“It’s over!”
“Shu Mountain is over!”
“We will also accompany Shushan to be completely destroyed today.”
Yu Ziqi lamented again and again.
Shi Lan was also under control.
Two well-trained soldiers of the Qin army placed their bronze swords with 303 blades horizontally beside Shi Lan’s fair and delicate neck, one on the left and the other on the right.
As long as she makes a slight movement, her head will fall to the ground immediately!
“Don’t act rashly…”
“Otherwise, you will definitely die!”
The tone of the two soldiers of the Qin Army was cold, without any emotional warning.
The sharp bronze blade was placed next to Shi Lan’s neck, allowing her to feel the icy chill, making her skin crawl all over.
“It looks like we lost.”
“As predicted by the Great Elder.”
“We are powerless to recover, let alone reverse the situation in Shushan.”
“We will lose!”
“Shu Mountain will also perish!”
“This is God’s destiny to let us Shushan perish.”
Shi Lan’s pink lips parted slightly, looking at her brother Yu Ziqi who was under control, her beautiful eyes were filled with complex, helpless, powerless, despair and many other emotions.
Hope is completely destroyed…
There is no longer any hope for Shushan.
The two of them are the last hope of Shushan.
They screw things up.
For three full days, they couldn’t find the blind young man.
In this way, the hope of Shushan will be cut off!
And just now.
When the two of them planned to fight to the death to seize Shushan’s chance of life, they have now ended in failure.
Both of them failed.
Captured alive!
so far.
The lives of the two of them no longer belonged to them, but were firmly controlled by the iron cavalry of the empire.
Thinking about it so far, whether it was Yu Ziqi or Shi Lan, both of them felt only bursts of despair.
They can predict.
What greeted them next might be something more cruel than death.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan are both ready to die to show their ambitions.
“This is the fate of our Shu Mountain.”
“Our Shu Mountain will be destroyed!”
“And we can’t linger on.”
Shi Lan’s eyes went blank for a while, and she whispered to herself.
She couldn’t think of it.
Their lurking will be penetrated so quickly.
ThisIt’s so dreamlike!
Obviously they didn’t leave any traces or tells.
How did the people of the empire perceive it?
Can’t figure it out!
Shi Lan thought about it, but couldn’t think of a reason. (afej)
It has not been half an hour since they sneaked into the cavalry army.
As soon as he sneaked into it, he was immediately noticed.
This is their reason?
She thinks it must not be.
There must be something else hidden here!
But no matter what, she still couldn’t think of the truth or the answer.
At this time.
Tread Tread!
There was a sound of footsteps.
I see.
The middle-aged man in black gold-rimmed armor jumped up from his horse in strides, and walked step by step, with a calm and majestic aura between his brows, his face was expressionless, and his eyes were sharp and full of murderous intent.
The one who came was naturally Meng Tian!
And beside Mengtian, he also followed his son Mengying.
And Yun Zhongjun Xu Fu, one of the five elders of the Yin Yang family, also followed Meng Tian.
For the fact that two lurkers appeared in the army of one hundred thousand cavalry, Xu Fu also had to express his surprise and surprise.
He really couldn’t imagine it.
Who has the guts?
Knowing the horror of an army of 100,000 cavalry, but still daring to try to sneak into the army?
This is simply eating the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard!
So daring!
I really don’t know which two stupid boys who don’t have long eyes!
Even dare to provoke the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army?
“Who are you?”
“Why did you sneak into the empire’s iron cavalry?”
“What is your purpose?”
When Meng Tian’s footsteps stopped abruptly, he stared at Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan with a cold expression, with a murderous look and anger on his brows.
Facing these two audacious lurkers who dared to pretend to be imperial cavalry, he certainly would not have any good feelings.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan are very young, not more than ten years old…
This surprised Meng Tian slightly, he raised his brows, and still maintained a cold face.
Regardless of the age of the two, Meng Tian will definitely not feel any pity or sympathy because of the other’s age.
his duty.
It is to follow the order of the seventh son Ying Changge to find out the two lurkers.
As for how to deal with the other party in the future?
That’s not something he should be thinking about.
This matter is left to the Seventh Young Master to resolve it by himself.
Meng Tian didn’t dare to interfere too much.
And Xu Fu, who was beside Meng Tian, ​​also had a shocked expression on his face.
“It’s actually true?”
“Seventh son, he…”
“Really found two lurkers!”
“How the hell did he do it?”
“Even though he was sitting in the carriage the whole time, how did he realize that two lurkers were ushered in from the 100,000 cavalry army?”
“This is completely unreasonable!”
“Sitting in the carriage, can you have such a terrifying insight? So you can detect the clues and traces of the two lurkers? This is obviously unrealistic!”
“Seventh Young Master, he really did it!”
“Hey, what’s going on here?!”
Seeing the two subdued lurkers, Xu Fu was shocked.
He was indeed shocked by Ying Changge’s ability, which seemed to be a prophet.
Sitting in the carriage, one can see that there are lurkers in the team.

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