The Great Elder revealed so much to them today, about the introduction and origin of the Fusang Shenmu, so it was not just a moment of boredom.
“Thousands of years ago…”
“Our Wu clan in Shushan is still weak. In that era when human life is regarded as worthless, it is as difficult for us Wu clan to find a way to survive.”
“And at that time, our Shushan Wu Clan met Zhongrun from the Fusang Sacred Tree. He replaced him and has been guarding the Fusang Sacred Tree, and made a thousand-year covenant.”
“Over the past thousand years, our Wu clan in Shushan has grown stronger and stronger, relying on the hibiscus tree to develop to the point where we are today.”
“But after all…”
“The Millennium Fate has come quietly!”
“Thousands of years later, what does not belong to us in Shushan does not belong to us after all. The owner of the Fusang Shenmu must also come to take back the Fusang Shenmu.”
“This is destiny!”
“The fate of our Shushan witch clan!”
The great elder was deeply moved.
“Great elder, who is the owner of the sacred tree?”
Shi Lan asked.
“I have no idea.”
The elder gave a wry smile.
This made the brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan look astonished.
Even the Great Elder doesn’t know who its master is?
Then who will collect the Fusang Shenmu?
“The person from thousands of years ago must have passed away…”
“In this world, there is no so-called immortality.”
“But his descendants will definitely come to collect the Fusang Shenmu!”
The great elder continued to speak.
“So, Great Elder, what do you mean?”
“Soon, the Fusang Shenmu will not belong to us?”
Yu Ziqi asked a little uncomfortable.
“Do not!”
“The more important thing is not this…”
“My eyelids have been beating wildly recently, and I always have an ominous premonition.”
“So, I cast the prophecy on a whim!”
The great elder said that he paused for a moment here.
“Prophecy? This is a witchcraft that can only be performed at the expense of one’s life!”
“Elder, you…”
The two brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan looked anxious and worried.
“Listen to me to continue.”
The great elder waved his hand.
He sighed, “Compared to the loss of my lifespan, this is harmless. It’s just that I predicted a very bad thing, which will happen in the next few days.”
“The exact time cannot be estimated.”
“This prophecy shows.”
“Our Shushan Wu Clan will be in danger in the next few days!”
“It’s even possible…”
“Totally destroyed!”
The sound just fell.
Like five thunderbolts, Yu Ziqi’s forehead was buzzing.
He was completely bewildered.
Shi Lan also lost her composure.
She gently covered her pink lips, her beautiful eyes stared blankly at the First Elder, her slightly immature and beautiful face was full of panic and apprehension.
she knows.
The Great Elder’s prophecy is very accurate!
Almost no errors!
Decades ago, the Great Elder had predicted the unification of the six kingdoms!
Eventually it did.
Never thought about it.
Today, the Great Elder predicted that the Wu Clan in Shushan would be destroyed!
This made it difficult for Shi Lan, who made Shushan her home, to accept it, and her mood became very frightened and uneasy.
After all.
After all, she is just a girl who is still in her cardamom age.
Even if her status is very prominent, she is the saint of the Shushan Wu clan.
But when faced with such a thing, she still seems helpless.
She couldn’t do anything useful other than be flustered.
“Elder, Great Elder, what should we do?”
Yu Ziqi had no doubts about the prophecy of the Great Elder.
He just wants to know now.
How should we turn the tide.
He didn’t want to see the Wu clan in Shushan destroyed, and he didn’t want Shushan to be destroyed in the world.
“don’t worry.”
“It is also shown in the prophecy.”
“Our Shushan Wu Clan still has a chance!”
“And this thread of life involves another extremely mysterious existence!”
“I suspect……”
“This mysterious existence that appeared in my prophecy is the descendant of the existence in the thousand-year fate!”
The Great Elder pondered for a moment, then said.
He vaguely remembered.
The mysterious figure that appeared in his prophecy was very young!
And this mysterious existence is the key person who can save the Wu Clan in Shushan!
he guessed.
This figure that appeared in his prophecy may be the descendant of the one thousands of years ago!
That is…
Descendants of the true owner of Fuso Shenmu!
“Elder, who is he?”
Yu Ziqi’s throat was dry, so he asked subconsciously.
“The prophecies are vague and incomprehensible. ”
“Even if I lose a full ten years of life as the price…”
“You can only see an ambiguous fragment of the picture.”
The Great Elder’s snow-white brows were tightly locked.
Under the eyes of brothers and sisters Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan.
The Great Elder took a deep breath, and solemnly informed: “That is a young man who is blind! Only he can save our entire Wu clan in Shushan!”
“Only he can prevent our Shu Mountain from being completely destroyed!”.
Chapter 181 The only savior of Shushan! Shi Lan went down the mountain to find someone! 【Please customize】
The voice of the Great Elder lingered in the ears of Yu Ziqi and Shi Lan, making their minds confused.
In this regard, the two brothers and sisters were completely unexpected to me.
Unpredictable is…
Their Shushan witch clan has been stable for hundreds of years, but they never expected that such a huge catastrophe is about to usher in such a huge catastrophe!
If they can’t escape this catastrophe, then their Shushan Wu Clan will be completely destroyed!

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