Why did the other party save Shushan…
“I, we.”
Yu Ziqi’s throat was dry.
“Young master, we are willing to pay any price.”
“Please save Shushan!”
“You are the only existence that can save Shushan!”
At this time, Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, lowered her head, and opened her mouth full of stubbornness.
“At all costs?”
“Even if you are asked to take the initiative to donate the sacred Fusang tree that has been passed down and guarded for thousands of years by your Shushan Wu clan, you will not refuse?”
“Is this what you mean?”
Ying Changge had a meaningful expression on his face.
If this is the case, then Shushan can indeed be spared from this crisis and disaster!
With the personalities of the Shushan Wu people and the fact that the Fusang sacred tree has been their belief for generations, it is difficult for them to take the initiative to donate the Fusang sacred tree.
And on this trip, Ying Changge and others are bound to win the Fusang Shenmu.
The two naturally formed a fierce conflict of opposites!
This conflict is inevitable!
Facing Ying Changge’s question, Shi Lan remained silent.
She cannot represent the entire Shushan Mountain, let alone the decision to donate Fusang Shenmu on behalf of Shushan Mountain.
Fusang Shenmu is a sacred object guarded by them for generations in Shushan!
Even if she is the contemporary saint of Shushan Wuzu, she has no right to decide all this.
“Is this request too strong?”
“If that’s the case, then I’ll make another request.”
“I want you Shushan Wu Clan to be loyal to me from now on!”
Ying Changge continued.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan still chose to remain silent.
these two shouldPlease, of course the two of them cannot make a decision on behalf of Shushan.
“Still can’t do it?”
“Then what’s the point of me wanting you?”
“Why should I help Shushan?”
Ying Changge let out a laugh.
Although he really wanted to destroy the Yin Yang family’s plan, it didn’t mean that he really wanted to help Shu Shan get through this calamity.
The atmosphere became silent.
Yu Ziqi gritted his teeth, raised his head, and his eyes were full of determination: “We know that there is something about the true function of Fusang Shenmu!”
Hearing this, Ying Changge was surprised.
Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, shrank his pupils slightly.
The way he looked at Yu Ziqi was full of fierceness and murderous intent.
“The real function of Fuso Shenmu?”
“Are you really willing to reveal these important secrets?”
“This is the inheritance that you Shushan has been guarding for generations!”
Ying Changge’s smile subsided slightly, and his expression became serious.
“Since the Great Elder predicted the seventh son, he must have his reasons.”
With such thoughts in mind, Yu Ziqi took a deep breath, and solemnly told him, “If you want me, my lord, I would like to truthfully tell you all the news about the Fusang Shenmu.”
“I implore you, my lord, to help Shushan survive this crisis!”
Shi Lan clenched her fists tightly, her pretty and immature face was full of restraint and apprehension.
In order to save Shushan…
It can be clearly seen.
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan were willing to go all out.
“We also know very clearly that the ultimate goal of others is to try to seize the Fusang Shenmu!”
“All of this can be told to you, Young Master.”
“The news is not a big secret.”
“after all.”
“Besides our Shu Mountain, there are very few forces that also know these secrets.”
Yu Ziqi glanced at Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu with cold eyes.
“Seventh son, don’t believe the rumors of these two Shushan material disciples!”
“They’re just bewitching!”
“They must be trying to use these words to interfere with your judgment, son. I suggest, I implore you, son, to order them to be killed immediately.”
“If they continue to deceive the public with their lies, I’m afraid it will cause a series of subsequent troubles and disasters.”
“The words of the people of Shushan are absolutely unbelievable.”
Xu Fu’s eyelids twitched wildly, and he had no choice but to stand up and scold him severely.
He had a dark feeling in his heart.
At this moment, he could only stand up and stop the remarks of the two disciples of the Shushan Wu Clan.
Otherwise, he felt that the follow-up might really cause big trouble!
This is very unfavorable to the yin and yang family.
It is also very unfavorable to him personally!
to sum it up.
Xu Fu had no choice but to jump out, and reported murderous intentions and reprimands to Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
Just after Xu Fu had finished scolding, Yu Ziqi sneered, without looking sideways, he and Xu Fu looked at each other without giving way, and continued: “It seems that someone is impatient.”
“You are presumptuous!”
“How dare a little disciple of the Shu Mountain Wu Clan be so presumptuous in front of me?”
“Simply unforgivable!”
“The old man will punish you severely now!”
“If you dare to challenge this old man openly, you will not be allowed to stay.”
Xu Fu was furious.
at the same time.
A surging and vigorous innate zhenqi quickly circulated in Xu Fu’s body and limbs, and the innate zhenqi surging from the dantian of his abdomen turned into a violent energy.
next second.
Xu Fu raised his hand in Yu Ziqi’s direction, and slapped him hard.
This slap contains extremely surging innate qi, and it can definitely kill a first-class martial artist in one blow.
Surrounded by pale cyan innate zhenqi, it burst out from Xu Fu’s palm, and it aimed at Yu Ziqi’s body in an instant, and smashed it down fiercely.
And at this time.
Meng Tian had no time to stop it.
“Elder Xu Fu, you are so courageous!”
Meng Tian’s face changed slightly, his eyes were full of sharpness and anger.
He is clearly unpredictable.
Xu Fu would suddenly kill the killer.
And as soon as he made a move, it was a thunderous blow!
It seems that the rhythm of killing the opponent on the spot!
The moment he discovered Xu Fu’s attack, Meng Tian had no way to stop him.
“Do not!”
Shi Lan’s beautiful eyes were full of anger and grief, and she roared hysterically.
Just when Xu Fu’s innate true energy was about to fall on Yu Ziqi.

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