“Only by them?”
“General Meng Tian, ​​are you kidding me?”
“You don’t think that someone in Shushan can do anything to me, do you?”
After hearing what Meng Tian said, the expression on Ying Changge’s face became even weirder.
next to him.
The high-ranking elder of Shushan couldn’t help but look embarrassed.
He subconsciously raised his hand and flicked his white beard, trying to cover up his current embarrassing situation.
Holding Seventh Young Master hostage?
General Meng Tian…
Then you really think highly of our Shu Mountain!
Don’t talk about holding the seventh son hostage.
If our Shu Mountain is not overthrown by the seventh son alone, it will be auspicious.
Let us run to hold the Seventh Young Master hostage?
Ha ha……
This joke is not funny at all!
The Great Elder couldn’t help recalling.
before that.
The scene where Ying Changge was alone, overturning half of Shushan Mountain with just his own strength…
Thinking of this, the Great Elder was silent in his heart.
This kind of terrifying monster is also something they Shushan can hold hostage?
As long as the other party doesn’t come to hold them hostage in Shushan, they will go to pray to God, worship Buddha and burn incense!
How dare they hold a monster like Seventh Young Master hostage? ! .
Chapter 214 Shushan was swept away by the young master alone? Meng Tian was shocked! 【Please customize】
Meng Tian hurriedly jumped up from the horse, couldn’t help coughing dryly, his old face blushed, and carefully looked at Ying Changge’s whole body.
Under careful observation.
he noticed.
Ying Changge hardly suffered any injuries.
Even the clothes were not stained with any dust.
Is this what it looks like being coerced?
Obviously not!
“Is it true that I misunderstood?”
MontyWith a dry throat, this thought came to my mind.
I really misunderstood myself!
The seventh son doesn’t look like he is being coerced by Shushan disciples.
“This is General Meng Tian, ​​who is famous in the empire, right? It’s better to meet him than to be famous. General Meng Tian is indeed very powerful.”
The Great Elder’s eyes fixed on Meng Tian’s body, and his tone was filled with emotion.
“Who is this?”
It was only then that Meng Tian realized the existence of the Great Elder, and his expression showed strong doubts.
Just now, his attention had been on Ying Changge, but he didn’t notice the old man standing beside Ying Changge.
this moment.
After the Great Elder took the initiative to speak, Meng Tian suddenly reacted.
“He is the Great Elder of Shushan!”
“There are thousands of disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan, and all of them need to follow the wishes of the Great Elder.”
Ying Changge gave a brief introduction.
“The Great Elder of Shushan?!”
Meng Tian’s eyes widened immediately.
what’s going on?
This is the legendary elder of Shushan?
So who can explain.
Why is the Great Elder of Shushan so familiar with the seventh son? !
this moment.
Meng Tian was dumbfounded again.
Instead of being coerced by the disciples of Shushan, the Seventh Young Master got along with the mysterious elder of Shushan.
All this made Meng Tian totally unpredictable.
“The Great Elder of Shushan?”
Xu Fu, who was following Meng Tian, ​​after listening to Ying Changge’s introduction, his pupils shrank slightly involuntarily, and his face was full of horror and shock.
Compared to Meng Tian, ​​Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu, who is one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, obviously has a deeper awareness than Meng Tian.
What a terrifying and powerful existence the Great Elder of Shushan is!
This Great Elder of Shushan…
That is a powerful existence that even the leader of the Yinyang family, His Excellency Donghuang, feels palpitations and fears for!
One can imagine.
How terrifying is the strength of the Great Elder of Shushan.
Of course Xu Fu didn’t expect it.
Today, he actually witnessed this Great Elder of Shushan with his own eyes.
“A legendary strong man standing in front of me?”
“Still talking happily with Seventh Young Master?”
“Isn’t Shushan someone who should be hostile to the empire?”
“But why, this Great Elder talks so happily with the Seventh Young Master.”
“This is completely unreasonable!”
Xu Fu was shocked.
The name of the Great Elder of Shushan really frightened him a lot.
Xu Fu naturally didn’t dare to underestimate the existence of an existence that Donghuang Taiyi would be afraid of.
“If I’m not mistaken…”
“This great elder of Shushan has already reached the perfect realm of a martial arts master!”
“Among the ranks of invincible in the world.”
“This kind of terrifying existence is actually indifferent to the purpose of the empire this time? Doesn’t he want to protect the Fusang Shenmu?”
“This is the sacred object of their Shushan Wu Clan, which has been guarding for nearly a thousand years!”
“Could it be that he really wants to watch helplessly as the sacred Fusang tree, which has been guarded for generations, is taken away? And he remains indifferent from the beginning to the end?”
At this moment, Xu Fu’s mind was very confused.
All of this was completely different from what he had originally expected!
He thought so.
As Meng Tian led his army to the top of Shu Mountain, that was the moment when the battle broke out, and it was also the moment when Shu Mountain was about to meet its fate of destruction.
The development of the matter completely overturned Xu Fu’s expectations.
Who would have thought.
The Great Elder with unfathomable strength in Shushan actually talked with the Seventh Young Master so cheerfully that he didn’t seem to show any anger at all.
Xu Fu was dumbfounded.
Things shouldn’t go on like this!
“What the hell happened~‖?”
“Why is it that the seventh son can have such a happy conversation with the great elder of Shushan?”
Xu Fu couldn’t figure it out.
He froze in place, motionless.
At this time.

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