the soldiers of the empire prepare for battle!”
“A big battle is about to break out~!”
Ying Changge reminded Meng Tian who was beside him.
His perfect-level domineering power exploded to the extreme.
In just a split second, he already had an insight into this group of outsiders who were about to appear.
All about 3,000 people, and almost all of them are strong, except for a small number of people who are not even third-rate warriors. For the rest, there are probably hundreds of third-rate warriors.
There are dozens of second-rate warriors!
As for first-rate fighters and innate realms, there are more than one hand.
In general.
This is a very strong group as a whole!
A little careless…
Even the empire’s 100,000 elite cavalry are very likely to suffer a big loss.
Such a powerful group force can almost sweep away all the bandit groups in the empire.
Compared with the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army, it was still much inferior.
Even if it is a hundred thousand elite cavalry, it is by no means an easy task to completely encircle and kill these three thousand people.
What’s more, there are not many people who practice martial arts here.
There are also several innate strong men.
The two leaders are the top existences who have reached the realm of martial arts masters.
If Ying Changge guessed correctly.
The two masters of martial arts should be Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist school, and Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist family.
“It looks like…”
“The news intelligence network of the Quicksand Organization is still very accurate.”
“Just waited for half a day, and we really ran into each other.”
Ying Changge sighed in admiration.
If it weren’t for the information from the quicksand organization, he might not be able to set up an ambush here to intercept and killAnti-Qin elements headed by Mohist giants.
All is ready except for the opportunity!
When the giants of the Mo family and others formally set foot on this road, they will already be regarded as being surrounded by a net of heaven and earth.
A full 100,000 elite cavalry of the empire surrounded them heavily.
How else could they escape?
It’s hard to fly with wings!
“Are you sure it’s them?”
After listening to Ying Changge’s reminder, Meng Tian couldn’t help asking.
Now, he could only faintly hear the sound of the horse’s hooves trampling the ground.
The distance of this group of comers is still quite far.
This made Meng Tian somewhat suspicious.
With such a long distance, can you really predict the identities of this group of comers?
“for sure!”
“The team of three thousand people led by two martial arts masters, besides the giants of the Mohists and the heads of the Taoist sects, who else could it be? Who else will pass by here?”
Ying Changge said with certainty.
His knowledge is domineering, and he is still constantly scouting the wind and grass in the area with a diameter of one thousand meters.
All the movement about this group of outsiders cannot escape his terrifying insight.
“Two martial arts masters…”
“It seems that they are really them!”
Meng Tian immediately ordered the subordinates around him: “Order the whole army to prepare for battle! Let everyone cheer up, and remember not to be careless or slack.”
“Yes, General.”
A total of 100,000 imperial elite cavalry were under Meng Tian’s order.
Almost without exception, all of them have entered the state of preparation for battle.
for a while.
There was an eerie vibe in the air.
Sensing the strange change in the atmosphere, Ying Changge frowned, but didn’t say much.
The dense forests on both sides of the road hide a full 100,000 cavalry, and it is very rare to be able to hide this effect.
Ying Changge naturally wouldn’t pick a bone in the egg.
“My lord, are you really planning to do it yourself?”
Meng Tian was a little worried and asked again.
Ying Changge nodded.
He is really looking forward to it.
A meeting with Yan Dan, the great Mohist, and Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist school.
Two martial arts masters…
It can be used to warm up!
Located on both sides of Ying Changge’s back, Shao Siming and Shi Lan’s beautiful eyes twinkled, quietly watching Ying Changge’s back, neither of them spoke to disturb the silent atmosphere.
But Meng Ying and Yu Ziqi felt a deep tension in their minds, subconsciously clenched their fists, and there was a bit of pressure and dignity between their brows.
In Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledgeable investigation, he can clearly see through it.
This group of teams is approaching at a terrifying speed, and is about to pass by the road here.
Although the two sides are far apart, Ying Changge can still perceive the inner voices of these people.
Judgment by this.
Have these people noticed the imperial soldiers lurking on both sides of the road?
Once they feel any bad feeling in their hearts, Ying Changge will be able to detect it immediately. As a result, the 100,000 imperial cavalry were immediately ordered to encircle and attack.
It can be said.
The perfect domineering level of knowledge and knowledge endowed Ying Changge with the ability to seize the opportunity in the first place!
“Eight hundred meters!”
“Five hundred meters!”
“Three hundred meters!”
Ying Changge carefully felt the approaching distance of this group of outsiders.
With his perfect sense of knowledge, he could sense the anxiety in these people’s hearts.
in particular……
In this group of teams, the one headed by Li, who has reached the level of a martial arts master, is really anxious.
not difficult to see.
This person obviously noticed the iron hoof marks left along the way.
Ying Changge made a preliminary estimate.
This anxious person should be Yan Dan, the giant of the Mohist family.
When he realized that along the way, countless iron hoof marks were rushing towards the direction of the Mohist organ city, Yan Dan, who was a Mohist tycoon, would naturally feel anxious.

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