The Yin Yang family also has today?
Don’t you want to reap the benefits of the fisherman?
now what?
It’s gone now!
The Seventh Young Master’s plan directly brought back the Yin Yang family’s plan to its original form.
“Elder Xu Fu…”
“What do you think of Seventh Young Master’s words?”
“I remember that the proposal to seize the sacred tree of Fusang, which has been guarded for thousands of years by the witch clan in Shushan, came from your mouth. I really want to know whether you can complete the task assigned by your majesty within five years?”
“I hope Elder Xu Fu can give an accurate answer!”
Meng Tian looked at Xu Fu with interest.
Now the Yin Yang family is in big trouble!
For this, Meng Tian almost clapped his hands and applauded.
Faced with the persecution of Ying Changge and Meng Tian, ​​Xu Fu was speechless for a while.
Cold sweat began to overflow from his forehead, and the cold sweat flowed violently again and again. It slowly fell from both sides of his cheeks along the track, accumulated in his chin, and fell to the ground.
“Don’t worry, Seventh Young Master…”
“The subordinates will definitely do their best to complete the tasks assigned by His Majesty within five years.”
Xu Fu gritted his teeth, he could only guarantee so.
He really couldn’t think of a second argument.
Say it out loud.
In this world, there are overseas fairy islands, and there are similar rumors about immortals on the fairy islands, which also came from his mouth, Xu Fu.
Now that he has won the key to find the overseas fairy island Fusang Shenmu, how can he not give an accurate answer?
If no answer is given, Xu Fu thinks.
Whether it is Ying Changge or Meng Tian present, they will never let it go!
But actually.
Xu Fu also panicked a lot.
He does not know where the overseas fairy island is!
The reason why they conspired to seize Fusang Shenmu was not because they had other plans!
Isn’t it because of the order of His Excellency Donghuang, the leader of the Yin Yang family!
Ask him to successfully find the overseas fairy island within five years?
This is simply too difficult!
No matter how difficult it was, Xu Fu didn’t dare to show it on his face, for fear that Ying Changge and Meng Tian would notice any abnormal changes in his mentality.
The Haikou I boasted, even with tears in my eyes, I still have to fulfill it.
“With Elder Xu Fu’s words, then I can rest assured.”
“It’s not in vain that I spent so much effort to persuade the great elders of Shushan to temporarily borrow the sacred relics they have guarded for thousands of years from the empire for a full five years.”
“It took so much effort to successfully obtain the Fusang Shenmu for five years. I only hope that Elder Xu Fu and your Yinyang family will not waste my painstaking efforts.”
Ying Changge smiled.
“I will definitely not disappoint you, my son, let alone His Majesty.”
Xu Fu lowered his head and spoke briefly.
He said too much and made many mistakes, so he simply stopped talking too much.
He was already thinking about it in his heart.
If you have to return to the Yinyang family, in what way should you explain what happened today to the leader of the Yinyang family, His Excellency Donghuang.
This matter was beyond Xu Fu’s control.
He must report this matter!
“Your Excellency Donghuang, we are in serious trouble now.”
“Who would have thought…”
“Seventh Young Master suddenly tripped our Yin Yang family.”
“This trick is simply impossible to guard against!”
Xu Fu thought very sadly in his heart.
He couldn’t think of it anyway.
how toTo fulfill what you have said?
Find overseas Xiandao within five years?
Xu Fu is still confused now.
How to find it?
Use Fuso Shenmu to find it?
No wonder you can find it!
The group of people had a strange atmosphere and came all the way to the Holy Land of Shushan.
All the way.
Meng Tian and Xu Fu could see it.
That towering tree towering above the clouds.
As soon as you approach this area, you can feel the exuberant breath of life rushing towards your face.
Meng Tian only felt it.
The body pores are wide open…
The breath of life is all over the body!
Under the nourishment of this exuberant vitality, some hidden wounds on Meng Tian’s body seemed to be healed at any time.
“This, this is…”
Meng Tian’s eyes were lost for a while.
He stared blankly at the incomparably huge towering tree directly in front of him.
The trunk of the tree towers above the clouds, almost piercing through the sky.
The bright red color of the trunk is extremely dazzling and eye-catching, attracting Meng Tian’s gaze.
The golden leaves all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun, towering hundreds of meters away.
As the golden sun shines down from the sky.
The golden leaves even reflect a little halo, and the branches and leaves all over the sky are shining with golden light, like pieces of golden leaves, which is refreshing.
Xu Fu was also attracted by the Fusang Shenmu.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
“Is this the Fusang Shenmu?”
“Shushan witches have guarded the sacred objects for nearly a thousand years for generations!”
“so perfect!”
“What kind of amazing life species is this?”
Xu Fu’s throat was dry.
It was also the first time he had witnessed the Fusang sacred tree that only existed in myths and legends.
The moment I saw Fuso Shenmu for the first time.
Involuntarily, he was completely attracted by the Fusang Shenmu.
The soul of the body seems to be hooked away!
Involuntarily, Xu Fu’s footsteps stopped abruptly.
Meng Tian next to him was no exception, the two of them stayed in place in a daze, staring at the hibiscus tree directly in front of them with dull eyes, unable to move their eyes away for a long time.
“What a huge sacred tree!”
“What a strong vitality…”
“It’s no wonder people from the Yin Yang family have such a longing plot for it!”
Meng Tian thought to himself.
Only when you get close to the Fusang Shenmu can you deeply understand it.
What amazing power does the hibiscus tree in myths and legends have.
That exuberant vitality, even though they are far apart, can still be deeply felt by Meng Tian.
The body seems to be bathed in warm sunlight…
The life force washes and cleanses the body.
this moment.

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