Facing the fate of the sacred object that they have guarded for nearly a thousand years, but was temporarily borrowed by others today, they have nothing to do, and there is nothing they can do.
The only thing that can be done is to obey the orders of the Great Elder.
After Ying Changge left.
According to Ying Changge’s instructions, the Great Elder launched a series of actions to transfer the Fusang Shenmu.
When this order was issued, the First Elder was deeply touched, and most of the resentment and helplessness remained in his heart.
after all.
In the final analysis, Fusang Shenmu is a holy object that they Shushan Wuzu have guarded for thousands of years!
It is the greatest belief in the hearts of their Shushan Wu people!
at the same time.
Sensing the emotional ups and downs in the Great Elder’s heart, Xu Fu sneered: “Why? I can’t bear to let you Shushan guard the sacred object for nearly a thousand years?”
“Why don’t you resist?”
“I thought that with the character of the stubborn guys like you in Shushan, you should be prepared to fight to the death and use your life to defend the sacred objects of your Shushan.”
“such a pity……”
“You Shushan were originally a group of soft-legged shrimps, a group of rats without guts.”
Xu Fu is ready to reap the benefits of the fishermanHe planned to sit back and enjoy the success, and watched the destruction of the Wu clan in Shushan.
And in the end, let them Yinyang family, logically seek to seize Fusang Shenmu.
All of this has been completely overturned!
After the plan was completely overturned, Xu Fu would naturally feel deeply aggrieved and depressed.
“Elder Xu Fu, don’t challenge the old man’s bottom line.”
“I don’t mind representing the Yin-Yang family, and I will leave you a memorable lesson.”
The Great Elder glanced at Xu Fu, his eyes were flat and without any emotion.
Seeing this, Xu Fu felt hairy all over his body.
He almost forgot.
The old man in front of him is an invincible and powerful man who has reached the perfection of a martial arts master!
angered the other party…
That’s okay?
Holding the fear and apprehension in his heart, Xu Fu’s face flushed, and he left quickly with a cold snort.
Watching the back of Xu Fu leaving in a panic, the First Elder remained expressionless.
Naturally, the dispute between Shu Shan and the Yin Yang family cannot be described clearly in one or two sentences.
all in all.
In order to fight against the Yin-Yang family and prevent the plot of the Yin-Yang family…
The Great Elder had no choice but to choose.
Send two Shushan disciples to the Seventh Young Master to seek a thigh and a backer!
Thinking to this point, the Great Elder couldn’t help sighing: “I hope Xiao Yu and the others can smoothly integrate into the circle of the Seventh Young Master and the others.”
“The future of Mount Shu…”
“It all depends on their two brothers and sisters!”
The Great Elder and Xu Fu were at odds with each other, and they each got involved in the transfer of the Fusang Shenmu.
in process.
No matter how helpless and unwilling the Shushan disciples are, they can only admit it through gritted teeth.

Day and night alternate.
Time flies.
In the blink of an eye, four days passed.
Four full days have passed since Ying Changge left Shushan.
During these four days.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry army, under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​went all the way to the detailed location of the Mohist organ city, approaching at a terrifying speed.
All the way south!
On the way, I didn’t encounter any unsightly robbers.
An army of one hundred thousand cavalry, what an astonishing and terrifying lineup is this?
Not to mention bandits.
Even the well-trained remnants of the remnants of the Chu State will have to run away once they encounter these one hundred thousand cavalry.
There were no obstacles along the way, and they went south unimpededly to the Mohist institution city.
After four days of rushing, the 100,000 troops are only about one day away from the Mohist Trick City, and they can reach the destination of this trip.
It was only the last day before the imperial army could successfully arrive at the Mohist Organ City, a gathering place where countless anti-Qin people gathered from all corners of the country.
“The whole army listens to the order…~‖…”
“Stop and rest!”
“Only one day away, we can reach the destination of this trip.”
“So, cheer me up, all of you!”
“Perhaps, we may encounter the whereabouts of those anti-Qin elements around here.”
Meng Tian gave an order.
The army of one hundred thousand cavalry all stopped to rest.
The long-distance trek from the south of Shushan Mountain to the Mohist organ city can be described as a non-stop rush all the way, which made hundreds of thousands of cavalry, including the soldiers of the Qin army, feel physically and mentally exhausted.
Such a long journey will inevitably make people feel exhausted.
this way.
If it weren’t for the reasonable arrangement of the rest time, I’m afraid the 100,000 cavalry would suffer heavy losses.
Because the journey is too long, if there is no reasonable rest time. Then there is no doubt that before reaching the Mohist organ city, the cavalry Qin army will lose a lot of manpower.
If so, the gain outweighs the loss.
Generals and soldiers of the Qin army can die at the hands of anti-Qin elements, but if they die on the way, what is it?
One hundred thousand cavalry Qin Jun stopped to rest one after another.
Meng Tian, ​​on the other hand, rode the horse and came to the safest core area of ​​the cavalry army, and arrived at the gorgeously decorated carriage.
“My lord, there is still one day’s journey to the Mohist Trick City.”
With a respectful face, Meng Tian told the truth.
Then came Ying Changge’s flat voice from the carriage: “I see, General Lao Mengtian will concentrate on the next journey.”
“Prevent the anti-Qin elements from panic and detection because of the 100,000 iron cavalry officers and men going to war. In this way, the best opportunity to attack will be missed.”
“What we have to do is not just to destroy the Mohist organ city.”
“and also……”
“We want to wipe out all anti-Qin elements!”
“Including those anti-Qin people who are frantically gathering in the Mohist organ city now. They are our main targets for encirclement and suppression.”
There are a hundred thousand elite cavalry of the empire, what kind of terrifying battle is this?
It will inevitably have a huge impact.
This needs to test Meng Tian’s ability to lead troops.
It must be ensured that the 100,000 cavalry troops arrive at the Mohist organ city before the anti-Qin elements are noticed, so as to prevent these anti-Qin elements from escaping.
“My lord is right.”
Meng Tian nodded in deep agreement.
After thinking about it carefully, he couldn’t help asking: “By the way, young master, is there any news that Quicksand organized them recently?”
The detailed location of the Mohist organ city, this piece of news naturally came from Quicksand.
The destination of the empire’s 100,000 cavalry rushing all the way is also the exact address of the Mohist organ city indicated in the information sent by the quicksand organization.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry are about to arrive at the Mohist institution city.
Meng Tian thinks.
If at this critical moment, the quicksand organization can be contacted, then the matter of breaking through the Mohist organ city will not be too difficult.

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