The leader, Meng Tian, ​​waved his hand and stopped the cavalry’s plan to move forward.
Meng Tian’s voice resounded loudly.
Just for an instant.
The orderly 100,000 elite cavalry in the rear immediately stopped their movements in unison.
It can be seen.
This is a very well-trained elite iron cavalry, whose elite level far surpasses the ordinary elite troops of the empire.
Only Meng Tian, ​​the prestigious general of the empire, could train such elite cavalry.
“General Meng Tian, ​​the territory of Shu Kingdom is ahead.”
“Handed down.”
“Everyone in the Kingdom of Shu can practice witchcraft, and witchcraft is unpredictable. Please be careful to avoid accidents.”
Next to Meng Tian, ​​Xu Fu, the elder of the yin and yang family, Yun Zhongjun, also rode a horse and followed the front of the team, acting as a guide to lead the team forward.
This trip to Shu Mountain in Shu Kingdom is the core purpose of the Yin Yang family!
Xu Fu is naturally very eager for the sacred Fusang sacred tree in Shushan. He can’t wait to arrive at Shushan immediately and transfer the Fusang sacred tree to Yinyang’s family.
“Elder Xu Fu, don’t worry.”
“I know it.”
“Little Shu Kingdom, even if there are countless dangers hidden, it is nothing to be afraid of.”
“Under trampled by the empire’s 100,000 elite cavalry…”
“With a flick of a finger, the Kingdom of Shu can be razed to the ground!”
“As for the Wu Clan in Shushan? It’s just a group of ants.”
Meng Tian looked very arrogant and confident.
This is his nature!
He led the army to the battlefield at a young age, experienced hundreds of battles, and made great achievements for the empire. Now he is in charge of hundreds of thousands of elite troops of the empire.
So, how could Meng Tian not be arrogant?
On weekdays, in the face of Ying Changge and other high-ranking princes, Meng Tian would be extraordinarily humble.
Can face Xu Fu?
Then you don’t need to be so cautious.
“General Meng Tian is right.”
“Then let’s move on, find the Wu Clan in Shushan as soon as possible, and wipe them out, and then there will be more Fusang Shenmu, and the order given by His Majesty can be completed as soon as possible.”
Xu Fu nodded.
His eyes flickered, looking at the stretches of green forests in front of him, his eyes were filled with a strong sense of expectation.
The area of ​​the Shu Kingdom is not too large, at most it is equivalent to a group of the Great Qin Empire.
Since very few caravans pass through the Kingdom of Shu, the territory of the Kingdom of Shu is overgrown with dense forests, making it look like a virgin forest, untouched by the mundane world.
“The whole army obeys orders…”
“Go on!”
Then, Meng Tian waved his hand.
An army of 100,000 cavalry entered the territory of Shu under his leadership.
What a spectacular scene with a hundred thousand cavalrymen?
It’s simply tingling!
Just the sound of iron hooves trampling the ground was enough to resound through the sky, making people fearful and afraid to face the 100,000 troops.
The army is under pressure!
Qi to Shushan Wuzu!
There was a wave of turmoil and chaos in the territory of Shu.
at the same time.
Followed in the middle of the cavalry army, in a carriage in an absolutely safe area.
Ying Changge’s perfect level of knowledge and domineering, sometimes spreads over a thousand meters in diameter, and occasionally observes the changes in the surrounding environment, so that he can grasp the journey of the trip all the time.
“Have you arrived in Shu?”
Ying Changge sighed with emotion.
It took several days, and finally got his wish, from Xianyang City, all the way to the territory of Shu Kingdom.
This road is naturally full of dust.
Although it was in the carriage, the bumps of the carriage made Ying Changge feel a little mentally exhausted.
As a top powerhouse in the innate realm, with physical fitnessNaturally, the quality will not be exhausted because of running all the way, but the spirit of the soul is already a little tired.
But fortunately.
There were no accidents along the way, and there were no extra problems.
Otherwise, I’m afraid they won’t be able to reach the territory of Shu Kingdom in these few days.
This journey will be so smooth, which is completely expected by Ying Changge.
after all.
Anyone with a little brain would not easily provoke this army of 100,000 cavalry!
There may be countless bandit groups along the way.
But without exception, they dared not act rashly in front of the empire’s 100,000 elite cavalry.
They are asking for their own death!
If they didn’t seek their own death, how dare they use that small bandit group of hundreds of people to deal with the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army?
This is not a joke what is it?
Therefore, they did not encounter any rogues along the way.
The Great Qin Empire has conquered the world, but it does not mean that the territory of the empire will be absolutely safe.
There are remnants of the Six Kingdoms, and there are groups of anti-Qin forces…
In short.
In many places in the empire, there are bandits everywhere, and the people are in dire straits.
But along the way, Ying Changge couldn’t even see the shadow of the rogues.
can only say.
The momentum of the 100,000 cavalry army is too terrifying!
These rogues were afraid to see the shadow of the army from all the way, so they had already heard the news and fled.
In this way, there are still a lot of troublesome things left, and it will not delay the time of this trip to the land of Shu, so Ying Changge is also happy.
“Shushan Wu Clan…”
“How should I respond?”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
For the past few days, he has been thinking about this question.
If according to the original plan.
Well no doubt about it.
Following this trip, Meng Tian led the Golden Fire Cavalry to trample over, then the Kingdom of Shu would no longer exist, leaving only a few fish that slipped through the net to linger on, nothing to fear.
And this is definitely the result that the yin and yang family wants to see.
But Ying Changge naturally won’t let the Yin Yang family get what they want.
He was already on the wrong path with the Yinyang family, how could he see the Yinyang family get what they wanted?
For the past few days, Ying Changge has been thinking about how to destroy the plan of the Yin Yang family, and by the way, get himself a high degree of template integration.
Think of a way to have the best of both worlds!
“Destroy the Wu Clan in Shushan?”
“The Wu Clan in Shushan has no entanglement with the empire, nor does it have any grievances.”
“Among the many anti-Qin forces, the Wu Clan in Shushan did not participate.”
“Although it is a simple thing that can be done without any effort for the empire’s 100,000 cavalry army to flatten the Wu Clan in Shushan.”
“But the power of the Wu Clan in Shushan must not be underestimated.”
“If possible, I would prefer to…”
“Negotiate with the Wu Clan of Shushan!”
Ying Changge thought about it.
But he also knows.
The Shushan witches have guarded the Fusang sacred tree for generations, and regard the Fusang sacred tree as a sacred object and belief, and want them to take the initiative to hand over the Fusang sacred tree?

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