It turned out that they still couldn’t understand.
Why did the empire want to mobilize so many people to come to Shu Kingdom to deal with them Shushan.
But after seeing Xu Fu.
All confusion will be easily resolved.
This matter must be obstructed by the Yin Yang family!
That is.
It was the yin and yang family that caused them to face this crisis and disaster in Shushan.
“Damn Yin Yang family!”
“I guessed it a long time ago.”
“They are a group of wolfish and ambitious guys, and they will never give up Fusang Shenmu.”
“As early as hundreds of years ago, their Yin Yang family planned to try to seize the Fusang Shenmu. But they failed. Unexpectedly, they still don’t give up now!”
Yu Ziqi was furious.
But no matter how angry he is now, it doesn’t help.
The empire’s 100,000 cavalry army has already entered the territory of Shu.
It was less than half a day’s journey away from their Shu Mountain.
this moment.
How else could they save themselves?
How are they going to save Shushan?
Shushan is obviously in danger and is about to be destroyed!
Just when the two brothers and sisters were helpless, helpless, and deeply desperate.
A very gorgeous carriage appeared before their eyes.
“A carriage heavily protected by an army of 100,000 cavalry?”
“There must be a powerful person with a prominent status!”
“Even its importance far exceeds that of General Meng Tian.”
Shi Lan’s beautiful eyes flickered.
beside him.
Yu Ziqi felt the same way.
This may be their opportunity!
The only chance to save Shushan!
Since the blind young man has never been found…
And they don’t want to see Shushan destroyed.
Then they have only…
Another way is needed!
“If we can successfully blend into the army and sneak into the carriage…”
“In the carriage again, that very prominent and powerful figure.”
“Presumably, the crisis and disaster in Shushan will definitely usher in a huge and turning point!”
“This is the only way we can save Shushan.”
Think here.
Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan couldn’t help but look at each other, their eyes full of determination.
They decide.
Fight! .
Chapter 184 Assassination? capture! Finally meet! 【Please customize】
Inside the carriage.
by the window.
Meng Ying rode the horse, followed closely to guard the edge of the carriage all the way, and followed the entire army of over 100,000 cavalry at an even speed, always staying beside the carriage.
This is his duty as a bodyguard!
Even if you know it.
The strength of his son, Ying Changge, does not need his protection at all. He must also take his mission and responsibility seriously.
“My lord, we will soon arrive at Mount Shu.”
Feeling that the army’s forward speed seemed to be slowing down, Meng Ying could not help leaning against the window of the carriage in a low voice, reminding Ying Changge in the carriage.
“I see.”
There was a faint sound from the carriage.
The wheels rolled, following the 100,000 cavalry troops, leaving deep marks on the ground.
Inside the carriage.
Ying Changge and Shao Siming wanted to sit facing each other, silently.
Ying Changge frowned, feeling a little surprised on his faceDifferent and playful.
Shao Siming immediately noticed Ying Changge’s abnormality.
Then, without thinking too much, she moved her pink lips slightly, and asked directly: “My lord, what did you find?”
“A very interesting thing.”
Ying Changge laughed.
The smile on his face was meaningful, as if something very worth looking forward to was brewing.
Seeing Ying Changge’s expression of such emotion, Shao Siming wisely did not continue to ask too many questions, but kept silent, sizing up Ying Changge with a pair of beautiful eyes.
Her beautiful face hidden under the veil rippled with weaker waves.
Not paying attention to Shao Siming’s movements, Ying Changge carefully stimulated the perfect domineering level of knowledge.
in a moment……
The invisible air waves radiated out along with Ying Changge’s body.
In just a split second, Ying Changge’s knowledgeable arrogance enveloped an area with a radius of nearly a thousand meters in diameter.
In this area, the slightest movement of any object can hardly escape his terrifying perception and insight.
Even the slightest disturbance will not be an exception!
With just a thought, Ying Changge can clearly grasp all the movements within a thousand-meter radius, without missing a beat.
Under the cover of this perfect level of domineering knowledge, Ying Changge noticed something very interesting.
It is precisely because the perfect level of knowledge spreads so far that he can be so keen and perceive this subtle movement.
“Two little mice took the opportunity to sneak into the cavalry army.”
“This kind of means is not for the idle generation.”
“But what are they trying to do?”
“Facing an army of 100,000 iron cavalry, how dare they act rashly?”
The smile on Ying Changge’s face didn’t fade.
His perfect level knowledgeable domineering has already seen two lurkers.
These two lurkers have successfully sneaked into the ranks of the 100,000 cavalry.
He had to say.
These two are really bold!
Just two people, dare to provoke an army of 100,000 cavalry?
Does that mean they are too bold?
Or are they brainless?
“But the realm of a first-class warrior…”
“Dare to provoke a hundred thousand cavalry?”
“I really don’t know what they are thinking?”
Ying Changge felt a little emotional.
Just two first-class warriors, placed among the hundred thousand cavalry, could be trampled to death at any time.

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