“No, I dare not.”
“Subordinates dare not go beyond!”
“Please forgive me, my lord!”
“The subordinate absolutely didn’t mean that.”
Xu Fu panicked.
He turned around quickly, faced Ying Changge with a look of fear, and began to explain one after another.
This scene.
It fell into the eyes of Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and their thoughts were further strengthened.
This seventh son must be the only key person to save Shushan!
Even Yun Zhongjun, one of the five elders of the Yinyang family, looked so panicked and fearful when facing the seventh son.
This alone is enough to explain everything.
“We must beg the Seventh Young Master to help him…”
Yu Ziqi secretly made up his mind.
He decided.
As long as the seventh son takes action, Shushan will definitely be saved!
Didn’t you see that Yun Zhongjun, the elder of the Yinyang family, is so humble and embarrassed when facing the seventh son?
At this time.
Meng Tian looked at Xu Fu with weird and playful eyes, and the anger on his face dissipated a little.
“What a gentleman in the cloud!”
“What a Xu Fu!”
“Dare to play these small tricks in front of the seventh son?”
“Now, I don’t need to punish you.”
“Seventh Young Master, I won’t let you go so easily.”
“Next, you can ask for more blessings…”
“It’s the first time I’ve seen someone dare to overstep and play tricks in front of the Seventh Young Master.”
Meng Tian sneered in his heart again and again.
Seeing Xu Fu’s terrified look, Meng Tian’s mood became extraordinarily comfortable.
How could he not see it just now.
Xu Fu’s sudden killing was obviously because he was afraid that the disciple of the Wu Clan in Shushan would reveal the many secrets and functions of Fusang Shenmu.
But Xu Fu never dreamed of it.
His plan failed!
only because……
“Seventh Young Master’s power is far beyond your imagination!”
“The little yin and yang elders, dare to use an ax in front of the young master?”
“It’s really ignorant!”
Meng Tian thought to himself.
Of course, he didn’t have any good feelings for Xu Fu.
If he could see Xu Fu being deflated because of this, he would naturally feel very happy in his heart.
Inside the carriage.
Facing Xu Fu’s terrified explanation, Ying Changge maintained a calm expression as always, expressionless, and said indifferently: “The Yinyang family is so reckless when they do things~‖?”
The words fell.
Xu Fu’s heart was in a state of confusion, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.
He regretted it a little.
You shouldn’t be so impulsive!
I thought……
Really able to kill that Shushan Wu Clan disciple.
It was still blocked!
It was obvious that they shot without warning, but they were still resolved and intercepted.
Recalling what happened just now, Xu Fu felt unprecedented pressure in his heart.
“Young master, this subordinate is wrong.”
“There will never be a next time!”
It was the first time Xu Fu showed such a terrified gesture.
in the past.
As one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, and as the chief alchemist of the First Emperor Yingzheng, he naturally held a high position and authority, and he never had to face others so humblely.
But today.
When facing Ying Changge, all the confidence and pride in his heart will disappear in an instant.
“Do you still want to have a next time?”
Ying Changge had a playful expression.
He was not too surprised that Xu Fu would suddenly kill him.
People from the Yin Yang family have always been like this!
Ying Changge was a little curious about the main role of Fusang Shenmu.
To make the Onmyo family pay so much attention to…
Even in front of his face, he had to kill the killer to prevent the other party from saying these words.
Ying Changge thought.
The role of Fuso Shenmu may not be simple!
Otherwise, the Onmyo family would not need to spend such a huge price to invite an army of 100,000 cavalry from the empire to seize the Fusang Shenmu.
Xu Fu would not be so daring, daring to kill this Shushan Wu Clan disciple face to face.
“It looks like I really want to teach you a lesson!”
“So that you won’t be obedient to me in front of me!”
Ying Changge thought about it.
He slowly stretched out his right hand from the window of the carriage.
The palm is facing the direction where Xu Fu is.
In a moment…
The surging and exuberant innate zhenqi crazily circulates and surges in the dantian of the abdomen.
The innate qi flowed to the right arm, and then turned into more violent energy.
“Gravity·Vientiane Tianyin!”
From Ying Changge’s palm, a surge of tearing force erupted rapidly, and it enveloped Xu Fu’s body in an instant, wrapping the latter’s body completely.
Under the influence of this terrifying force, Xu Fu’s body was completely out of control, and he was attracted to Ying Changge’s right hand at a terrifying speed.
“This, this is…”
“what happened?!”
Xu Fu’s eyes widened.
His face was full of shock and horror.
In the end what happened?
Watching helplessly.
The approaching carriage!
And that one almost wants to grab his right hand!
“The body is out of control!”
“It’s just like……”
“It’s like falling into the abyss!”
“Approaching that direction uncontrollably!”
“This this!”
Xu Fu was shocked.
This is the first time he has experienced such a strange phenomenon.
What kind of trick is this?

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