With a playful expression on Ying Changge’s face, he spoke meaningfully.
“No, dare not!”
Xu Fu hurriedly shook his head in fear.
He was really dissatisfied to the extreme.
But, does he really dare to say it?
Doesn’t it mean to say it.
They yin and yang family really fooled His Majesty the First Emperor as a fool?
No matter how many thoughts he had in his mind, Xu Fu dared not speak them out at all.
Otherwise, he felt that he would definitely get burned!
It may even be beyond redemption because of this!
With countless fearful thoughts in his heart, Xu Fu could only keep silent.
He kept thinking about it.
How should we break the situation!
This round was obviously the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge’s intention to target their entire Yin Yang family.
But the key is…
He couldn’t think of any way to break the situation!
“Since Elder Xu Fu has no objection, then I can rest assured.”
“As for the father? I will explain clearly.”
“I believe.”
“Father will definitely not express dissatisfaction with my decision-making.”
“Five years is enough time for the Yin Yang family to play the role of Fusang Shenmu.”
Ying Changge had a smile on his face.
Speaking of which.
The words suddenly stopped for a moment.
His expression looked intriguing, and he spoke again meaningfully.
“Elder Xu Fu probably thinks that five years is too short.”
“The Yin Yang family can’t complete the task entrusted by the emperor within five years, right?”.
Chapter 216: Every step of the way! There is a back move! Xu Fu was dumbfounded! 【Please customize】
“Or maybe.”
“Elder Xu Fu, your Yin Yang family said before that they would use the hibiscus tree as the key to communicate with the overseas immortal islands. Could these words be fabricated fake news?”
“It’s the false remarks you made in order to seize the Fusang Shenmu.”
“You must not tell me…”
“In five years, your Yin Yang family will not be able to find the overseas fairy island!”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face remained undiminished, but his plain face showed a bit of sternness.
As his voice fell one after another.
The four in Xu Fu’s head became completely confused.
Find overseas Xiandao within five years?
This makes Xu Fu basically have no confidence!
The reason why the Yinyang family tried to seize the Fusang sacred tree was precisely because of the Yinyang family’s own evil plan.
But now.
Once there is a five-year contract time limit, then things will be troublesome!
Before there is no limit, the Yin Yang family can delay the time for a while.
But once there are restrictions, it will be a big trouble!
“Five years…”
“I finally understand.”
“Why are the disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan willing to give away the Fusang Shenmu?”
“Feelings are agreed to be temporarily borrowed for five years.”
“I never expected that the Seventh Young Master would be able to come up with such a move!”
Xu Fu’s throat was dry, and he was unable to speak for a while in the face of Ying Changge’s question.
He really didn’t expect it.
The seventh son Ying Changge actually chose to cooperate with Shushan, and even proposed this so-called five-year agreement.
Their Yin Yang family is about to face huge trouble!
I was still thinking about it.
You can reap the benefits of being a fisherman, and you don’t need to spend a single soldier to win the Fusang Shenmu.
The final result directly overturned his intentions.material range.
The five-year contract has brought unprecedented oppression to Xu Fu and the entire Yin Yang family.
After hearing what Ying Changge said, Meng Tian was also stunned.
He also finally understood.
Why did Shushan take the initiative to hand over the sacred hibiscus tree, which is regarded as a treasure, to the empire for disposal.
It turned out that it was not given to the empire…
And it’s just a temporary loan for five years!
Of course, Meng Tian will not have any dissatisfaction or objection.
He believes.
His Majesty the First Emperor will never be dissatisfied, on the contrary, he is happy to see it.
after all.
If the Yinyang family is not given an exact deadline, who can guarantee that the Yinyang family will not deliberately delay the time?
With the time limit, once the time is up and the Yin Yang Family cannot find the Overseas Immortal Island, it will inevitably usher in the anger and painful blow of His Majesty the First Emperor.
Thinking of this, Meng Tian suddenly felt extremely happy and joyful.
Of course, he didn’t have any good feelings for the Yin Yang family.
Now, seeing that the Yin Yang family suffered a loss, he would naturally be very excited.
at the same time.
Meng Tian couldn’t help but admire in his heart.
This plan of the Seventh Young Master is absolutely amazing!
It’s the perfect strategy!
Without any effort, he obtained the hibiscus tree that Shushan temporarily borrowed for five years, preventing the upcoming battle between the empire and Shushan.
Can do it again.
Let the Yin Yang family feel the pressure, so they have to implement the order of His Majesty the First Emperor.
Simply the best of both worlds!
The yin and yang family who originally planned to reap the benefits of the fisherman, now they can’t steal the chicken and lose the rice.
Regarding the occurrence of this situation, Meng Tian only wanted to say something in his heart.
Well done!
Dealing with these guys from the Yin Yang family, that’s how it should be!
It’s time to give them some color.
Lest the Yin-Yang family really think that they can dominate the empire and enjoy the countless benefits of the empire without paying any price.
“No matter what the Yin Yang family’s intentions are, they will be caught off guard by Seventh Young Master’s move!”
“The plan of the Yin Yang family will also undergo a huge reversal and change because of this…”
“Seventh Young Master’s move can be said to directly hit the weakest part of the Yin Yang family.”
Seeing Xu Fu’s terrified expression, Meng Tian felt extraordinarily happy in his heart.
So comfortable!

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