Brother and sister Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, who were Yu Yuan’s guards, hurried to the Holy Land of Shushan to meet the elder of Shushan.
“Elder, what happened?”
“Why did you let us, brother and sister, rush to the Holy Land?”
Yu Ziqi came to the Holy Land of Shushan anxiously, and met the elder with the highest status in Shushan.
The Great Elder was an old man with gray hair, his snow-white long hair fell down his shawl, his old and wrinkled face had a ruddy blood color that did not match his age.
The old 287 looks very healthy and looks full of energy.
And beside Yu Ziqi.
Standing there is a girl about fourteen or fifteen years old. She has a small body and has not yet fully grown up, like a bright flower that is about to bloom.
Fair skin and the girl’s already incomparably delicate facial features made her reveal a ruthless charm even though she was still young.
The beautiful and slightly immature face, set off by the smaller figure, makes people sigh inwardly, how amazing it will be if time passes.
The girl was wearing a rather peculiar dress, with a silver corolla decoration on her head, which was draped over her body like an animal skin dress, outlining her slender legs, with an exotic beauty.
This woman is Shi Lan!
“Xiao Yu, you are here.”
At this time.
The Great Elder slowly opened his eyes.
I see.
He was originally sitting cross-legged in the spacious main hall of the Shushan Holy Land, with a pair of vicissitudes of eyes opened, looking deeply at the two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
“Great Elder.”
Facing the Great Elder, Shi Lan lowered her head, her tone respectful.
Of the thousands of members of the Wu clan in the entire Shushan Mountain, the elders are naturally the main ones!
The Great Elder is the leader of the Wu Clan in Shushan!
This point is recognized by all the Wu people in Shushan.
More precisely.
The Great Elder is the belief of the Wu Clan in Shushan!
“I called you here today for just one thing.”
“You know that.”
“What is the duty of Yu Yuan’s guard?”
The Great Elder looked at the two brothers and sisters, and spoke slowly, asking in a gentle voice.
“Guard Yu Yuan…”
Yu Ziqi thought for a while, and then replied, “Grand Elder, the duty of Yu Yuan’s guard is to guard the Fusang sacred tree, and guard it with his life!”
“This is the duty and responsibility we have passed down from generation to generation.”
This concept has been instilled in their minds since childhood.
Including Shi Lan, they also nodded in deep agreement.
“Then do you know the origin of Fusang Shenmu?”
The Great Elder asked again with a smile.
Yu Ziqi couldn’t answer for a while.
His mind was stuck.
Because of these things, he has never been exposed to them before.
He just knows.
His duty is to protect the Fusang Shenmu!
But the origin of Fuso Shenmu?
He was completely unaware of this.
No one has ever mentioned to him that there is news about the origin of Fusang Shenmu.
In their eyes.
Fusang Shenmu is the most sacred thing in the world, not something they can talk about casually.
Otherwise, it will be considered disrespectful!
“As you said.”
“Guarding the Fusang Shenmu is the duty of our Yu Yuan guards.”
“It’s also what our Shushan Wu people have needed to do for nearly a thousand years.”
The Great Elder sighed with emotion, his eyes filled with complicated emotions.
After a pause, he continued.
“But what you don’t know is…”
“We are just a group of guardians!”
“Fusang Shenmu has an owner!”
“We are just the guardians who have been guarding the Fusang Shenmu for nearly a thousand years, helping the owner of the Fusang Shenmu to guard it so that it will not be destroyed by others.”
The Great Elder sighed inexplicably.
Yu Ziqi was taken aback.
He heard it for the first time.
Fusang Shenmu actually has an owner? !
Isn’t it their Shushan Wu clan?
Doesn’t Fuso Shenmu belong to them?
Its owner is someone else?
Who is that?
Who is the owner of Fusang Shenmu?
For a moment, Yu Ziqi’s heart fluctuated violently.
He was obviously frightened by what the Great Elder said just now.
It has never been heard that the Fusang Shenmu they have guarded for generations actually has an owner!
All of this subverted Yu Ziqi’s cognition.
Including Shi Lan, who was silent beside her, her pretty and delicate face also showed some consternation, her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the First Elder.
The Fusang Shenmu is just a sacred object that they, the Wu Clan in Shushan, take care of for others for the time being?
And it doesn’t belong to their Shushan Wu clan?
This incident severely impacted Shi Lan’s mind, making her mind particularly confused.
“Great Elder, who is the owner of the Fusang Shenmu?”
“Nearly a thousand years have passed.”
“Could it be…”
“Is its owner still alive?”
Yu Ziqi’s throat was dry and he couldn’t help asking.
He wanted to question it.
But in view of the majesty of the Great Elder, he could only believe in this terrifying time.
“Before mentioning its owner.”
“Let me tell you first, there are many introductions about Fusang Shenmu.”
The Great Elder seemed to be lost in thought and memory.
quite a while.
Only then did he speak: “Fusang Shenmu is rumored to be the habitat of the sun god, because it is bathed in the sun god.Under the divine fire, there is an extremely strong vitality inside the real fire of the sun. ”
“The more sun energy absorbed, the more vigorous the vitality of the Fusang Shenmu will be, which will feed back to all living things around the Fusang Shenmu…”
“This is the reason why people in the world are eager to get Fusang Shenmu.”
“And we have lived next to the hibiscus tree for generations, and we have benefited a lot from it. We are often nourished by the vitality fed back by the hibiscus tree.”
“And this is the main reason why our physique is so strong.”
“Handed down.”
“The real hibiscus tree is the nest of the three-legged Golden Crow, under which there are gods soaring beyond the nine heavens…”
(afej) Gradually.
Under the popularity of the Great Elder, Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan’s two brothers and sisters have a deeper and deeper understanding of Fusang Shenmu.
After a while.
Yu Ziqi’s shaking mood still couldn’t calm down.
He couldn’t help asking: “Grand Elder, why did you tell us these things today?”
Of course he could see it.

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