it goes without saying.
The entire sky seems to be pierced and broken by this loud shout.
This loud roar and roar can be heard tens of thousands of meters away.
“go ahead!”
Meng Tian steered the horse and walked far ahead.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry army followed closely, approaching step by step, and gradually approaching Shushan.
Yun Zhongjun, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, has been following Meng Tian’s side.
Feeling the terrifying aura of the 100,000 cavalry army, he looked a little relieved, and the eyes he looked at Shushan suddenly became a little relaxed.
As long as Shushan is destroyed, everything will be easy to handle!
Shushan Wu Clan…
It must be eradicated!
To avoid further complications and interfere with their Yin Yang family’s next plan.
Tread Tread!
Iron hooves trampled on the ground, and there was a series of sounds.
The whole earth seemed to be trampled and broken, and the thunderous sound spread and swept in all directions.
The earth trembled and hummed again.
The ground was dusty, and the sand and gravel were beating, as if a small earthquake had ushered in.
A total of 100,000 imperial cavalry, led by Meng Tian, ​​rushed all the way to the foot of Shu Mountain, and formally broke into Shu Mountain.
“Kill it!”
Meng Tian’s eyebrows were full of murderous intent, and he took the lead in leading the charge of the horse.
One hundred and fifty thousand elite cavalry followed closely.
The huge Mount Shu couldn’t accommodate these 100,000 cavalry for a while!
The number of one hundred thousand cavalry is too large!
Even though Shu Mountain is huge, it can’t accommodate the empire’s 100,000 cavalry at all.
Meng Tian could only lead about 50,000 cavalry to attack Shushan together.
The momentum is like a rainbow!
Morale is skyrocketing!
Thinking that the Seventh Young Master might have encountered an accident, Meng Tian became very anxious.
If Seventh Young Master makes any mistakes…
He, Meng Tian, ​​will also be greatly implicated.
“You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t…”
“Shouldn’t Seventh Young Master have been allowed to break into Shu Mountain alone!”
Meng Tian felt deep remorse in his heart.
if it is possibleHe would rather take the risk of offending the Seventh Young Master to stop him.
In Meng Tian’s view, Ying Changge led a few people into Shushan, and there was no news or news for such a long time, so he was definitely in a desperate situation.
Otherwise, there would be no movement for such a long time.
With this thought in mind, Meng Tian led his army to rush to Mount Shu even faster.
“Seventh Young Master, you must not have any accidents!”
“Otherwise, there is no way for this subordinate to explain to His Majesty.”
Meng Tian felt helpless and anxious.
Leading 50,000 cavalry to attack Shushan, the momentum was so great that the whole Shushan was like an earthquake, and there were bursts of loud sounds.
The iron hooves trampled the ground, and the dust danced wantonly.
“I hope these Shushan disciples will not act insanely and threaten the life of the seventh son.”
“The entire mountain of Shushan will be razed to the ground by His Majesty’s wrath!”
“Given the status of the Seventh Young Master in His Majesty’s mind, if the Seventh Young Master is injured in any way, the Wu Clan in Shushan is afraid that His Majesty will punish the nine clans!”
“but me……”
“It may also be a disaster!”
Meng Tian smiled wryly.
Just when he was about to lead his army to rush to Shushan.
He ran into a familiar figure by chance.
“The whole army obeys orders…”
Meng Tian’s pupils narrowed slightly. After seeing this familiar figure, he immediately waved his hand and gave orders to the cavalry who followed him into Shushan Mountain.
The advance of the army came to an abrupt halt.
Meng Tian stared at the figure in front of him, and subconsciously asked anxiously: “What’s wrong with the seventh son? Is his life in danger? Did the people in Shushan capture the seventh son and try to coerce us?”
The figure that appeared in front of him was naturally Meng Ying who walked down from the top of Shushan Mountain.
Seeing his own son Meng Ying, instead of relaxing, Meng Tian felt more and more uneasy.
There were even a little sweat stains on his forehead, showing the tension in his mood.
“Father, father, the seventh son…”
Meng Ying just spoke.
Before his voice fell completely, he was directly interrupted by Meng Tian: “Stop talking. Now, lead the way immediately, I will rush to rescue the young master!”
“at all costs……”
“These damn guys in Shushan must pay the price!”
“How dare you coerce the seventh son to threaten the army of the empire?”
“act recklessly!”
Speaking of this, Meng Tian became more and more angry.
He subconsciously thought so.
His own son, Meng Ying, ran all the way down from the top of Shushan Mountain in order to ask for help.
“General Meng Tian, ​​it seems that these Shushan disciples are really bold!”
“This time, it’s good to wipe them out once and for all.”
“Avoid follow-up…”
“Extraordinary branches.”
Xu Fu was next to Meng Tian and proposed directly.
“It makes sense, and that’s exactly what it means.”
Meng Tian snorted coldly.
His eyes were full of murderous intent, and he even pulled out the sharp bronze sword at his waist, and shouted coldly at the tens of thousands of cavalry troops behind him.
“Kill all the disciples of Shushan!”
“How dare you intimidate the seventh son? We, as subjects, must make them pay a painful price.”
“A mere Shushan Wu clan dares to offend the seventh son?”
“A bunch of ignorant fools!”
Meng Tian didn’t wait for Mengying to explain, he jumped over Mengying directly, and led tens of thousands of cavalry troops to move forward again, and rushed to the top of Shushan Mountain without stopping.
The speed of progress at this moment is a bit faster than before.
Only Meng Ying was left in the original place with a dazed and bewildered expression.
who I am?
where am i
What just happened?
Why did my father run away suddenly?
And he led the army to Shushan in such a hurry…
Could it be.
Father thought Shushan disciples were going to be unfavorable to the young master?

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