Ying Changge had already made up his mind.
In any case, it is also necessary to prevent the Mohist giant from leading this group of anti-Qin elements to smoothly return to the Mohist organ city and join forces with the personnel in the organ city.
Once they are allowed to turn, their combat power will be enough to threaten an army of 100,000 cavalry.
And this is obviously not what Ying Changge wants to see.
Although the empire has an army of 100,000 cavalry, it will not be afraid of tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements.
But if he had a choice, Ying Changge would of course choose to attack them one by one, instead of waiting for them to join forces before launching an interception attack.
It is best to break down one by one, so as to prevent heavy losses to the soldiers of the empire.
Think here.
Ying Changge then ordered Meng Tian who was outside the carriage: “General Meng Tian, ​​a few days ago, there was a piece of news from the Quicksand Organization.”
“The Mohist giant has led a group of anti-Qin elements and is on his way back to the Mohist organ city.”
“This group of anti-Qin elements includes the Taoists and their head, Xiaoyaozi, a real martial arts master!”
“In short, although the number of this group of anti-Qin elements is only a few thousand, each of them is a martial arts practitioner who has practiced martial arts. It is not easy to completely wipe them out.”
“Therefore, I think that they must not be allowed to return to the Mohist Trick City smoothly.”
“Once they return to the organ city, they will inevitably form a more terrifying anti-Qin group.”
“Although the empire dispatched a full army of 100,000 cavalry, if it wants to wipe out tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, it will also need to pay a very painful price.”
“I don’t know General Meng Tian, ​​what do you think?”
Ying Changge’s voice slowly spread from the carriage.
Hearing this, Meng Tian didn’t think for too long, and immediately said: “Then if it is according to your intention, young master, you want to intercept and kill the Mohist giant and others on the road?”
This method was the only one Meng Tian could think of.
A plan to reduce the heavy losses of the empire’s soldiers as much as possible.
Since it is necessary to prevent the anti-Qin elements from turning against each other, it is natural to get rid of one of the groups.
And now.
It is obviously difficult to break through and disintegrate the Mohist mechanism city in a short time.
by contrast.
If it is on the road, the difficulty factor is not as difficult as before when the Mohist giant and others return to the organ city.
“Yes, it is to intercept and kill Mohist giants and others on the road!”
Ying Changge nodded.
Meng Tian got to the point!
As long as the Mohist giant is killed this time, Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect, is eradicated. Then this group of anti-Qin elements will instantly become a mob, and there is nothing to fear.
Among the anti-Qin elements who returned to the Mohist organ city, the most dangerous were the Mohist giant and Xiaoyaozi.
If these two people were killed, then the remaining anti-Qin elements would naturally be unable to escape the siege of the empire’s 100,000 elite cavalry.
“Are you going to kill the giant Mohist?”
“Could it be…”
“The young master already knows their whereabouts?”
Meng Tian asked again.
“In the past few days, the Quicksand organization has sent information.”
“If there is no accident, as long as we set up an ambush in place and wait for half a day. With the efficiency of the Mohist giant and others returning to the organ city, they will pass by where we are currently in half a day.”
“This road is also the only way to go to the Mohist organ city.”
“I believe.”
“They’re bound to pass this way.”
“And what we need to do is just set up an ambush here, and then wait quietly.”
The words fell.
Meng Tian fell into deep thought.
If this is the case, then it is indeed possible to set up an ambush here.
As Ying Changge said, Meng Tian also thinks the same.
If there is a choice, it is better to eradicate some anti-Qin elements as early as possible, so as to prevent them from joining forces and causing huge trauma and losses to the empire.
“Then follow the Master’s orders.”
“Humble job, let’s arrange manpower and set up an ambush on the spot.”
Meng Tian thought for a while, then agreed.
The success of the plan is only secondary, and Ying Changge’s orders cannot be ignored.
Meng Tian also agreed with Ying Changge’s plan.
If some anti-Qin elements can be eradicated in advance, it will naturally reduce the losses of the empire’s soldiers.
“Then let’s do it!”
Ying Changge also got off the carriage.
Alongside him was Shi Lan, the saintess of the Shu Mountain Wu Clan.
After these few days of being with her, Shi Lan gradually got used to her current status.
not for a while.
According to Ying Changge’s instructions, Meng Tian quickly ordered the 100,000 cavalry army to start lurking secretly on both sides.Among the forest.
Ying Changge called many soldiers from the empire, and continued to forge the imprint of the iron hoof on this road…
The purpose of doing this is to remind the Mohist giants and others who are about to pass by this road, so that they can be deeply aware of it.
The empire’s iron cavalry has rushed to the Mohist Trick City!
If they don’t return to the organ city as soon as possible, then the organ city may be completely breached and disintegrated at any time!
In this way, in a moment of impatience, the Mohist giant and others are very likely to lose their minds and rush to the organ city as quickly as possible to rescue them.
By the time.
With one order from Ying Changge, Meng Tian and others, they can instantly mobilize an army of 100,000 cavalry to surround all the anti-Qin elements headed by the Mohist giant.
The perfect ambush plan!
“My lord, the quicksand organization’s information will not be wrong, right?”
Meng Ying looked at the busy soldiers of the empire, and leaned into Ying Changge’s ear and asked in a low voice.
“Regardless of whether the intelligence will be wrong or not, we will do our best.”
“It’s just waiting here for half a day, and we can still afford it.”
“Even if you can’t wait for the Mohist giant and others, that’s okay.”
Ying Changge’s state of mind is very relaxed.
If the quicksand organization’s information is wrong, it will only waste half a day.
For Ying Changge and others, it was almost harmless.
If successfully set up an ambush…
The result is a bumper harvest!
“Mohist giant Yandan…”
“Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect!”
“These two are the mainstay of the Anti-Qin Alliance!”
“If we can kill the two of them at once, it will definitely set back the vigor and fighting spirit of the anti-Qin elements.”
“If you can carry the Mohist giant’s head and head to the Mohist Mechanism City, it will definitely destroy the fighting spirit of the Mohist disciples.”
“In general.”
“In this battle, if the ambush is really successful, then I must kill the giant of the Mo family and the head of the Taoist sect, Xiaoyaozi.”
In Ying Changge’s mind.
These two martial arts master level powerhouses are his most important goals!
The rest of the anti-Qin elements are nothing but a mob.
As long as there is no leadership of the Mohist giant and Xiaoyaozi, this group of anti-Qin elements will instantly become a loose sand that the empire will encircle and suppress at will.
For the next period of time.
Under the domineering investigation of Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and domineering.
Meng Tian began to order one after another, breaking up the army of one hundred thousand cavalry into pieces, and began to quickly lurk in the dense forests on both sides.
This road is very spacious, but it is also the only way to rush to the Mohist Trick City!
Without any precautions.
Presumably, the giants of the Mo family and others probably have an 80% chance of being recruited!

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