If the Mohist giant came along this way and found many iron hoof marks left on the ground, he wanted to return to the organ city for rescue in a moment of urgency.
The possibility of them being recruited can be as high as ten to ten!
“With the personality of a Mohist giant, once he knows that the Mohist Trick City is about to be surrounded by the empire’s iron cavalry, he will definitely want to return to the Trick City as quickly as possible to rescue him.”
“He will naturally fall into an ambush set by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry.”
Ying Changge had a smile on his face.
The success rate of this ambush is at least as high as 80%!
If you are lucky…
This ambush will definitely wipe out thousands of anti-Qin elements smoothly!
“This is also an appetizer.”
“An appetizer before going to break the Mohist organ city.”
“The real good show is yet to come.”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
beside him.
The two daughters, Shao Si Ming and Shi Lan, remained silent, watching Ying Changge’s back quietly.
Meng Ying and Yu Ziqi also dare not speak.
After a while.
Meng Tian came to Ying Changge and reported truthfully: “My lord, the hundred thousand cavalry have all been broken into pieces, lurking in the dense forest on both sides.”
A total of 100,000 cavalry are all lurking in the dense forest!
That is the time to wait for the anti-Qin elements such as Mohist giants to arrive.
For now.
Meng Tian couldn’t judge either.
Is the information from the Quicksand Organization correct?
In short.
The only thing we can do now is to trust the intelligence of the Quicksand Organization.
Even if the information is wrong, it will only lose half a day.
Almost no negative effects.
Why not do it?
“Well, all that’s left is to wait quietly.”
Ying Changge nodded.
It depends on whether the giants of the Mo family and others will pass by this road.
Feeling the scorching halo falling from the edge of the sky, Ying Changge roughly made a judgment.
Now, it is probably approaching noon.
Only half a day…
before evening.
If they can’t wait for the Mohist Juzi and others, it proves that they didn’t choose this passage.
Although on the surface this is the only passage leading to the Mohist Trick City, no one knows whether the Mohist disciples have developed a second road.
After Meng Tian ordered all the soldiers of the empire, he returned to Ying Changge’s side, hid in the secret order with Ying Changge, and began to wait quietly for the next thing.
“The Mohist giant is rumored to be a master of martial arts. I don’t know if this is true or not.”
Meng Tian felt a little dignified.
“it is true.”
“The Mohist giant and the head of the Taoist sectXiaoyaozi are all strong at the level of martial arts masters. ”
“Their strength is probably similar to that of Gai Nie Weizhuang and the like, not much inferior.”
Ying Changge spoke slowly and gave an accurate answer.
When mentioning these two martial arts masters, he didn’t show too much emotional ups and downs.
But it’s just two martial arts masters, he can handle it alone!
after all.
As strong as the Great Elder of Shushan, a consummated martial arts master, an invincible powerhouse in the world, cannot pose too much threat to Ying Changge.
As for these two early martial arts masters?
That is another matter.
Even if they join forces, Ying Changge will not have the slightest fear and timidity.
“Two martial arts masters…”
“Young master, you must not be careless later.”
“Alternatively, let the humble official lead a hundred thousand cavalry to spread out a siege net and grind them to death slowly. You don’t need to risk yourself.”
Meng Tian couldn’t help suggesting, with a bit of worry in his words.
“No need.”
“If you insist on letting the soldiers of the empire siege and kill the two martial arts masters, you may need to pay a very painful price and casualties to completely take down these two.”
“The empire cannot withstand such huge damage and consumption.”
“If you let me take action, it can prevent the empire from suffering heavy losses.”
“General Meng Tian doesn’t need to persuade, I know it well.”
“It’s just two martial arts masters. Don’t forget, General Meng Tian, ​​I have fought against an invincible and powerful martial arts master.”
“What’s more, I really want to try it.”
“With my current strength, can I shake the two martial arts masters by myself!”
An expression of anticipation appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
“This, okay.”
Meng Tian didn’t dare to dissuade him too much.
He also had to agree with what Ying Changge said.
If only the soldiers of the empire were used to encircle and kill the two martial arts masters, it would indeed take tens of thousands of troops to kill the two martial arts masters.
This is naturally a huge loss and consumption for the empire.
Although Meng Tian was worried about Ying Changge’s proposal, he had to admit it.
This is the best strategy!
The scorching sun rose all the way to the very center, the scattered sunlight became hotter and more dazzling, and the shining light shone across the sky for thousands of miles.
Time flies.
It’s approaching evening.
The sun was setting.
Sunlight paints half of the sky, and the crimson sunset glow is like the blushing cheeks of a young girl.
at this time.
Tread Tread!
There was a loud sound of horseshoes trampling the ground, and it spread in all directions.
Hidden on both sides of the road.
Ying Changge, Meng Tian and the others raised their spirits one after another.
at the same time.
Ying Changge’s thoughts moved…
An invisible air wave erupted from Ying Changge’s body, and with his body as the center, it swept across a thousand-meter-diameter area in an instant.
Within a radius of one kilometer in diameter, Ying Changge will have a clear insight into the movements of all objects.
There is no way to hide from the slightest disturbance!
Immediately afterwards.
Ying Changge had a clear insight.
A group of outsiders are about to pass by this road.
There are about 3,000 people in this group.
And the two people at the head of the team are genuine two martial arts masters!

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