“Will he appear in Shu Kingdom?”
After being reminded by the Great Elder, Yu Ziqi glowed with strong hope and faith.
“Great Elder, I would like to accompany my brother to find this young man.”
“Since only he can save Shushan, then we must find him. And beg him to save our Shushan and resolve our huge crisis and disaster in Shushan!”
Shi Lan bit her pink lips lightly, her tone full of firmness.
“I asked you to come here today, that’s what I planned to do.”
“You don’t need to have too much pressure, just try your best.”
“If you can’t do anything, don’t even think about returning to Shushan.”
“Three days later, if you can’t find the blind young man.”
“Then, from now on, you can keep your identities incognito and stop interfering with the affairs of Mount Shu. Don’t act recklessly and impulsively, and you must protect your own lives.”
.. .. . . . . . .
“The continuation of the blood of the Wu clan in Shushan depends on you.”
The Great Elder solemnly ordered.
He did this in order to preserve the continuation of the blood of the Wu clan in Shushan, so that it would not be completely cut off in their generation.
Shushan can be destroyed, but the blood of Shushan Wuzu must not be cut off because of this!
This is also the only plan he can make in the end.
As the highly respected Great Elder of the Wu Clan in Shushan, he bears the trust of all the Wu Clan children on his shoulders.
In this way, he can’t let the Shushan Wuzu be wiped out all at once!
No matter how bad the result is.
He must also allow the blood of the Shushan Wu Clan to continue.
“Great Elder, we…”
Yu Ziqi naturally thought of this too.
He could feel the Great Elder’s determination to fight to the death!
It was because of this that he felt the heavy pressure and burden on his shoulders.
Shi Lan’s pretty little face also had a somewhat heavy look.
Both siblings can see it.
The Great Elder is preparing for the funeral after the destruction of Shu Mountain!
“Needless to say, let’s go.”
“Son, you will definitely succeed!”
“I trust you.”
“The future of Shushan rests on your shoulders.”
“Do the best you can.”
“If we really can’t find the blind young man, it means that God is destined to destroy our Shushan witch clan.”
“We, there is nothing we can do!”
“You can only follow God’s will.”
The Great Elder smiled kindly, and patted Yu Ziqi on the shoulder lightly.
Regarding the two siblings, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, he has always been very optimistic about each other.
Especially Shi Lan!
The saint of the contemporary Shushan witch clan!
His status is second only to his great elder.
Shi Lan represents the future of the Wu Clan in Shushan!
She is the most orthodox Shushan witch blood saint in the world!
It is with this in mind.
The Great Elder will finally choose to let Yu Ziqi’s two brothers and sisters leave Shushan at this critical moment.
Naturally, this also includes that letting the two brothers and sisters avoid the Shushan incident far away is part of the reason for the devastating disaster.
“Elder, we will definitely find that young man!”
“We will definitely save Shushan!”
“No matter how difficult the process is, we will definitely implore that young man to come to save our Shu Mountain and resolve the crisis and disaster that our Shu Mountain is facing.”
Yu Ziqi’s eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth with a firm promise on his face.
“Great Elder, we will definitely find him!”
Shi Lan endured the sadness and heartache in her heart, and made a promise with her brother Yu Ziqi.
“If you have this heart, I will be satisfied.”
The Great Elder smiled and sighed.
He didn’t expect to actually find it.
After all, there is only a chance of survival.
Being able to find nature is the best result.
But if you can’t find it…
The Wu Clan in Shushan can only be completely exterminated according to God’s will.
As long as the blood of the Wu clan in Shushan can be preserved, the Great Elder believes that he will die without regret.
The Shushan Wu Clan will live and die with Fusang Shenmu!
From generation to generation, use your life to protect the Fusang Shenmu!
Even in this generation, they will never back down because of this!
this day.
Yu Ziqi, one of the guards of Yu Yuan of the Shushan Wu Clan, and his sister Shi Lan, the saint of the Shishan Wu Clan…
The two siblings went down the mountain at the same time.
The two of them quickly left Shushan, and went to the territory of Shu as quickly as possible, frantically looking for the blind young master.
That is.
The only one who can save them Shushan Wu ClanThe presence! Where.
Chapter 182: Arriving in Shu Kingdom! The army is under pressure! Meet Shi Lan! 【Please customize】
After a few days.
Shu border.
The small Kingdom of Shu is just a tiny place next to the Great Qin Empire.
Since ancient times, there have been countless myths and legends in the Kingdom of Shu, which have been widely circulated in the rivers and lakes, making the land of the Kingdom of Shu full of mystery.
The sorcery of Bashu made all the sects in the rivers and lakes frightened.
Even in these years, the Shushan Wu people have never walked in the rivers and lakes, but chose to hide from the world.
However, the sorcery of the Wu clan in Shushan still makes many people in the Jianghu feel deeply afraid.
this day.
A group of uninvited guests ushered in the border of Shu Kingdom!
Before anyone arrived, the deafening sound resounded through the sky.
The whole earth seemed to be trampled and collapsed, and a thunderous and loud sound sounded, and then spread and spread in all directions.
The ground felt like an earthquake, and the whole land was screaming.
Visible to the naked eye.
On the distant horizon, a huge army of cavalry ushered in.
Every elite iron cavalry wears excellent armor, holds weapons and equipment, and has piercing eyes, following in the team neatly and orderly.
This is a well-trained cavalry elite!
The neat color of the army is dark red, and in the center of the army, a flag is hung high, with a “Mongolian” written in Daqin characters on it!
They are the prestigious Meng Family Army of the Great Qin Empire!
The Golden Fire Cavalry, led by Meng Tian himself, is one of the four most powerful arms in the empire, and it is also the Great Qin cavalry that made the Xiongnu outside the border of the Great Wall of Shangjun fearful.
Hundreds of thousands of Golden Fire Cavalry rode their horses, trampled the soil and ground with their iron hooves, and raised waves of dust, rolling and flying, curling up into the air.
“Two eight seven” The earth trembled!
The surface of the earth is almost about to be completely bombarded and collapsed!
When the sound of iron hooves trampling the ground, there were some traces of weakening.

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