A more frightening wave of energy came out from the carriage in an instant, and arrived at the place where Xu Fu’s innate qi erupted in an instant.
The incomparable majestic internal force is tens of thousands of times more terrifying and powerful than Xu Fu’s!
With just a face-to-face encounter, this internal force stood in front of Yu Ziqi.
Xu Fu’s innate qi fell.
The two forces collided with each other, and the light blue innate qi released by Xu Fu was crushed by the bombardment of the other terrifying internal force as soon as it fell, and disappeared in an instant.
Accompanied by the collision of the two forces, a weak air shock wave was born.
The dust swirls and flies in all directions, and the smoke and dust curl up.
for a while.
There is dust all around, floating wantonly in all directions.
The two forces dissipated at the same time.
Yu Ziqi, on the other hand, remained in place unscathed.
I see.
He has no scars on his whole body!
Except for the dust rolled up by the airflow, which scattered on his body, making him look a bit embarrassed, there was no trace of damage left.
The full blow from Xu Fu was easily dispelled.
“wellpowerful! ”
Yu Ziqi looked very stunned and shocked.
The terrifying internal force blocked outside his body naturally allowed him, the client, to feel it very deeply.
What a terrifying force that is!
Compared with Xu Fu’s full blow just now, this force is like a sea of ​​kings!
In contrast.
Xu Fu’s full blow is a drop in the ocean.
The two are simply incomparable!
“Is this the strength of the Seventh Young Master?”
Yu Ziqi was filled with shock.
so young…
The strength has reached this level!
Is this a monster?
I have learned a lot!
If the seventh son hadn’t made a timely move, he might have died on the spot.
at the same time.
Xu Fu was also frightened.
He didn’t expect that.
The sudden all-out blow was blocked!
And it’s so easy…
It’s a no-brainer!
The terrifying energy exploded by the collision just now made Xu Fu realize at that moment how terrifying the strength of that Seventh Young Master is!
“Very strong!”
“Unfathomably strong!”
Xu Fu thought with lingering fear.
He failed to kill Yu Ziqi this time, which made him feel a little bit bitter and annoyed.
but more…
It is the fear and horror of Ying Changge’s revealed strength!
Only when he has really touched it can he realize it deeply.
What a terrifying monster the seventh son mentioned by the moon god is!
“Just missed the opportunity…”
“If you want to do it now, there is almost no possibility.”
Xu Fu thought so in his heart.
The shot just now made him understand.
How strong is the Seventh Young Master in the carriage!
all in all.
That is by no means a powerful existence that he can contend with!
“Xu Fu, you are so courageous!”
Meng Tian, ​​who was belatedly aware of this, looked at Xu Fu coldly with an angry look on his face.
“General Meng Tian doesn’t have to be like this. I just feel that these two disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan are trying to confuse the crowd and disturb the judgment of the Seventh Young Master.”
“It was just a moment of anger, and I couldn’t control my body and hit him.”
Xu Fu looked indifferent.
“Xu Fu, are you teaching me how to do things?”
In the carriage, Ying Changge spoke.
Chapter 189 Capture Xu Fu with one hand! Next time I cross over again, I will kill you! 【Please customize】
The moment Ying Changge’s voice fell.
The atmosphere here has once again undergone earth-shaking changes.
Get icy cold!
with distinction!
A chilling air emerged spontaneously.
Silent and depressing!
Suddenly bursts of cold sweat broke out on Xu Fu’s forehead, his throat was dry, his lips trembled slightly, and even his face became extremely pale.
He could stand in front of Meng Tian and confront him face to face with disapproval.
However, he dared not stand in front of Ying Changge and show such a gesture.
in particular……
Xu Fu, who has experienced the horror of Ying Changge’s strength, has already had a huge psychological shadow on Ying Changge in his heart, making him fearful, timid, and afraid.
When he heard Ying Changge’s voice without any emotion, Xu Fu immediately realized it.
Big trouble!
Not good!
“Young master, I, I didn’t mean that.”
Xu Fu swallowed, and explained in a low voice.
He was afraid that the next second would usher in a devastating blow!
Facing Ying Changge, Xu Fu could only keep his posture to the minimum.
after all.
Whether it’s status, or strength…
He is far inferior to the Seventh Young Master Ying Changge in almost all aspects.
“Then what do you mean?”
“Don’t ask indiscriminately, but you want to kill people?”
“What are you afraid of?”
“and also……”
“You mean to say that I am a fool who is easily bewitched by monsters?”
“Is that what you want to express?”
Ying Changge was sitting in the carriage, his face was expressionless, and his voice was flat but cold.
Biting cold!
It’s freezing cold!
Xu Fu only felt the hairs on his back, and a chill came from the soles of his feet, making him shudder.
An uncontrollable sense of fear welled up in my heart.

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