Chapter 176 Departure! Go to the Kingdom of Shu! Target Shushan Wu Clan! 【Please customize】
“My minister, obey the order!”
Faced with the orders issued by Ying Zheng, the only thing Meng Tian can do is to accept the orders.
Although he was deeply disgusted by what Luna said.
But he couldn’t disobey the emperor’s order!
“Overseas Immortal Island? Immortal Island Immortal?”
“Yin Yang Family…”
“It’s really getting more and more unscrupulous!”
Meng Tian glanced at Luna, feeling a sense of urgency in his heart.
What exactly is there in the Kingdom of Shu?
It’s worth making the Yin Yang family so excited ~ the crowd?
The so-called hibiscus tree – is it really so magical?
Meng Tian didn’t believe it.
The so-called mythical sacred tree must have hidden secrets!
The Yin Yang family must have a plan!
But what exactly?
This is beyond what Meng Tian can guess.
“Your Majesty, there is one more thing.”
Luna spoke again.
“What’s up?”
Ying Zheng asked.
“Due to the unique growth environment of the hibiscus tree, and its very strong vitality, plus its own magic. Therefore, it is not an easy task to seize it.”
“It is necessary to adopt a unique method in order to capture the Fusang Shenmu.”
“If the transfer is not carried out according to a special method, I am afraid that the Fusang Shenmu will be destroyed. If so, the loss will be heavy.”
“Fusang Shenmu needs to be illuminated by the sun all year round. It complements the myths and legends as the habitat of the sun god, and it needs to be illuminated by the sun to grow.”
“In the process of capturing the Fusang Shenmu, the method must not be too direct, otherwise its roots may be destroyed, resulting in the loss of the Fusang Shenmu’s effect…”
Luna continued on.
After listening to the introduction of the Moon God, Ying Zheng raised his brows, with a serious expression on his face: “So what do you mean? How to capture the Fusang Shenmu?”
Ying Zheng was clearly concerned about Luna’s words.
Whether true or not…
Ying Zheng will definitely not let this hibiscus tree go!
This point, Meng Tian who has been staying here is well aware of it.
He dared not open his mouth to persuade.
Of course Meng Tian knew the character of the First Emperor Yingzheng.
At this moment, if he rashly opened his mouth to persuade, he might really get burned.
It is better to listen quietly and quietly.
“Report to Your Majesty.”
“The Yinyang family is going to let one of the five elders, Minister Jin, Lao Yun Zhongjun, personally dispatch to Shushan to seize the Fusang Shenmu.”
“Yun Zhongjun has studied Fusang Shenmu for many years, and his understanding of Fusang Shenmu is far superior to mine.”
“If he personally accompanied General Meng Tian all the way to Mount Shu in the Kingdom of Shu, he would definitely be able to ensure the perfect transfer of the Fusang Shenmu to the territory of the empire.”
“I don’t know what your majesty wants?”
Luna proposed.
Not only Luna has a deep understanding of the information about Fusang Shenmu.
Of course, Yun Zhongjun also has a very deep understanding.
By contrast.
Moon God’s understanding of Fusang Shenmu may be far inferior to that of Yun Zhongjun.
after all.
The person responsible for going out to sea to find overseas fairy islands has always been Yun Zhongjun, not Luna.
Therefore, Yun Zhong-jun is simply too clear about Fusang Shenmu.
Even Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yinyang family, can’t compare to Yun Zhongjun’s understanding of Fusang Shenmu.
“Mr. Yunzhong Xu Fu?”
Ying Zheng fell into deep thought.
If it was left to Xu Fu to deal with, he could feel a little relieved.
Since Xu Fu of the Yin Yang family is so confident, he might as well leave it to the other party to deal with it.
Thinking to this point, Ying Zheng nodded and agreed: “I agree. No matter what, at all costs, you must bring the Fusang Shenmu back.”
Hearing this, Yue Shen promised solemnly: “Please rest assured, Your Majesty, and promise to fulfill His Majesty’s orders.”
At this time.
Ying Zheng looked at Meng Tian again, thought for a while, and said: “Meng Aiqing, you have worked hard this time. You need to rush to the land of Shu to complete the matter of capturing the Fusang Shenmu.”
“Rush to the Mohist organ city, there is still time.”
“At onceYes……”
“You may have had a lot of hard work on this trip.”
It will be nearly half a month before the anti-Qin elements from all corners of the world gather in the Mohist organ city.
There is plenty of time!
It doesn’t take too much time to rush from Xianyang City to the land of Shu Kingdom.
Solving the affairs of the Shu Kingdom within half a month, and successfully arriving at the Mohist Trick City, these times are definitely more than enough time.
Meng Tian, ​​who had to work so hard to lead the army in battle, might not have much time for him to rest during the process.
“Your Majesty is serious.”
“It is indeed a great honor to be able to share the worries of His Majesty.”
Meng Tian clasped his fists and bowed his head, his tone and posture were particularly respectful.
“There is General Lao Mengtian.”
Luna also said something to Meng Tian.
“It’s okay, Lord Moon God doesn’t have to be so polite.”
Meng Tian shook his head.
“In that case…”
“Then, I will hand over this matter to you, General Meng Tian, ​​to take charge of it personally. And Xu Fu, the elder of the Yin Yang family, will go to the land of Shu as an escort.”
Ying Zheng immediately made a decision.
Suddenly, Meng Tian reminded: “Your Majesty, what the Seventh Young Master said…”
After Meng Tian’s reminder, Ying Zheng fell into deep thought for a while.
Ying Zheng said: “It’s okay. This trip will let Chang Ge follow General Meng Tian and Xu Fu all the way to the land of Shu. Presumably, he will obey my wishes.”
Hearing what the two said, Luna felt a little bit uneasy.
Think for a moment.
She still couldn’t help asking: “Your Majesty, is it possible that the Seventh Young Master also wants to go with General Meng Tian?”
If she could, she would never want to see this happen.
Although no reason can be found.
But Luna just didn’t want to see it.
The seventh son Ying Changge, an unstable factor, followed Meng Tian to the land of Shu.
In this world, there are very few people who can’t see through her.
And it just so happens.
Seventh son Ying Changge is one of them.
Luna really didn’t want to see it.
A person who even she couldn’t see through at all, went to personally handle such an important matter to the Yin Yang family.
she worried.
Things may change unpredictably because of this!

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