If there is no quicksand organization, it is obviously not too easy for the empire to deal with this group of anti-Qin elements.
well known.
The Mohist organ city is as solid as gold, like an indestructible defensive fortress.
If you want to break through the Mohist organ city, this is by no means a simple matter.
If the Mohist organ city can be breached so easily, it is naturally impossible to stand in the rivers and lakes for hundreds of years without falling down from the beginning to the end.
The Mohist organ city can stand for hundreds of years without falling down, which is enough to show its horror.
“The quicksand organization…”
Inside the carriage, Ying Changge fell into deep thought.
Two days ago, he just got a piece of information from the Quicksand Organization.
indicated in the information.
The several leaders of the Mohist school, their sword sage Gai Nie, and Yu Nie, the remnant party of Chu State, have all hid in the Mohist institution city.
The quicksand organization hunted down to no avail, so they could only fight against the head of the public loser, quietly waiting outside the Mohist mechanism city, and when the time was right, they were ready to break through the Mohist mechanism city!
Now is not the best time to break through the organ city.
The moment when all the anti-Qin elements gather in the organ city is the time to break through and disintegrate the Mohist organ city and destroy all the anti-Qin elements in the organ city.
It will be able to wipe out all the anti-Qin elements who are trying to rebel in one go.
This is the result Ying Changge wants to see.
“Have most of the anti-Qin elements concentrated in the Mohist organ city?”
“It should be time…”
“To wipe them all out!”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Before that, he still has one important thing to do.
Two days ago, in the information sent by the quicksand organization.
Not only does it show the current situation of Mohists and other anti-Qin elements, but it also shows it at the same time.
In today’s Mohist organ city, there is no trace of the Mohist giant’s whereabouts.
After the quicksand organization’s investigation found.
The Mohist giant and his many Mohist disciples are now on their way back to the Mohist Trick City.
According to the investigation information.
The Mohist giant is leading a group of anti-Qin elements who are trying to rebel, and they are all preparing to gather in the Mohist Trick City to form an anti-Qin alliance.
This group of anti-Qin elements, headed by the Mohist tycoon, was on their way back to the Mohist Trick City non-stop.
Within a few days.
It was the moment when the Mohist giant and his group of anti-Qin elements successfully arrived at the Mohist organ city.
Among the anti-Qin elements led by Mohist giants, traces of the whereabouts of Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect, were also found.
The people of Taoism have apparently also been involved.
Except Taoism.
It is explained in the information sent by the quicksand organization.
There are also many well-known innate powerhouses in the Jianghu, all of whom have also participated in the anti-Qin alliance.
all in all.
The Mohist tycoon is leading a large group of people from all walks of life who have the same goal of anti-Qin, and they are all preparing to gather in the Mohist organ city to form a huge anti-Qin alliance.
Think about it so far.
In Ying Changge’s heart, some plans and plans suddenly appeared.
“‘ 〃 Mohist giant?”
“Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist sect?”
“There are countless people from the world who have reached the innate realm?”
“According to the intelligence from the Quicksand Organization.”
“This group of anti-Qin elements probably has a huge scale of about 3,000 people.”
“There are more than 3,000 people from the rivers and lakes with the common intention of conspiracy. Therefore, let them form a large group, headed by the giant of the Mohist school!”
“It’s a force to be reckoned with.”
Ying Changge felt emotional in his heart.
Compared with the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army, the so-called 3,000 men are nothing to mention.
But don’t forget.
This is only a group of anti-Qin elements led by Mohist giants, and it does not fully include the group of anti-Qin elements who are currently in the Mohist organ city.
If the group of anti-Qin elements led by the Mohist giants, plus the anti-Qin elements in the organ city, form an alliance with each other.
no doubt.
The number of people in the Anti-Qin Alliance can even exceed tens of thousands!
There are still thousands of remnants of the remnants of the Chu State!
This is huge trouble!
The anti-Qin alliance with tens of thousands of people can already threaten the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army.
Although the anti-Qin elements still had little chance of winning, the empire would have to pay a very painful price if it wanted to wipe out the tens of thousands of anti-Qin alliances.
To know.
Among the tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements, most of them are people from the rivers and lakes, not those with high martial arts skills.
Even if the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army is well-trained, it will still be very difficult to face these people with martial arts skills.
“If you want to reduce the losses of the empire’s soldiers as much as possible, and wipe out these anti-Qin elements as you wish, you must act first!”
“Before the group of people led by the Mohist giants have a round with the Mohist mechanism city, we must eradicate one of the forces!”
“In this way, we can prevent the number of the Anti-Qin Alliance from breaking through 10,000 people, and thus become a huge force that would be very difficult for an army of 100,000 cavalry.”
Ying Changge made a decision in his heart.
Absolutely don’t let the Mohist giant fight with the people from Trick City!
Once the two sides have a round, they will form a total of tens of thousands of anti-Qin elements!
This is already a force that can seriously threaten the empire.
to sum it up.
The initial plan that Ying Changge made in his mind was…
Before the Mohist giant led this group of anti-Qin elements, they had not yet returned to the organ city.
Directly led by Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​a team of 100,000The elite cavalry army of the empire.
Ambush on the road.
Surround all the anti-Qin elements, the Mohist giant, and lead the army to intercept and kill them, so as to prevent any fish that slipped through the net from escaping!
The Mohist giant is the primary target this time!
Then there is Xiaoyaozi, the head of the Taoist family.
These two people are vaguely the leaders of this group of anti-Qin elements!
As long as these two people are killed, the threat of this group of anti-Qin elements will plummet.
First eradicate this group of anti-Qin elements.
Then think about destroying the Mohist Trick City!
Once the giant of the Mo family dies, the Mo family will also become leaderless and become a mess.
By the way, it can also greatly blow the fighting spirit of the anti-Qin elements!
In this way.
To deal with the Mohist organ city, the difficulty factor will naturally drop countless times.
Chapter 220 Set up an ambush to intercept and kill! One hundred thousand cavalry surrounded the anti-Qin elements! 【Please customize】
all in all.

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