With countless confusions in his arms, Meng Tian led Meng Ying and Xu Fu, who looked very unnatural, and a group of three steered the horses, all the way to the side of the carriage.
“` 〃Young master, what are your orders?”
Meng Tian asked in a respectful tone.
“General Meng Tian, ​​I have an important matter to tell you.”
“Now you have two little mice in your army!”
“So, I’ll give you half a quarter of an hour to get these two little mice out.”
“This must not be difficult for General Meng Tian, ​​right?”
Ying Changge’s flat voice came from the carriage.
Finding two lurkers out of an army of 100,000 was obviously not an easy task.
But for Meng Tian, ​​it is not difficult.
Meng Tian was taken aback.
Of course, he seemed unprepared for this. Caught off guard.
The team mixed with two outsiders?
Two outsiders have successfully lurked among the hundred thousand cavalry?
real or fake?
They didn’t realize it!
Who is the other party?
What’s the purpose?
What do you want to do infiltrating the imperial army?
Countless thoughts flooded Meng Tian’s mind.
With a bit of anger and killing intent in his heart, he immediately responded: “Young master, don’t worry, I will immediately send people to find out these two lurkers as quickly as possible!”
“These two are so daring that they even got mixed into the 100,000 imperial cavalry army.”
“Although I don’t know what their purpose is, as long as we catch them, everything will naturally reveal the answer.”
Of course, Meng Tian trusted Ying Changge’s words very much.
Xu Fu also had a strange expression on his face.
But he remained silent, not daring to intervene in the topic without authorization.
“General Meng Tian, ​​don’t hurt their lives.”
“I want to capture them alive and bring them to me at last.”
“If nothing else…”
“They are obviously here for me!”
Ying Changge continued to instruct.
“Don’t worry, sir, I will obey your orders.”
Meng Tian nodded solemnly.
According to Ying Changge’s order, Meng Tian began to send additional manpower, and immediately launched a blanket investigation against the 100,000 cavalry army, trying to find out the two lurkers vigorously.
“at all costs……”
“The two lurkers must be identified!”
at the same time.
The two lurkers, who sensed that the situation was not good, were forced to go to Liangshan, and there was no way to retreat.
They could only suppress the apprehension in their hearts, continue to hide in the iron cavalry army, and prayed silently in their hearts, they must not bePeople are aware of the clues.
this moment.
If they rashly show the slightest clue, they will all be surrounded by an army of 100,000 cavalry.
In this case, they don’t need to use their brains to think, they can clearly understand what kind of miserable end they will meet next.
No matter how deeply the two lurkers hid, they still revealed their clues and whereabouts.
A brief battle broke out.
Even if two first-rate fighters were strong, they could not escape the siege of an army of 100,000 cavalry.
This battle.
Probably only lasted less than half a quarter of an hour.
The battle quickly ended.
Nothing unexpected happened.
Surrounded by an army of 100,000 iron cavalry, the two lurkers were quickly routed without any ability to resist, and they were almost powerless to fight back.
Under Meng Tian’s guidance, two lurkers with top-notch warrior cultivation levels were helplessly captured alive by the imperial cavalry!
The two lurkers who were captured alive were naturally Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, brothers and sisters from the Shushan Wu Clan.
Chapter 185: The Seventh Young Master Foretells Things Like a God! It is worthy of being the number one evildoer in the ages! 【Please customize】
“Xiao Yu, I’m the one who got you into trouble.”
“Feel sorry……”
Yu Ziqi sighed helplessly, his face was ashen, and he shook his head in despair.
He lowered his head, looking very downcast and helpless.
at this time.
He was being pinned to the ground by two elite iron cavalry from the empire, unable to move his body at all.
Even if he had reached the first-class martial artist level, he still couldn’t break free under the control of two well-trained imperial elites.
He didn’t expect that.
This lurking will be such a failure!
In less than a moment, he was spotted by the iron cavalry of the empire.
What a failure!
Yu Ziqi couldn’t help thinking about the deep frustration.
Where did they reveal their clues?
Obviously, their lurking this time has been done almost seamlessly.
The whole process did not leave any tail traces at all.
But still being so quickly perceived?
And took advantage of the opportunity to find them out!
what is this?
It’s completely unreasonable!
With the realm strength of their first-class fighters, they shouldn’t be so quickly seen.
But that is the truth.
Yu Ziqi was helpless and desperate, his body was firmly controlled and he couldn’t move on the ground, his eyes were full of despair.
He no longer has any belief in survival.
Being captured alive by the empire’s iron cavalry, he didn’t think that he could get away with it.
“It’s really as the Great Elder said…”
“Unless we find the blind young man.”
“Otherwise, no matter what we do, it will be futile.”
“Knew it!”
“It’s pure delusion that we tried to sneak into the carriage and coerce the prominent figure sitting in the carriage by the way.”
Yu Ziqi sighed inwardly.
He was captured alive, but he wasn’t too frightened.
But if his younger sister Shi Lan was involved, this was not the result he wanted to see.

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