But they still dared to lurk in the team of one hundred thousand cavalry, which is very intriguing.
What are their goals?
What is the reason that prompted them to be fearless against a hundred thousand cavalry?
Thinking of this, Ying Changge suddenly became curious about them.
He began to use the domineering power of the perfect level, in addition to detecting the physical characteristics of the two lurkers, he also began to steal the voice of the other party’s heart.
In less than a moment.
After stealing the spiritual voices of the two lurkers, Ying Changge couldn’t help but raise his brows slightly, the smile on his face restrained slightly, and he touched his chin thoughtfully.
He has gained insight into the identities and origins of these two lurkers.
Just for a split second.
He successfully found out who these two lurkers were.
“A member of the Shushan Wu Clan~‖?”
Ying Changge fell into deep thought.
Do not!
If they just bumped into each other by chance, they would never be able to risk their lives trying to sneak into the ranks of a hundred thousand iron cavalry.
Since they chose to do so.
It is enough to show that they must have a conspiracy!
did not expect……
You will meet members of the Shushan Wu Clan here.
This made Ying Changge very surprised and surprised.
The goal of this trip to the empire is the Fusang sacred tree guarded by the Shushan Wuzu and the Shushan Wuzu for generations.
Never thought about it.
On the road, I actually met the real master.
Ying Changge still couldn’t understand.
The reason why they mixed into the iron cavalry army, what was their plan?
With such doubts in mind, Ying Changge continued to listen.
quite a while.
After carefully stealing their spiritual voices, Ying Changge suddenly laughed.
“I see……”
Ying Changge was stunned.
turn out to be……
These two people came here for him!
“Want to assassinate me? Take me captive?”
“Use my life to threaten the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army?”
“In this way, to resolve the crisis and disaster in Shushan?”
In this short period of time, Ying Changge already understood the purpose and intention of the two lurkers.
Do not know why.
He suddenly became curious to a certain extent about the extremely mysterious Great Elder in Shushan.
Can the other party predict that Shushan is about to encounter a crisis of extinction?
This terrible prophecy ability really surprised Ying Changge.
And the two lurkers from the outside world tried to sneak into the army of the empire at the cost of their own lives precisely because Shushan was about to face annihilation.
“Use my life to threaten the imperial cavalry.”
“Then resolve the crisis of the Wu clan in Shushan?”
“Two brave and careful little fellows!”
“Is it really worth taking such a risk?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
He also had a thorough understanding of the purpose of these two lurkers.
Barely reached first-class with only twoA small character in the warrior realm is far from being able to threaten his life, and he is not even worthy of carrying his shoes.
Even if a congenital and consummate powerhouse goes out in person, he cannot use Ying Changge as a bargaining chip to threaten the imperial cavalry.
By comparison.
Ying Changge had every reason to think so.
Rather than using his life as a bargaining chip to threaten an army of 100,000 cavalry.
It would be better to let these two lurkers go to assassinate the general Meng Tian who led an army of 100,000 cavalry on this trip.
By contrast.
The difficulty factor of the latter is infinitely simpler!
Meng Tian is only in the realm of a first-rate warrior.
There is a certain possibility that two first-class warriors ambushed and killed at the same time, and threatened Meng Tian.
But to ambush Ying Changge?
That has to be said.
The two of them were thinking too much.
Among the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army, it is the most difficult to hold Ying Changge hostage.
The two little mice obviously didn’t know this.
The two of them still felt stupid.
The carriage, which was heavily protected by the empire’s 100,000 cavalry, must be sitting in the carriage with an extremely prominent status and a powerless person.
They did guess the first half right.
But the second half is…
The person sitting in the carriage is the strongest among the 100,000 cavalry army!
Not to mention their two top-notch warriors, even if they are both congenitally perfect and invincible at the level of martial arts masters, they will never be able to coerce Ying Changge.
after all.
With Ying Changge’s strength, there is almost no one in the world who can threaten him.
After thinking about it, Ying Changge decided to find out these two little characters and interrogate them.
He told Meng Ying who was by the window of the carriage: “Meng Ying, now inform General Meng Tian to order the whole army to obey orders and stop for a while.”
Meng Ying looked puzzled: “My lord, is this?”
Ying Changge didn’t explain too much: “Just follow my order and do it, I have my own plan.”
“Yes, my son.”
not for a while.
Meng Ying rode the horse and came to the top of the 100,000 cavalry, and then faithfully conveyed the orders of his son Ying Changge to his father Meng Tian.
“Seventh Young Master wants the whole army to stop and rest?”
Meng Tian frowned, also deeply puzzled and surprised.
They are about to arrive at Shushan.
Why choose to stop and rest the whole army suddenly at this critical moment?
With his stomach full of doubts, Meng Tian asked: “Does the seventh son have any other explanations?”
Meng Ying shook his head.
Hearing this, Meng Tian could only hold his head full of confusion, steer the horse to stop, and then raised his arms to the 100,000 cavalry army behind him.
“The whole army listens to the order and immediately stops and rests in place!”
The loud voice spread, resounding through the sky.
“Yes, General.”
Hundreds of thousands of cavalry responded unanimously.
The originally mighty army of iron cavalry stopped their horses one after another.

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