“Your Majesty, the Moon God seeks an audience.”
A clear and pleasant voice slowly sounded from outside the door.
Ying Zheng was slightly surprised.
He was obviously not mentally prepared for the sudden visit of the Moon God.
What is she here for?
But soon.
Ying Zheng calmed down, and with the confusion in his heart, he said directly: “Come in.”
not for a while.
Luna walked into the palace.
She first saluted and greeted Ying Zheng respectfully.
“Moon God, see Your Majesty.”
Under Ying Zheng’s slightly confused gaze.
The Moon God cut to the chase, and quickly explained the purpose of his visit: “Your Majesty, the Moon God took the liberty to disturb you today because there is an important matter that His Majesty needs to decide in person.”
Ying Zheng asked, “What’s the matter?”
Meng Tian was silent and stood beside him quietly.
Before he could speak, he would naturally not interrupt the conversation between Ying Zheng and Luna.
For the purpose of the Moon God’s visit to the palace, Meng Tian also had some curiosity in his heart.
What’s more in his heart is…
For the entire Yin Yang family, Meng Tian has always been very vigilant.
in particular……
Meng Tian dared not be careless or despise this Yinyang family’s powerful right protector Luna, an incomparably mysterious and wonderful woman.
Of course Meng Tian saw the influence of the Yin Yang family on the empire.
He could only keep reminding himself secretly.
It is necessary to guard against the yin and yang family all the time to avoid being plotted by the other party.
this moment.
The moon god of the Yinyang family entered the palace to face the saint, obviously not for trivial matters.
“In the end what happened?”
With curiosity in his heart, Meng Tian listened quietly.
Moon God quickly explained the situation: “According to legend, there is a group of witches in Shushan, the land of Shu Kingdom, who lived to protect a sacred tree from generation to generation.”
“They’re also called…”
“Guard Yu Yuan!”
“What these Shushan witches guard is the legendary Fusang sacred tree, the habitat of the god of the sun!”
“The hibiscus tree once lived in the god of the sun, and transformed into a sacred tree with the most vigorous vitality in the world, and has the terrifying power to communicate with heaven and earth.”
“The upper part can communicate with the heavens, and the lower part can connect with the netherworld.”
“This sacred tree once gave birth to the three-legged Golden Crow, and it was born with the twining branches of the divine tree…”
With the progressive introduction of the Luna cycle.
have to say.
Ying Zheng was really moved.
In the whole world, there really is such a rare treasure?
Such an ancient object full of mythology made Yingzheng feel a little eager to move.
He still forcibly calmed down.
Ying Zheng asked the key point: “What is its function?”
Hearing that, the Moon God didn’t have the slightest bit, so he opened his mouth to answer: “Your Majesty, it is the only way to communicate with the overseas fairy islands. Only by mastering it can you smoothly find the overseas fairy islands!”
“That is.”
“It’s an opportunity!”
“A great opportunity for people to go overseas, successfully find Xiandao, and meet immortals!”
“Only by mastering it, will the immortals be open to mortals. If not, even if you search all over the world, you will never be able to find overseas fairy islands.”
“It has a very magical ability. Once it is driven overseas, it can catch the power of the world and pull the ship to the fairy island.”
“Only by mastering it, the immortals living on the fairy island will allow mortals to log in to the fairy island.”
“in short.”
“If you want to successfully find fairy islands and immortals overseas, then the hibiscus tree that has been growing on Mount Shu, guarded by the Shushan witches for generations, is an indispensable object.”
“It’s a coordinate! An important coordinate that can lead the boat to the fairy island smoothly, and finally successfully meet the fairy!”
The voice of the Moon God spread loudly, spread in all directions, and echoed inside and outside the palace.
Meng Tian frowned, lowered his head and said nothing.
he knows.
Now is not the time for him to speak.
If you rashly intervene in the topic, you may get burned.
“You mean.”
Ying Zheng finally became interested, and looked at the moon god with eyes full of expectation, “As long as you find the hibiscus tree, you can find the overseas fairy island smoothly? Meet the fairy on the fairy island?”
“And once you don’t master the Fusang Shenmu, even if you go to sea countless times, you will never be able to find the exact location of the overseas fairy island?”
Luna nodded solemnly and continued to explain.”Yes, Your Majesty.”
“So, I implore Your Majesty, and I hope that His Majesty can send troops to conquer the Kingdom of Shu and wipe out that group of Shushan witches who have guarded the Fusang Sacred Tree for generations.”
“In this way, we can win the Fusang sacred tree that has grown for nearly a thousand years, and even nearly ten thousand years!”
“This sacred tree is an important key to finding overseas fairy islands!”
At this time.
Ying Zheng fell into deep thought.
He was indeed very moved.
Even if you know it well, the rumors are just rumors and should not be taken seriously.
But he still couldn’t help being moved.
All of this is completely out of control!
Ying Zheng took a deep breath and gave the order with a serious face.
“General Mengtian, I order you to go to Shu Kingdom first, lead your troops to destroy the land of Shu Kingdom, then step down Mount Shu and its witch clan in Shu Mountain, and seize the mythical and legendary sacred tree Fusang Shenmu!”
“Go further to the Mohist organ city and wipe out all the anti-Qin elements gathered in the Mohist organ city!”
“You, can you do it?”
Ying Zheng only wanted Meng Tian to wipe out the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements.
But now.
These words brought by Luna caused some changes in his goal.
On the basis of destroying the anti-Qin elements, he also wanted to win the Fusang sacred tree in Shushan!
only because.
The words Luna just said made it impossible for Ying Zheng to refuse!
Overseas Fairy Island!
Fairy on Fairy Island!
and also……
Elixir of life!
All of this, even knowing that it is just a myth.
But Ying Zheng still couldn’t restrain the longing and impulse in his heart.

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