The chaotic scene was out of control and intensified.
It seems that a battle may break out at any time!
On one side, thousands of disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan were powerful, numerous and powerful.
A group of Shushan witch disciples were even more filled with anger and murderous intent, exuding as a whole, an extremely terrifying and terrifying aura of coercion.
On the other side, led by Ying Changge, plus Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying, there are only three people.
In contrast to the two.
The difference in the number of people between the two sides is too great!
If ordinary people encounter such a scene.
It is absolutely impossible to do, such asYing Changge was so indifferent and calm.
“If you really can’t do it, control the emotions of these people and stop the crazy behavior they are about to do.”
“I’m very happy to help you for free.”
“I just don’t know the two of you, what do you guys think?”
Ying Changge had a playful expression on his face, and asked meaningfully.
Chapter 194 Gravity Explosion! One person overwhelms the audience! 【Please customize】
Following Ying Changge’s voice, it just fell.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan’s expressions changed drastically.
They quickly looked back and hurriedly dissuaded: “Don’t! Young Master, please don’t be impulsive!”
How strong is the Seventh Young Master in front of him?
The two of them naturally knew it well.
As strong as one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu, as a genuine innate powerhouse, still suffered the tragic end of being instantly killed in a single encounter.
What kind of amazing strength is this?
Both siblings couldn’t make up their minds.
If such a terrifying and powerful existence really took action against the Wu Clan in Shushan, how much impact and turmoil would it cause?
It will definitely cause heavy losses to the entire Shu Mountain!
There is no doubt about this.
A suspected martial arts master’s terrifying combat power, if he really wants to break into the Shushan Wu clan and kill all directions, I’m afraid no one will be able to stop him.
Only by letting the Great Elder come forward in person can it be possible to block it.
If not, Shushan will definitely suffer heavy casualties.
And this is obviously not what Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan want to see.
not to mention……
They were worried.
Once the Seventh Young Master took action, it would be regarded as a complete tear.
Even if they can really stop the Seventh Young Master, how can they stop the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army that has completely surrounded Shushan?
“Seventh Young Master, you must not make a move.”
Yu Ziqi looked flustered and apprehensive.
He continued to persuade this group of angry Shushan witch disciples.
“Calm down!”
“Everyone, calm down!”
“Everything must be discussed after the Great Elder comes out.”
“You must not act rashly.”
Yu Ziqi looked anxious and kept shouting.
Shi Lan, who was beside him, had an immature, pretty and beautiful face, also full of eagerness, and kept following his brother Yu Ziqi to persuade and stop him.
Their persuasion seemed pointless.
Under the anger of thousands of Shushan Wuzu disciples, their persuasion and obstruction seemed to add fuel to the fire, igniting the anger and killing intent in the hearts of many Shushan Wuzu disciples.
Many disciples of the Wu Clan in Shushan have already begun to prepare to pull Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan to their rear, and then they will stare at the three of Ying Changge.
for a while.
The murderous aura has become much stronger and stronger.
The temperature of the air seemed to plummet, becoming icy cold and unnerving.
“Not good!”
“You must notify the Great Elder!”
Yu Ziqi was very anxious.
Sensing the anger and murderous intent in the hearts of the Wu Clan disciples in Shushan, he immediately realized it.
With only their two siblings, it is impossible to stop these Shushan disciples.
The Great Elder must come forward in person!
“Xiao Yu, hurry up and inform the First Elder!”
“We must not let them run amok!”
“Otherwise, all our efforts will be in vain.”
“In this case, only the Great Elder himself can resolve this tense situation.”
“Once a battle breaks out between the two sides and the face is completely torn apart, then our Shu Mountain will be completely destroyed this time.”
“Don’t worry, I will leave this place to me for the time being.”
“I can still stop them for a while. But you must find the Great Elder as soon as possible, otherwise I will not be able to hold on.”
Yu Ziqi anxiously told Shi Lan.
“it is good.”
Shi Lan nodded her chin solemnly.
Of course she saw it too.
The intense situation at the scene was by no means controlled by the two siblings alone.
Only by letting the Great Elder appear in person can the anger and murderous intent of the Shushan Wu Clan be calmed down.
this moment.
She could only let her go to notify the Great Elder alone, and let Yu Ziqi stay here to persuade and stop him.
If no one is left to stop it, I’m afraid the battle will erupt immediately in the next second!
Yu Ziqi’s forehead was covered with sweat stains, and his face was full of anxiety.
Soon, Shi Lan passed through the crowd like a civet, and rushed to the holy place of Shushan to look for the Great Elder.
She was equally anxious, controlling the surge of internal energy under her feet, so as to enhance her mobility to the extreme.
“Must be fast~‖!”
“Otherwise, things may not be able to usher in any turning point.”
Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, thinking to herself.
After Shi Lan left, the scene here became much more chaotic.
Among the covetous disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan, several strong men have appeared, with bare hands, wearing animal skins, and carrying a sense of exotic folk customs.
After they walked out of the crowd, their eyes were filled with murderous intent and anger, and they stared at Ying Changge, and Shao Siming and Meng Ying who were behind Ying Changge.
“A group of robbers, we will not let you succeed!”
“Want to seize the sacred objects belonging to our Shu Mountain?”
“Let our Shu Mountain be destroyed!”
“Otherwise, you don’t want to get your hands on the sacred Fusang tree that has been guarded by us for nearly a thousand years in Shushan.”
The brows of several unarmed strong men were full of evil spirits, and the internal force in the dantian of their abdomen began to flow quickly, revealing their respective strengths and cultivation realms.
These strong men are all second-rate warriors!
They do not belong to Shushan’s high-end combat power.
But Shushan can do it, just take out a few people, and they will have the cultivation level of a second-rate warrior. This alone is enough to show how rich the foundation of Shushan is.
The shamanistic orthodox traditions that have been passed down for nearly a thousand years are indeed not ordinary.
Even the background of the Yin Yang family is far less powerful than that of the Shushan Wu family!

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