What martial arts?
How could it be so scary?
It’s unbelievable!
Just when Xu Fu was terrified and shocked, his body was already close to the carriage.
Ying Changge’s right hand sticking out of the window directly grabbed Xu Fu’s neck, locking Xu Fu’s neck firmly, and the latter could be suffocated with a little force.
Xu Fu suddenly felt difficult to breathe.
Qi and blood rushed to the top of his head frantically, making his face flushed red, his limbs were constantly struggling, but there was nothing he could do.
No matter how he struggled, he still couldn’t escape this hand.
Being firmly strangled by the neck, Xu Fu almost stopped breathing, and his whole head was lack of oxygen, and his thinking went blank.
“Do not!”
Xu Fu’s eyes also began to be filled with bloodshot eyes, appearing particularly ferocious.
His hands and feet were cold and he was hairy.
Exuberant fear welled up in his heart, revealing the panic in his heart at the moment.
Are you going to die?
To be instantly killed by the Seventh Young Master?
A face to face…
Lost the ability to resist?
turn out to be.
Seventh Young Master’s strength is so powerful!
It’s ridiculously strong!
It is completely irresistible!
This woman, Luna, does not deceive me…
Seventh Young Master, is really an unfathomable terrifying monster!
Just now, he tried to act presumptuously in front of such a terrifying existence?
This is simply asking for death!
It’s over!
Xu Fu was devastated and felt an unprecedented threat of death.
He had a hunch.
His life and death…
Only in the thought of the seventh son Ying Changge.
It was the first time in Xu Fu’s life that he experienced such a feeling of being completely controlled by others.
He never dreamed of it.
He would be completely controlled by such a young existence!
Ying Changge used a little force, almost deformed Xu Fu’s neck, making the latter feel that his neck was about to be cut off by the other party. The feeling of suffocation uncontrollably radiated more vigorous fear.
“Is this what death feels like?”
Xu Fu seemed to see death.
This was definitely the closest he was to death in his life.
“My lord, my lord.”
“Don’t be impulsive.”
Meng Tian was stunned.
He hastened to persuade him to prevent Xu Fu from really dying in Ying Changge’s hands.
Although he didn’t have any good feelings for Xu Fu, and was even full of disgust.
But I have to admit.
Xu Fu’s identity and status still have a certain weight in the empire.
If Xu Fu died in the hands of Ying Changge during this trip, Meng Tian could foresee that a series of more troublesome things would definitely follow.
After thinking of this, Meng Tian quickly stopped Ying Changge’s move.
Xu Fu can’t die!
At least……
I can’t die on the way to Shushan on this trip.
Not to mention dying in the hands of the seventh son Ying Changge.
This is what Meng Tian thought in his heart.
at the same time.
The embarrassing scene of Xu Fu being pinched by the neck with one hand, easily captured and subdued, appeared very clearly in the eyes of everyone around him.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were full of surprises and excitement.
Seeing Xu Fu, the elder of the Yin Yang family, being killed so easily, the two of them naturally felt extremely happy.
just now.
The opponent also tried to kill them to silence them.
I didn’t expect…
blink of an eye.
It’s the opponent’s turn to suffer!
“‘ 〃 Is this the strength of the Seventh Young Master?”
“It’s unbelievably strong!”
“What kind of martial art did the Seventh Young Master perform just now? It can be pulled and absorbed into the palm of the hand, so as to defeat the enemy with one move!”
“too strong!”
“This is the legendary evildoer!”
Yu Ziqi was shocked.
He looked at Ying Changge with eyes full of awe, admiration, and horror.
Including Shi Lan, the way they looked at Ying Changge changed.
in particular……
I saw the scene where Xu Fu was instantly killed with one hand.
Shi Lan’s original sense of resistance to Ying Changge disappeared without a trace.
“This is the key person who can save our Shushan Wu clan in the prophecy of the great elder?”
“He’s really strong!”
“Unfathomably strong!”
“Obviously at such a young age…”
“But his strength is far beyond our imagination.”
“We and him seem to be two completely different life species.”
Shi Lan thought that she was considered a genius.
At this age, he has practiced witchcraft extremely well, and has even reached the realm of a first-class martial artist.
Never thought.
Today, she met Ying Changge.
All the pride and confidence in her heart were completely defeated!
(OK, OK) Shi Lan felt it from the bottom of her heart.
There is no comparison between her and Ying Changge in front of her at all!
The gap is really too big!
She may be a genius.
However, the other party is an out-and-out monster!
“With the help of the seventh son, maybe Shushan can really survive this crisis and disaster.”
The two siblings thought with anticipation in their hearts.
this moment.
They are full of confidence in Ying Changge.
at this time.
Ying Changge captured Xu Fu with one hand, and pinched the latter’s neck to make him unable to struggle and resist.
The domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge can be felt.

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