Meng Tian expressed an unprecedented understanding of the Yin Yang family’s eagerness to seize the Fusang Shenmu.
He finally understood.
Why are the Yin Yang families so eager for the hibiscus tree!
… … …
Even he himself was moved!
This is a real sacred tree!
It seems to be completely detached from the existence of life species in this world.
“It’s worth it!”
Xu Fu swallowed, thinking so in his heart.
Taking such a huge risk to seize Fusang Shenmu…
Feeling such an exuberant breath of life at close range made Xu Fu understand why His Excellency Donghuang longed for the Fusang Shenmu so much.
This moment.
Xu Fu also thinks.
All this is worth it.
Even at the risk of arousing the wrath of His Majesty the First Emperor, I would not hesitate!
If you can get the Fusang Shenmu, then everything becomes unimportant.
“Just a five-year loan?”
“Do not!”
“I want to make the Fusang Shenmu the private property of the Yin Yang family!”
Xu Fu was full of firm thoughts in his heart.
If the Fusang Shenmu is returned to Shushan, this is the real waste of nature!
These stubborn fellows of the Shushan Wu Clan…
How can they play the true role of Fusang Shenmu?
“We must use Fusang Shenmu to complete that plan within these five years!”
“in this way……”
“Even if the time comes, His Majesty the First Emperor will be furiously questioned, it is nothing.”
Xu Fu thought to himself.
Just as his thoughts were flying.
Located next to Mengtian.
Ying Changge suddenly said coldly: “By the way, I almost forgot an important matter. In fact, there is another matter that I need to tell Elder Xu Fu.”
Xu Fu asked subconsciously: “What?”
Ying Changge had a playful smile on his face, and told the truth: “I have temporarily borrowed the Fusang Shenmu in Shushan for the past five years, in order to prevent the Fusang Shenmu from suffering irreversible damage and trauma during the period.”
“I personally suggest. Let the great elder of Shushan personally come forward to guard the Fusang sacred tree, and guard the Fusang sacred tree until five years later.”
“In this way, we can fully ensure that the Fuso Shenmu will not suffer any damage during this period.”
“Let an invincible strong man who has reached the perfect level of a martial arts master come to personally guard the Fusang Shenmu. In this way, the disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan can also rest assured.”
“I believe.”
“Elder Xu Fu, you shouldn’t have any objection to this, right?”
The words fell.
Xu Fu’s whole body instantly became stiff.
what’s going on? !
Let an invincible powerhouse come to protect Fusang Shenmu?
Doesn’t that mean.
Their Onmyo family’s intention to conspire with the Fusang Shenmu also came to naught?
what is this?
This does not make it clear.
Is it the rhythm of plotting against their Yin Yang family and plotting against Fusang Shenmu?
Just ask.
Under the constant protection of an invincible powerhouse in the world, their Yin-Yang family,How else can action be taken against Fuso Shenmu?
There is nothing that can be done! Where.
Chapter 217 Departure! Leave Shushan! Go to the Mohist Trick City! 【Please customize】
Who is the Great Elder of Shushan?
This is an invincible terrifying existence in the world!
As strong as Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yin Yang family, a strong man who dare not provoke at will!
Let this kind of existence guard the Fusang Shenmu?
Don’t you think this is a huge waste?
Seventh son, how wary are you of the Yin Yang family?
To let an invincible strongman go to personally guard the Fusang Shenmu!
You are too obvious about the Yin Yang family!
Xu Fu opened his mouth in bewilderment, unable to speak for a moment.
He wanted to refute.
But think about it carefully.
But he couldn’t find any reason or excuse to refute.
Could it be that the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge’s proposal was rejected?
Can’t find it at all!
But if it is really necessary to let an invincible powerhouse in this world guard the Fusang Shenmu, Xu Fu feels that this will definitely have an unprecedented impact on the follow-up plans of the Yin Yang family.
after all.
Who would dare to provoke an existence that is invincible in the world?
Except for the leader, His Excellency Donghuang, who can provoke the great elder of Shushan?
With such a terrifying existence guarding Fusang Shenmu, even if the Yin Yang family really had countless follow-up plans, they would not be able to implement them.
Thinking of this, Xu Fu only felt a headache.
He didn’t expect that.
Seventh Young Master still has a follow-up trick, coming to target their Yin Yang family.
I thought.
Temporarily borrowing the Fusang Shenmu for a period of five years is already a ruthless move.
The final trick is even more ruthless!
Let a strong martial arts master of the perfect level guard the Fusang sacred tree to prevent their Yin Yang family from carrying out any “three-three-three” actions against the Fusang sacred tree.
This is the most ruthless!
With such a powerful existence guarding the Fusang Shenmu, how could their Yin Yang family dare to take action against the Fusang Shenmu.
“Is this surveillance?”
“Monitor every move of our Yin Yang family!”
“By the way, it can also monitor any measures we take against Fuso Shenmu.”
“This is your plan, Seventh Young Master?”
Xu Fu Shenli sighed helplessly.
The feeling of surprise that had just surfaced in him seemed to be extinguished by a basin of cold water in an instant.
The moment I saw Fuso Shenmu.
He has already made preparations to use the Fusang Shenmu within five years to complete the plan formulated by the Onmyo family.
Never thought.
Accident, it happened without any warning!
This accident caught Xu Fu off guard.

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