Most likely!
“Not good!”
“I can’t let my father go to war and have a conflict with Shushan.”
“Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain.”
“Father’s actions must be stopped!”
Thinking up to this point, Meng Ying hastily followed Meng Tian’s footsteps.
He who was threatened by Meng Tian just now was stupefied, almost forgot to explain to Meng Tian, ​​the detailed ins and outs of the matter.
“If father ruins the son’s plan, I’m afraid it will be a big trouble!”
“Father, you must not act rashly…”
“Young master had a hard time convincing the great elder of Shushan, and convinced all the disciples of Shushan.”
“At this moment, if you go to war to deal with Shushan disciples, that would be the most stupid behavior.”
With countless anxious thoughts in his heart, Meng Tian’s pace quickened countless times.
This cooperation can be described as extremely difficult!
If it is destroyed at the last critical moment…
Meng Ying couldn’t imagine it.
To what extent will my son be angry!
Just by imagining it a little bit, Mengying felt the chills.
Meng Ying successfully caught up with the end of the iron cavalry team ahead.
Perhaps because of too much anxiety in his heart, Meng Tian, ​​who was far ahead, was driving the horse so fast that Meng Ying couldn’t catch up at all.
Meng Ying could see it.
His father, Meng Tian, ​​was very worried about the life of the seventh son, so he led tens of thousands of cavalry to the top of Shushan in such a hurry, almost wanting to break out a war with the Shushan witches.
But the problem is…
The matter of Shushan has been resolved by his son.
if nowWhen a war broke out with Shushan, all the young master’s efforts would be in vain, and all of them would be in vain.
“Hurry up!”
Meng Ying’s forehead was covered with sweat, and he gritted his teeth and rushed forward at full speed.

Meng Tian led tens of thousands of cavalry to the top of Shu Mountain.
It was a group of angry Shushan disciples.
Hundreds of Shushan disciples stared at Meng Tian, ​​their eyes were full of anger and murderous intent, and they did not hide the malice and disgust in their hearts.
“It’s the iron cavalry of the empire…”
“Have the people of the empire finally arrived? A group of robbers!”
“Okay, stop talking.”
“The Great Elder has already made a decision, so we don’t want to make any more trouble for the Great Elder.”
A Shushan disciple whispered.
Following a deafening iron hoof trampling the ground, after a while, under the leadership of Meng Tian, ​​all the cavalry came to an abrupt stop here.
headed by.
Meng Tian was riding a war horse, holding a bronze sword in his hand, his brows were full of fierceness, his eyes were fixed on the group of Shushan disciples, and he made no secret of the surging murderous intent.
“General Meng Tian…”
“If you don’t give these Shushan disciples a little color, I’m afraid, the young master may really be in danger.”
Xu Fu, who had been following Meng Tian all the time, couldn’t help blurting out.
“What Elder Xu Fu said is absolutely true.”
“It seems…”
“These Shushan disciples have not understood the power and power of the empire for a long time because they have avoided the world. This is why they are today, and they dared to try to hold the seventh son hostage.”
Meng Tian nodded in deep agreement.
An anxious killing intent and anger were suffocating in his heart, and this killing intent seemed to spread substantially, and the terrifying murderous intent shrouded in all directions.
There are tens of thousands of imperial cavalry leading behind him, which makes the power emanating from Meng Tian look particularly terrifying.
Hundreds of Shushan disciples did not dare to look directly at Meng Tian’s sharp eyes.
In terms of momentum, it is completely inferior to Meng Tian.
“Let me ask you a word.”
“You guys, what happened to the seventh son?”
Meng Tian shouted angrily.
The voice was loud and resounded through the sky.
A group of Shushan disciples were stunned.
What the hell?
What do we do with the seventh son?
What does Seventh Young Master want us to do!
Why did you come to your place and ask questions instead?
A group of Shushan disciples were dazed and confused, unable to respond for a long time.
Meng Tian became even more angry.
He became murderous and gripped the bronze sword in his hand tightly.
The aura emanating from his body became more and more cold and intense.
Sensing the ups and downs of Meng Tian’s killing intent, Xu Fu who was beside him felt secretly relieved.
That’s it!
The entire Shu Mountain must be completely wiped out!
Destroy the Wu Clan in Shushan!
In this way, the yin and yang family can reap the benefits of the fisherman.
“General Meng Tian, ​​do you need me to take action?”
Xu Fu asked with a smile.
“No need, Elder Xu Fu just watch the battle from the sidelines.”
Meng Tian directly refused.
Xu Fu nodded.
Since he didn’t need to make a move, he was also happy.
But at the moment when Meng Tian was about to issue an order to launch an extermination operation against Shushan.
A voice suddenly sounded.
“General Meng Tian, ​​who are you?”
Look along the source of the sound.
Meng Tian can see it.
Ying Changge, who was dressed in white, was completely unscathed, standing beside an old man, with a calm and natural expression, without any injuries at all.
Take a closer look.
There was not even an iota of dust on his body.
“Master, son…”
“Haven’t you been held hostage by Shushan disciples?”
Meng Tian was shocked when he saw Ying Changge.
Could it be that.
It’s all just a misunderstanding?
Just misunderstood?
The Seventh Young Master looks so unscathed, does he really look like he is being held hostage by Shushan?
It doesn’t look like it at all!
“Abducted by Shushan disciples?”

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