Even his hands and feet started to feel cold.
Even with the scorching sun at the edge of the sky, the surrounding air was filled with hot breath, but the cold sweat running down Xu Fu’s back could not be restrained from overflowing.
blink of an eye.
His back was almost soaked in cold sweat.
“‘〃Elder Xu Fu, are you alright?”
“Looking at your face, it seems that something is wrong.”
“Do you need a break?”
Meng Tian, ​​who was riding the war horse next to Xu Fu, couldn’t help asking with some concern.
Up close, of course he could see it.
Xu Fu’s state was a little bit wrong.
It’s like when Meng Tian was on the battlefield in the past, seeing those recruits who were frightened and stupid.
Xu Fu’s state was like these recruits, as if they had been scared out of their wits, his entire face was pale, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.
Hearing this, Xu Fu woke up instantly.
He hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, forced a smile and shook his head: “No, it’s all right, it’s just that the weather is too hot, causing the sweat to overflow uncontrollably.”
“General Meng Tian, ​​don’t worry about me, let’s go as soon as possible.”
“Avoid delay and change!”
“Only by resolving this matter as soon as possible can we return to report to His Majesty sooner.”
“And on your side, you can also rush to the Mohist organ city faster to wipe out the group of anti-Qin elements.”
“It’s not too late, we’re leaving now.”
Xu Fu was obviously frightened by Ying Changge.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, whom he had dismissed at first, suddenly became a huge psychological shadow hovering in his heart after what happened just now.
Xu Fu secretly made up his mind.
In any case, this trip must not provoke that monster, Seventh Young Master!
Seventh Young Master is really terrifying!
This woman, Luna, does not deceive me…
The Seventh Young Master is indeed a terrifying existence beyond common sense!
This line……
Very troublesome!
It’s tricky!
Mainly because I didn’t expect it.
A terrifying monster like the Seventh Young Master actually accompanied him to the land of Shu.
With such an extremely terrifying monster following around him all the time, naturally (Qian Zhao) made Xu Fu feel the thorns everywhere, like sitting on pins and needles.
His body looked very unnatural, and his mood was always in a state of extreme panic.
“What Elder Xu Fu said is absolutely true.”
“Only by completing this matter as soon as possible can we go to the Mohist organ city as soon as possible to encircle and suppress those anti-Qin elements.”
“Avoid the anti-Qin elements, there may be some big disturbances in the future, which will adversely affect and turmoil the empire.”
“Your Majesty has shown great importance to this trip to Shu Mountain in the Kingdom of Shu. As subjects, we naturally have to share His Majesty’s worries as soon as possible.”
After being reminded by Xu Fu, Meng Tian subconsciously nodded in deep agreement.
He turned around slowly, and raised his arms to the army of hundreds of thousands of cavalry behind him who were ready to go.
“The whole army obeys orders…”
“Let’s go!”
The voice was loud and piercing, and it resounded through the sky in an instant.
The loud voice spread along the trend, spread in all directions, and reverberated wantonly and melodiously in this area.
at the same time.
The 100,000 cavalry army suddenly became imposing and menacing.
Under Meng Tian’s leadership, the 100,000 troops only made the sound of iron hooves trampling on the ground, as if they were about to collapse the depression trampled on by the ground.
One hundred thousand troops, mighty momentum!
Iron hoofs trampled on the ground crazily, and there was a sound that spread…
Like thunder!
Following the march of an army of 100,000 cavalry, Ying Changge’s carriage was located in the center of the army, within a heavily protected safe area.
Following closely with the iron cavalry army all the way forward at an even speed, they left Xianyang City behind completely in a short while.
Destination of this trip…
Shu Kingdom, Shu Mountain! .
Chapter 180 Millennium Destiny! prophecy! Blind young man! 【Please customize】
The direction to the west of Xianyang City.
This is a very mysterious and ancient place.
its name is…
Shu Kingdom!
Also known as Bashu!
Many myths and legends have been circulated here in the Kingdom of Shu, and countless legends rich in mythology all come from this small place of the Kingdom of Shu.
The size of the Kingdom of Shu is not small, but compared to the gigantic Great Qin Empire, it is naturally reduced to a tiny place.
in particular……
Everyone in Shu has something to do with witches, adding countless mysterious colors to this place in Shu.
all in all.
Being in the Kingdom of Shu, the most important thing to pay attention to is witchcraft!
Witchcraft is divided into black witchcraft and white witchcraft.
Black witchcraft is naturally a very evil and terrible spell.
But white witchcraft can save countless people in dire straits.
since ancient times.
There are countless legends about witchcraft circulating here in the Kingdom of Shu.
If it comes to witchcraft orthodoxy!
Then I have to mention the most eye-catching Shu Mountain in the Kingdom of Shu!
Shushan is the most unique and prestigious place in Shu.
The witch clan in Shushan is even more orthodox in the inheritance of witchcraft!
This is a fact recognized by all the people in Shu.
For the Shushan Wuzu, in fact, more people in the Shu Kingdom would like to call it…
Yu Yuan guards!
Generations of people have lived in the world to protect the Fusang sacred tree.
For nearly a thousand years, the Shushan Wu people have almost completely escaped from the world. Even within the territory of Shu, people seldom heard any news about the Shu Mountain Wu Clan.
This does not mean that the Shushan Wuzu is almost destroyed, but it is simply that the Shushan Wuzu is becoming more and more detached from the world.In addition, it is just to prevent the children of the Wu clan from being contaminated by the world of mortals.
With a solid heritage of nearly a thousand years, the Wu Clan of Shushan can be said to be the well-deserved great overlord in the territory of Shu!
All of these are the endorsements of the Shushan Wu Clan.
And on this day.

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