The background of the Shushan Wu clan is probably similar to that of Taoism.
The Yin-Yang School is just a branch separated from Taoism hundreds of years ago.
When it comes to background, the Yin Yang School is not as good as most Jianghu sects.
“Young master, be careful.”
“Looking at their appearance, it seems that they are really going to do it.”
Meng Ying clenched her fists tightly, her expression stiff and apprehensive.
Facing thousands of Shushan witch disciples staring at them, even Meng Ying, who has experienced many battles, can feel the chills on his spine and the cold sweat running down his back.
“Young master, do you want to make a move?”
Shao Si Ming also spoke rarely.
Her beautiful eyes flickered, and she quietly looked at the group of disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan in front of her, with their beautiful faces hidden under the veil, without showing any major emotional changes.
Compared with Mengying, Shao Siming’s emotional control is very subtle.
“Not urgent.”
“Let them make trouble first.”
Ying Changge smiled, his expression as calm and indifferent as ever.
From the moment I came to Shushan.
From the beginning to the end, his expression did not change much.
Even in the face of thousands of disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan staring at him, it couldn’t affect Ying Changge’s emotional turmoil, and he kept a calm posture all the time.
With Ying Changge’s words, Mengying and Shao Siming fell silent, watching the disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan quietly with their eyes, unmoved.
Before Ying Changge gave the order, the two of them naturally did not dare to act rashly.
While waiting.
Some disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan couldn’t help it.
A total of three strong men in the realm of second-rate warriors walked towards Ying Changge with bare hands, circulating the surging internal force in their bodies, wrapping around their bodies.
Wisps of light-colored internal force entangled their bodies, making their powerful bodies exude a terrifying sense of oppression.
“Do not impulse!”
Yu Ziqi’s pupils shrank slightly, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to drink.
He can’t stop it!
In front of Yu Ziqi, there were thousands of people who were furious and ready to move.
He was alone, isolated and helpless, naturally it was impossible to stop these thousands of people, let alone suppress the anger and impulse in the hearts of these thousands of people.
“No matter what your purpose is, all in all, daring to break into our Shu Mountain without authorization is enough to determine your future fate.”
“Want to seize our Shushan sacred object Fusang Shenmu?”
“Are you also qualified?”
The three strong men shot at the same time.
Located next to Ying Changge.
Mengying was about to rush forward to stop him, but was blocked by Ying Changge.
Shao Siming was also preparing to circulate the innate qi, rolling and floating the leaves scattered around him, ready to use the leaves to carry out a large-scale attack at any time.
“Let me warm up.”
“You guys, just watch the show.”
Ying Changge only left this sentence.
He was alone, and slowly stepped forward, approaching the position of a group of thousands of Wu people in Shushan, always acting very indifferent and calm.
Immediately, Shao Siming withdrew his innate qi, chose to obey Ying Changge’s order, and sat quietly in place, looking at Ying Changge’s back with his beautiful eyes.
For Ying Changge’s strength, both Shao Si Ming and Meng Ying have a deep understanding.
Of course they were not worried that Ying Changge would get hurt.
after all.
Can seriously damage the strength of Sword Saint Gai Nie…
It is more capable of directly suppressing the strength of Quicksand leader Wei Zhuang…
Will he be hurt by this group of mobs in Shushan in front of him?
This is simply a big joke!
“This group of guys who don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, dare to attack the seventh son?”
“A group of frogs in a well who simply don’t know what a real strong man is!”
“After a while, the Seventh Young Master will let them see it for real.”
“A strong man, how strong can he be!”
Mengying scoffed at these angry Shushan disciples.
at the same time.
When Ying Changge’s footsteps stopped abruptly, he paused for a moment.
The few Shushan disciples who launched the attack before were within walking distance, and their huge fists slammed down on Ying Changge, entwined with a surging internal force of faint color.
The air flow from the mighty inner force rolled Ying Changge’s hair and clothes, floating with the air waves, and the blowing wind of fists enveloped the whole body.
next second.
I see.
Ying Changge slowly raised his right hand, and aimed his palm directly at the incoming Shushan disciples.
With a thought.
Manipulating the surging innate zhenqi in the body to turn into more violent and terrifying energy, rushing from the body to the palm of the right hand.
In an instant, the power exploded completely!
Shocking gravitational energy was released from Ying Changge’s palm at these Shushan disciples.
Gravity turned into a repulsive force…
The repulsive force almost wants to tear the human body apart, almost repelling everything in the world.
The next moment.
Ying Changge’s mouth moved slightly.
“` 〃 Gravity·Shenluo Tianzheng!”
Just for an instant.
Time seemed to stand still.
The incomparable terrifying repulsion erupted from Ying Changge’s body.
The monstrous repulsive force enveloped the bodies of these Shushan disciples all at once.
Ying Changge was never targeted in their attackbefore falling.
The repulsive force squeezed the fists of their bodies to the point of deforming them, and even caused the internal organs in their bodies to be damaged by the impact.
The shocking repulsive force went straight to the sky, spreading and sweeping in all directions.
Accompanied by bursts of crisp sounds.
The floor tiles under Ying Changge’s feet cracked and shattered, and dense cracks and gaps appeared, which were as creepy as spider webs.
next second.
Ying Changge’s body sank and collapsed, and the soil under his feet sank into a deep pit of nearly half a meter, and a sunken semicircular arc was squeezed out of the surrounding area.
The entire Shu Mountain shook and trembled as if squeezed by this terrifying force.
at the same time.

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