There are about 1,200 people within the coverage area of ​​the perfect-level knowledge-colored domineering.
All ages and genders!
Almost all of them were extremely angry.
Of course, Ying Changge’s knowledgeable insight cannot escape this point!
Ying Changge could also understand their anger.
Apart from anger, what filled their chests was only strong killing intent.
The killing intent aimed at the three of Ying Changge is also the killing intent aimed at the Hundred Thousand Imperial Cavalry!
In the eyes of this group of disciples of the Wu tribe in Shushan.
Whether it is Ying Changge or a hundred thousand cavalry, they are all bandits!
The bandits who want to take away the holy tree of hibiscus they have guarded for generations!
They certainly wouldn’t have any good feelings towards these bandits.
“Son, what are we going to do?”
Meng Ying couldn’t help but ask again.
There are too many people here!
double charged by so manyStaring at him with eyes full of anger and killing intent, even Meng Ying, who has experienced many battles, felt the creeps and numbness of his scalp.
Whether it is men, women, young or old, all of them have cold eyes with anger and murderous intent.
Meng Ying only felt like a thorn in his back!
Feel like sitting on pins and needles!
Staying here for a quarter of an hour made Mengying feel uncomfortable, and goosebumps couldn’t be contained.
Not good!
Very bad!
Being stared at by a group of people, Meng Ying felt cold hands and feet.
“don’t worry.”
“I have everything.”
“What are you afraid of?”
Ying Changge had a calm expression on his face.
Hearing this, Meng Ying forcibly suppressed the panic in her heart, and constantly adjusted her breathing and mentality.
“It seems…”
“Shushan witches are coming out in full force.”
“But obviously, it’s not aimed at me.”
“I think that there is no such a big show, enough to send out the entire Shushan Wuzu.”
“Obviously, it is aimed at the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army!”
“It’s just a coincidence…”
“I was the first to reach the top of Shushan Mountain!”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
Although he couldn’t see it with the naked eye, he still had insight into some details and movements than others due to his perfect domineering level of knowledge.
What other people can’t see with their naked eyes can’t escape Ying Changge’s knowledgeable insight!
At this time.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan quickly broke the weird atmosphere.
The two of them hurried forward, persuading them anxiously: “Don’t be impulsive, calm down. What about the Great Elder? Let the Great Elder come out quickly, we have important matters to report to the Great Elder.”
Seeing the murderous intent in the eyes of a group of disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan, Yu Ziqi secretly felt bad.
Don’t make trouble out of nowhere!
At least.
Before the Great Elder appears, you must not cause irreversible and painful consequences because of impulsiveness!
With this thought in mind, Yu Ziqi became even more anxious.
“Where did the Great Elder go?”
Shi Lan’s pink lips moved slightly, and she hurriedly asked.
“Xiao Yu, get behind us!”
“These guys must be the hateful guys sent by Qin Jun to give an ultimatum!”
“They must want to take away the sacred object of our Shu Mountain, the Fusang Shenmu!”
“How can we let them succeed?”
“Xiao Yu, come here quickly, don’t let their appearance deceive you. They are a group of robbers with wolfish ambitions. We have guarded the Fusang sacred tree for nearly a thousand years and never allow outsiders to touch it.”
“That’s right!”
for a while.
The atmosphere at the scene was extraordinarily noisy and lively, and very chaotic.
Even though Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan’s brothers and sisters kept trying to resolve the anger and killing intent of these witch disciples, they were still unable to do so.
Both siblings were about to cry.
Why don’t you listen to advice?
With great difficulty, they grasped the only life-saving straw.
Is it really necessary to abandon it?
Is it really necessary to watch helplessly that Shushan is about to be destroyed?
Do not!
Never allow it!
They will never allow Shushan to be destroyed because of this!
In any case, they have to calm down these Shushan Wu clan disciples.
In any case, we must support it until the Great Elder comes forward.
This huge crisis and disaster can only be resolved by letting the Great Elder come forward in person!
after all.
The existence that the Great Elder prophesied has arrived!
“Everyone, calm down…”
Shi Lan’s beautiful eyes were full of anxiety.
“Xiao Yu, you don’t need to say more.”
“303 We will never hand over holy objects.”
“In this case, the only way to fight to the death!”
“This is the destiny of our Shushan Wu Clan!”
A group of Shushan witch disciples who were full of anger and murderous intent could no longer contain the raging anger in their hearts, nor could they be persuaded by the two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
The scene became more and more chaotic.
Shi Lan couldn’t stop it at all.
With the abilities of her and her elder brother Yu Ziqi, they are still too insignificant after all.
By contrast.
There are thousands of people on the side of Shushan Wuzu!
The two of them are weak, so it is naturally impossible to resolve the anger of thousands of people.
At least.
The two of them have not reached this level of prestige that can deter thousands of people.
Only the Great Elder himself can suppress this situation.
And among them.
Already vaguely able to see.
There are also many Wu Clan disciples who are ready to make a move against Ying Changge and others.
“My lord, they seem to be trying to attack us.”
Meng Ying clenched her fists tightly, her expression full of dignity and fear.
“I know.”
Ying Changge nodded again.
Naturally, it is difficult to escape Ying Changge’s insight into the actions of these thousands of Wu disciples in Shushan.
Everything is in trouble…
There will be no way to hide!
It was clearly seen by Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and insight!
Ying Changge has already seen through some small actions of these witch disciples.
The reason why he didn’t make any reaction to this was purely because, in his eyes, all of this was nothing more than a trivial matter.

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