In this way, they can continue to lurk in the organ city to recuperate and recharge their batteries.
And this is where Yingzheng had a lot of headaches before.
If the organ city is not destroyed for a day, this group of anti-Qin elements will be endless.
Bottom line.
It is also the organ city of the Mohist school, which plays a major role in these anti-Qin elements.
If there is no organ city, the anti-Qin elements will become vulnerable!
Yingzheng’s main goal is to destroy the entire Mohism Trick City!
Completely destroy the safe haven of anti-Qin elements.
In this case, without a place to recuperate and recharge, the anti-Qin elements will still be chased and called by the imperial cavalry.
Not surprisingly.
In another two years, there may no longer be any traces of anti-Qin elements in the empire.
This time, Yingzheng not only wants to destroy the Mohist organ city, but also wants to wipe out all the anti-Qin elements!
Taking advantage of the day when the anti-Qin elements gather in the Mohist organ city, wipe out all the anti-Qin elements at once!
This was the result Ying Zheng wanted to see.
at the same time.
Faced with Yingzheng’s order, Meng Tian naturally dared not to obey, and immediately nodded solemnly: “I will obey your majesty’s orders, and this trip will completely wipe out all the anti-Qin remnants!”
Dealing with anti-Qin elements is not a big challenge for Meng Tian.
If it is a frontal battle, compared with these so-called anti-Qin elements, it is obvious that outside the Great Wall of Shangjun on the top of the extreme north, the group of Huns and wolves are the most terrible enemy.
287 The strongest anti-Qin elements are not fighting frontally, but guerrilla warfare.
If you don’t fight head-on, you will only hit the sidelines opportunistically.
This is how the anti-Qin elements fight.
Unlike outside the Great Wall of Shangjun, Meng Tian only needs to lead his army to make a frontal assault.
In general.
To deal with anti-Qin elements, we must use our brains to outsmart them.
We cannot deal with these anti-Qin elements in the same way as we dealt with the Huns.
Strictly speaking.
The overall combat level of the Xiongnu is naturally countless times ahead of these anti-Qin elements.
But the problem is…
Anti-Qin elements do not fight head-on.
This made Meng Tian somewhat helpless.
He could only deploy a siege net to defeat these anti-Qin elements one by one.
But when I think about it.
This operation is very likely to wipe out all the anti-Qin elements, and Meng Tian’s mood is very expectant and excited.
“Ai Qing, there is one more thing I need to remind you.”
At this time, Ying Zheng continued to say, “My son, Changge, will also follow you on this trip to the Mohist organ city, and join the ranks of encircling and suppressing anti-Qin elements.”
“What objection do you have to this?”
“If you have any objections, it’s okay to say it.”
“I will consider and make some changes according to your opinion, Ai Qing.”
Meng Tian was slightly taken aback.
He was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on his face: “Your Majesty, I have no objection.”
What a joke!
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is willing to participate in the campaign to encircle and suppress anti-Qin elements, but Meng Tian is too late to welcome him, so how can he express dissent and resistance?
after all.
Meng Tian certainly did not forget.
The seventh son, Ying Changge, is a genuine top powerhouse!
I remember that during this period of time, he had just heard about it.
Seventh son Ying Changge instantly killed black swordsman Shengqi.
There is also news that the Seventh Young Master is suppressing the Quicksand Organization…
After hearing the news, Meng Tian certainly realized it.
How powerful is the current Seventh Young Master!
For such a terrifying and powerful being willing to participate in the ranks of encircling and suppressing anti-Qin elements, Meng Tian would of course raise his hands in agreement.
With the participation and participation of Seventh Prince (afej)…
Isn’t this even more powerful?
It’s perfect!
Thinking of this, Meng Tian’s mood was very excited.
He hadn’t expected it.
There will be such a surprise!
How effective can a top powerhouse be on the battlefield?
This goes without saying.
Meng Tian was very clear in his heart.
It was for this reason that he seemed a little ecstatic about Ying Changge’s joining.
“Seventh son…”
“This is the existence that can suppress Wei Zhuang, the head of the quicksand organization!”
“With this strength, it must not be difficult to deal with Sword Saint Gaine.”
“In this way, it can ensure that the encirclement and suppression operations are foolproof.”
“With the participation of the seventh son, the matter of eliminating the anti-Qin elements is basically a sure thing.”
Meng Tian was thinking excitedly.
For such a powerful top expert, who took the initiative to intervene in the encirclement and suppression of the whereabouts of the anti-Qin elements, Meng Tian had no reason to refuse him at all.
He is not stupid?
How could he refuse the participation and intervention of top powerhouses?
“some days ago……”
“I just heard how this boy Meng Ying boasted about the terrifying strength of the Seventh Young Master.”
“This time, I have a chance to meet you.”
“I am looking forward too.”
“Is the seventh son really as powerful as the rumors, like a monster with the same head?same thing! ”
A few days ago, when Meng Ying returned to the Meng Mansion, she naturally mentioned to Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi and others how powerful her young master Ying Changge was and how terrifying his moves were.
In short.
As early as a few days ago, Meng Tian had recognized Ying Changge’s terrifying strength.
At that time, the big Meng Mansion, including the old general Meng Wu, were all shocked by these words brought by Meng Ying.
at the same time.
They all felt the same emotion.
Seventh son…
He really deserves to be the number one evildoer in the ages!
Who would take the initiative to reject a sword master Gai Nie who can challenge the sword master Gai Nie head-on, and even suppress the terrifying combat power of the sword master Gai Nie?
Unless the head is caught by the door!
Countless thoughts were quickly suppressed by Meng Tian.
With a serious face, he assured Ying Zheng: “Please rest assured, Your Majesty, with the help of the seventh son this time, I will definitely be able to wipe out all the anti-Qin elements! No one will be missed!”
Ying Zheng laughed loudly: “Okay! I look forward to the day when Aiqing returns in triumph.”
Just when Meng Tian was about to leave.
There was a reverent voice from outside the palace gate.

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