This is simply harder than climbing to the sky!
Even if it took their lives, they would never hand over the Fusang Shenmu.
This point, Ying Changge has been able to predict in advance.
The reason why the Shushan Wuzu chose to hide from the world may also be because it prevents people from the outside world from coveting and staring at the Fusang Shenmu.
“I hope the Shushan witches are not a bunch of stubborn guys.”
“Otherwise, the destruction of the Wu Clan in Shushan would be inevitable…”
Ying Changge shook his head.
that’s it.
Following the army of 100,000 cavalry, the carriage officially entered the territory of Shu Kingdom, and quickly approached the direction of the Wu Clan in Shu Mountain.

Within the territory of Shu.
In a dense forest.
The expressions of the two figures were full of anxiety, their faces were very pale, and they were at a loss.
“How to do?”
“Three days have passed…”
“We still haven’t been able to locate the young man who was blind.”
“Could it be that we really want to watch Shushan be destroyed?”
“The Great Elder once explained that if we can’t do anything, let us leave Shu Mountain and Shu Kingdom completely.”
“I really can’t just walk away!”
Yu Ziqi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his tone full of unwillingness and anxiety.
beside him.
Shi Lan’s immature but very delicate face also showed a sense of anxiety, biting her pink lips lightly, without saying a word.
She also felt the feeling of not waiting for me.
That deep sense of powerlessness made the two siblings feel deeply hopeless.
Three full days have passed since the two siblings left Shushan.
During these three days, the two of them searched for the blind young man all the way in Shu.
They are desperate.
I searched for three full days, but found nothing.
And according to the Great Elder’s prediction, the time when Shushan will be destroyed is infinitely approaching!
If they can’t find the only savior who can save them in Shushan, the two brothers and sisters can only escape from Shushan and the land of Shu.
But this is definitely not the result the two of them want.
They worked so hard that they spent these three days almost without sleep, in order to find a chance to resolve the huge disaster crisis in Shushan.
Even if it’s just a glimmer of life, they are willing to do everything they can.
But in the end, the two brothers and sisters were still desperate.
From the beginning to the end, they couldn’t find the blind young man.
Couldn’t even find a single thread of news!
“The Great Elder said.”
“If we can’t find it, let us leave Shushan and Shu Kingdom.”
stoneLan pink lips parted slightly.
She gritted her silver teeth lightly, her immature but very delicate and beautiful face was full of unwillingness and panic, she clenched her fists tightly, but her petite figure showed a pair of straight and slender legs.
She was wearing an animal skin coat, like a member of a primitive tribe, with an exotic beauty, even though she was young and immature, she already had a graceful figure.
“Xiao Yu, let’s go.”
“I want to return to Shushan!”
Yu Ziqi took a deep breath and solemnly made up his mind.
“No, you can’t.”
Shi Lan hastily stopped her.
“No need to persuade.”
“I want to return to Shushan to live and die with Shushan.”
“And you, as the saintess who has flowed the most orthodox blood of the Wu Clan in Shushan for nearly a hundred years, you shoulder the arduous mission of continuing the blood of the Wu Clan in Shushan!”
“You must leave!”
“You must leave Shu Kingdom safe and sound!”
Yu Ziqi grabbed Shi Lan’s shoulder and taught him earnestly.
“Do not!”
“I also want to live and die with Shushan.”
Shi Lan shook her head.
“At this critical moment, don’t be willful.”
“Our Shu Mountain must have a bloodline to continue…”
Yu Ziqi was in a hurry.
Seeing Shi Lan’s stubborn expression, he sighed helplessly.
Looked up.
He looks up to the sky.
Could it be…
Is God really going to exterminate Shushan?
Really want to destroy their Shushan Wu Clan?
They clearly did nothing wrong!
Why do we have to face such a huge catastrophe?
It’s not fair!
They have all escaped from the world.
What else do you want?
Just when the two siblings fell into extreme silence.
in vain!
Accompanied by a burst of iron hooves trampling the ground, there was a deafening loud sound.
The sound was like thunder, resounding through the sky.
The whole earth seemed to tremble and shake.
The two siblings couldn’t help but look at each other, their pupils shrank slightly.
Their complexions changed drastically at a speed visible to the naked eye.
“This is……”
“It’s the cavalry army of the empire!”
After seeing the comer clearly, Yu Ziqi blurted out in shock.
Chapter 183 Shushan is at stake! The decision of the two siblings! Target! 【Please customize】
“Hidden immediately!”
“It’s the cavalry army of the empire!”
Yu Ziqi was anxious and terrified, and quickly pulled Shi Lan to hide in the dense forest, trying to cover up the traces of the two of them.
The two of them also quickly adjusted their breathing rhythm, slowing down their breathing as much as possible.
As the guards of Yu Yuan of the Shu Mountain Wu Clan, the strength of the two of them is naturally very good.
Yu Ziqi has the strength of a first-rate warrior, and Shi Lan also has the strength of a first-rate warrior.
If the two join forces, relying on the strange witchcraft of the Shushan Wu Clan, they are confident that they can deal with some very few early innate strongmen who have just entered the innate realm.
This strength is enough for them to easily protect themselves in the arena.
The strength of the two first-class warriors naturally cannot be compared with the empire’s cavalry army.

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