She is the holy maiden of Shushan witch tribe!
Although within the Wu Clan of Shushan, Shi Lan never thought that her status was more noble than others, but she never thought that one day, she would become someone’s personal bodyguard.
All of this subverted Shi Lan’s cognition.
What exactly is the Great Elder going to do?
To actually send the two of them out to serve the Seventh Young Master?
quite a while.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked at each other, and each could see the shock in the depths of their eyes.
They didn’t dare to refute the decision of the Great Elder, they could only keep thinking in their hearts.
What is the purpose of the Great Elder doing this?
To let them get close to Seventh Young Master?
Let them please Seventh Young Master?
So that Shushan can get the help of the empire?
After thinking about it, the two brothers and sisters couldn’t think of an accurate answer and truth.
“Since the Great Elder begged so strongly…”
“Then I can’t refuse.”
Ying Changge laughed.
“I will ask the seventh son to take care of you in the future.”
“They rarely stepped into the world of mortals in the past, and they may not understand many things. I also ask the seventh son to be patient and teach me occasionally.”
“If they dare to disobey your order, Seventh Young Master, I will definitely punish them severely in the future!”
The great elder clasped his hands together.
The invincible powerhouse who has reached the perfect state of martial arts master will also reveal his inner restraint and humbleness when facing Ying Changge.
Not to mention the dignity of Ying Changge’s status, just the terrifying strength he possesses is enough to make the Great Elder feel ashamed from the bottom of his heart.
At such a young age, Ying Changge already has a strength comparable to that of the invincible powerhouse in the world.
One can imagine.
Given time, how far can the Seventh Young Master grow?
The Great Elder did not dare to imagine that scene.
“Young master, we should go.”
Meng Tian spit out softlyFurious, he was also a little surprised at the arrangement of the Great Elder Shushan, but he soon came back to his senses and reminded Ying Changge in a low voice.
Of course, Meng Tian, ​​who has been in the officialdom for many years, can also see it.
The reason why the great elder of Shushan sent two disciples of Shushan to curry favor with the seventh son.
It is not difficult to judge.
Shushan is looking for a backer!
And the seventh son is obviously the most reliable backer!
On this point, Meng Tian fully agrees.
“Seventh son, the old man will just send you off.”
“Regarding the Fusang Shenmu, please rest assured, my son. I will do my best to guard the Fusang Shenmu and prevent it from being destroyed or destroyed by anyone.”
The elder looked serious.
He glanced at Xu Fu from the corner of his eye, and his eyes looked intriguing.
“Young Master, don’t worry, the subordinates will do their best to transfer the Fusang Shenmu.”
Xu Fu on the side hurriedly stood up, and also made a promise.
Hearing this, Ying Changge nodded.
He thoughtfully asked Meng Tian: “General Meng Tian, ​​do you want to leave a part of the troops as the manpower to transfer the Fusang Shenmu?”
Meng Tian replied truthfully: “The humble post has already ordered it to go down. Three thousand elite cavalry from the empire will be left to station in Shushan to guard the Fusang sacred tree.”
“These three thousand elite cavalry will go to various regions in the Shu Kingdom according to the order of the humble officer, and recruit strong men to be responsible for transferring the Fusang Shenmu.”
Ying Changge suddenly understood.
Now that everything has been properly arranged 333, he naturally doesn’t need to interfere too much.
the rest…
The only big thing is to eradicate the anti-Qin elements!
The Mohists, the remnants of the remnants of the Chu State, the Taoists…
These will become the main goals of Ying Changge and Meng Tian in the future!
“Then let’s go.”
Ying Changge told Elder Xu, Xu Fu and the others, and took Shao Siming and Meng Ying with him, step by step, down the Shu Mountain with Meng Tian.
Different from when he came, when he left Shushan, there were two more little followers by Ying Changge’s side.
Naturally, they are the two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
“Young master.”
The two siblings first greeted Ying Changge respectfully, then followed Ying Changge’s footsteps carefully in a low voice.
With a perfect domineering sense of knowledge, he can naturally see into the tense little moods of the two brothers and sisters.
Ying Changge couldn’t help laughing.
He felt emotional.
Adding the words of Shao Siming…
It seems that I have two more personal maids with good identities out of nowhere!
Shao Siming, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, has a high position and authority.
Shi Lan, the holy maiden of the Wu tribe in Shushan, has a prominent status!
Who can think about it.
It was two prominent women who became Ying Changge’s personal maids.
I have to sigh with emotion.
The world is impermanent!
“I picked up a saint for nothing to be my personal maid?”
“My luck is not bad.”
“This time, not only did we solve the matter of Shushan and Fusang Shenmu without any effort. We also invited an invincible powerhouse to fight against the Yinyang family and fight with the Yinyang family.”
“For a long time to come, it’s the turn of the Yin Yang family to have a headache.”
“And I can also concentrate on dealing with those anti-Qin elements!”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
In less than a moment.
A group of people returned to the foot of Shushan Mountain smoothly.
Immediately afterwards.
Meng Tian raised his arms and called out: “The whole army obeys the order and set off!”
One order.
Nearly 100,000 imperial elite cavalry followed closely behind Meng Tian in a mighty manner, and went to the detailed location of the Mohist organ city with great fanfare.
As for Ying Changge, he took Shao Si Ming and Shi Lan’s two daughters into the carriage.
Meng Ying and Yu Ziqi are each driving a war horse.
They followed closely on the left and right sides of the carriage, each in charge of one direction, acting as a qualified bodyguard.
With Ying Changge alone as the main core link…
Let the empire and Shushan reach a close cooperation!
This line.
The goal of nearly 100,000 cavalry troops…
Mohist mechanism city! .
Chapter 219: One Hundred Thousand Cavalry Heads South! Four days later! Mohist giant! 【Please customize】
Following the army of 100,000 imperial cavalry, they left Shushan under the leadership of Meng Tian.
The huge Shu Mountain has become extraordinarily deserted.
The atmosphere is weird!
The resignation and helplessness of a group of Shushan disciples would not be able to recover in a short time.

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