“Master Luna, do you have a different opinion?”
Meng Tian glanced at Luna with a strange expression.
He could probably guess what the Moon God was thinking.
“No, I dare not.”
Luna shook his head quickly.
She didn’t want to see Ying Changge go to Shu, but she couldn’t find any reason to stop it from happening.
After all.
She just had some ominous premonition in her heart.
“The matter is so decided.”
“General Meng Tian personally led the Golden Fire Cavalry to go to the land of Shu. Suppress the Wu tribe in Shushan, and seize the sacred tree Fusang Shenmu that grew up in Shushan.”
“There is an accompanying person, Xu Fu, the elder of the yin and yang family.”
“And my son Changge!”
Ying Zheng’s voice resounded.
Things have come to this point, Luna is powerless to change.
She couldn’t find any way to change Ying Zheng’s decision.
“Follow His Majesty’s orders.”
No matter Meng Tian or Luna, both of them could only nod their heads in response.
Meng Tian and Luna announced their departure one after another.
The figures of the two left the huge Xianyang Palace at the same time.
Watching the back of the two leaving, Ying Zheng was thoughtful, with a bit of expectation on his brows, and at the same time, a little doubt in his heart.
He took a deep look at Luna’s back, and remained silent for a long time.
The huge palace became extremely silent in the blink of an eye.
the other side.
After leaving the palace.
Meng Tian immediately bid farewell to the Moon God, and drove the horse back to the Meng Mansion to make all preparations for leaving Xianyang City.
Looking at Meng Tian’s leaving figure, the pretty and charming face of the Moon God in place carried a bit of lingering dignity. Urgent, worried.
Originally watching.
All the process of the plan developed according to what she thought in her heart.
At the last critical moment.
Killed a seventh son!
If it were another person, perhaps Luna would not be so prepared.
But, only Ying Changge is different!
This is a terrifying existence that even the moon god can’t see through.
Thinking that such a huge and unpredictable variable would accompany Meng Tian all the way to the land of Shu to be responsible for capturing the Fusang Shenmu.
Luna’s mood became very heavy.
She always had a bad feeling.
This matter will not develop as smoothly as she planned!
A monster has stepped in!
In this way, it is natural that Luna cannot be slack and careless.
“This matter must be reported to His Excellency the Eastern Emperor.”
“The matter has come to this, and I can no longer try to change His Majesty’s order.”
Luna sighed.
Just one Ying Changge made Luna feel a lot of pressure in his heart.

the next day.
The sun is rising.
The golden sun hangs on the edge of the sky, and the scattered halo penetrates the clouds and falls from the clouds, illuminating the entire city of Xianyang, glowing with vitality.
0・・・・・Ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・・・・・
early morning.
The streets of Xianyang City seemed very lively and noisy.
There are people coming and going on the street, and it is very lively.
Occasionally, a carriage passed through the spacious street, and pedestrians retreated in all directions.
The hawkers on both sides of the street kept shouting and shouting with flushed faces.
The loud voice resounded through the streets and alleys of Xianyang City, showing vitality.
Qing Xia Palace.
Just when Ying Changge was ready, he was about to lead Shao Siming and Meng Ying to accompany Meng Tian all the way to the Mohist organ city, preparing to encircle and suppress the Mohist and other anti-Qin elements.
very satisfiedoutside…
Without warning, he suddenly got a piece of news.
The news came suddenly!
There are hardly any warning signs!
Rao and Ying Changge expressed their surprise and surprise at this news.
They are all ready to go to the Mohist organ city.
Who ever thought.
At this critical moment, there was an accident!
“That is.”
“Our trip is not the first to go to the Mohist organ city? But to go to the land of Shu? To Shushan? To meet the group of Shushan witches who live in seclusion in Shushan?”
“Sweeping the Shu Kingdom first? Then go and wipe out the anti-Qin elements?”
Ying Changge looked surprised.
at this time.
Standing in front of Ying Changge was a soldier from the Meng family army.
After listening to Ying Changge’s question, the soldier nodded respectfully: “Yes, this is General Meng Tian. He specially ordered his subordinates to come and inform the young master of your news.”
.. .. . . . . . .
Hearing this, Ying Changge wiped his chin thoughtfully.
This accident made him not mentally prepared.
Temporarily changed the route!
It was originally a Mohist organ technique going to Tianhe County!
Now, he changed his route and rushed to the land of Shu Kingdom in the west!
The Kingdom of Shu, the birthplace of the Wu Clan.
This is a place rich in countless myths and legends.
As for Shushan, it was a sect that was once famous and prominent in the Jianghu!
Now Shushan has almost disappeared, and he no longer cares about the affairs of the rivers and lakes. Therefore, Shushan is not as prominent and prestigious as it used to be, but seems to have withdrawn from the arena.
Few people in the rivers and lakes know that it is no longer as prestigious as it used to be.
“Speaking of which, the distance between Western Shu Kingdom and Tianhe County is not too far.”
“This trip is going to the Kingdom of Shu…”
“It won’t cause too much error in the itinerary for going to the Mohist organ city.”
“It’s on the way!”
Ying Changge thought to himself.
But he was still deeply curious about this sudden change in the itinerary.
What is the reason.
Did it cause the target to change?
It is obviously not a trivial matter to suddenly change the goal temporarily!
A major event must have happened before Ying Zheng suddenly ordered to change the goal that had been set!
With doubts in his heart, Ying Changge asked again: “Can General Meng Tian explain anything else?”

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