Even Meng Tian showed a bewildered expression.
He fixed his gaze on the Great Elder blankly, and then turned to look at Ying Changge who was full of smiles.
“This this!”
“That is not true, is it?”
“Young Master, do you really want an invincible powerhouse to protect the Fusang Shenmu?”
“Furthermore, this person is a high-ranking and powerful elder in Shushan!”
Meng Tian was bewildered.
He also did not expect that things would go on like this.
But on second thought.
Seeing Xu Fu’s ugly and sluggish face, Meng Tian suddenly realized.
Seventh Young Master also has this move to target the Yin Yang family!
I have learned a lot!
But I have to admit.
Seventh Young Master’s move is really amazing!
The Onmyo family wants to conspire with Fusang Shenmu?
Feel sorry……
With the great elders of Mount Shu personally guarding it, I might ask, what other measures can the Yinyang family take to plot against the Fusang Shenmu?
Nothing can be done!
In this way, the development of any plans of the Yin Yang family can be prevented.
“This is the ultimate goal of the Seventh Young Master!”
“This time, the Yin Yang family can be regarded as stealing chickens and losing money.”
Meng Tian secretly laughed inwardly.
The yin and yang family wants to reap the benefits of the fisherman?
What I think is beautiful!
it’s good now.
Still want to try to seize Fusang Shenmu? Occupy Fuso Shenmu?
With the great elder of Shushan coming forward in person, how would the Yinyang family dare to get their hands on the Fusang Shenmu?
This is a genuine invincible powerhouse!
With such a powerful existence guarding it, the Onmyo family must not dare to act rashly against Fusang Shenmu again.
And obviously.
The Great Elder of Shushan will never tolerate anyone trying to take any action against Fusang Shenmu.
“Now, what will your Yin Yang family do?”
Meng Tian smiled strangely on his face.
He had to admire.
Seventh Young Master’s plan is simply perfect!
The Yin Yang family suffered a dumb loss, and they were unable to refute, let alone refuse.
This is one of the few scenes that Meng Tian witnessed with his own eyes, and the Yin Yang family suffers.
in the past.
The yin and yang family all sit back and enjoy their achievements.
Who would have thought.
Today, he was beaten to the ground by Seventh Young Master’s plan.
in particular……
Seeing Xu Fu’s ugly face, Meng Tian was naturally very happy.
He just wanted to say.
Well done!
I also ask the seventh son to step up his efforts to target the Yin Yang family!
Look at these guys from the Yin Yang family, will they dare to be so arrogant and arrogant in the future.
“Elder Xu Fu is worried that the Great Elder will delay the efficiency of your Yin Yang family’s methods?”
Seeing that Xu Fu didn’t respond for a long time, Ying Changge continued to talk with a smile.
Hearing this, Xu Fu continued to remain silent.
He really couldn’t think of any excuse to refute.
There is only silence!
“You don’t have to worry about that.”
Ying Changge smiled playfully and explained, “The Great Elder of Shushan guards the Fusang Shenmu just to prevent accidents and damage to the Fusang Shenmu, that’s all.”
“Other things, Great ElderAbsolutely will not interfere in it. ”
“On this point, your Yin Yang family can rest assured.”
“Besides, he will never get involved in any decisions made by your Yin Yang family.”
“In general.”
“The duty and mission of the Great Elder is only to protect the Fusang Sacred Tree for five years. During this period, he will prevent anyone from trying to get their hands on the Fusang Sacred Tree and cause damage and influence to the Fusang Sacred Tree.”
“Except for this matter, the Great Elder will not get involved in any other cumbersome matters, let alone affect the plans and decisions of your Yin Yang family.”
After listening to Ying Changge’s explanation, Xu Fu became even more silent.
It was because Ying Changge’s explanation was too thorough that Xu Fu could not find any excuse to refute.
If he had a choice, Xu Fu would certainly not want to.
Let the invincible elder of Shushan go to guard the Fusang sacred tree in person.
Their Onmyo family themselves have plots against Fusang Shenmu.
At this moment, if the Great Elder of Shushan is involved, what else is their Yinyang family planning?
How could they manage to take measures against Fusang Shenmu in front of the great elder?
This is a genuine invincible powerhouse!
The only one in the Yin Yang family who is qualified to shake is the leader Donghuang Taiyi.
Except for Donghuang Taiyi, even if it is a strong man like Moon God and Star Soul, if he meets the elder of Shushan in front of him, it will be just a gift of his head.
“Young master, after all, the subordinates still feel that something is wrong.”
After hesitating for a moment, Xu Fu lowered his head and said.
“Oh? What’s wrong? But it’s okay to say.”
“I also really want to hear your opinion, Elder Xu Fu, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family.”
“You can safely and openly say that I will definitely consider your proposal carefully.”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face didn’t fade.
Meng Ying, Shao Siming, Meng Tian, ​​the Great Elder of Shushan, Yu Ziqi, Shi Lan and others all involuntarily fixed their eyes on Xu Fu.
The atmosphere has become a little weird!
No sound!
In the eyes of everyone.
Xu Fu felt the pressure.
A little cold sweat involuntarily spilled out of his forehead, and the cold sweat slid down the sides of his cheeks and fell to the ground from under his chin.
“Subordinate, this subordinate is wrong.”
“Seventh Young Master, your arrangement just now is absolutely perfect!”
“The subordinates can’t find any flaws at all, so naturally they can’t talk about making suggestions.”
“Just now, I just said that in a moment of impatience.”
Xu Fu’s throat was dry, and he spoke weakly.
“I see……”
Ying Changge laughed.
After a pause, he made a decision on the spot: “Since that’s the case, then this matter is decided. Shushan temporarily borrowed the Fusang Shenmuyu Empire for five years, and the great elder of Shushan will personally protect the Fusang Shenmu.”
“Anyone who wants to take action against Fusang Shenmu must propose to the Great Elder of Shushan. Only with the latter’s approval can he take action against Fusang Shenmu.”

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