“Do not let me down.”
The Eastern Emperor Taiyi waved his hand.
not for a while.
Moon God and Star Soul retreated quickly.
In the huge main hall, Donghuang Taiyi was left alone again.
The atmosphere seemed very quiet!
quite a while.
Only then did Donghuang Taiyi make a voice full of longing and anticipation: “The hibiscus sacred tree that has been guarded by the Wu clan in Shushan for generations, this time, I am sure to get it!”
And the witches who have lived on the Shu Mountain for generations are responsible for guarding the Fusang Shenmu.
also known as…
Yu Yuan guards!

Leaving under Donghuang Taiyi’s nose, Moon God and Xinghun walked side by side, step by step to the main hall of Yinyang Pavilion.
The two remained silent.
The relationship between the two has always been poor.
One is the left protector, the other is the right protector, and they are born at odds.
There was no need for anything, neither of them wanted to deal with each other.
“Master Luna, does Seventh Young Master really have the ability to steal people’s hearts?”
“Could it be that you were deceived by him?”
After a while, Xinghun suddenly spoke.
“Don’t you already have the answer in your heart?”
“It’s just ridiculous self-esteem that prevents you from accepting this answer.”
“Speaking of…”
“In front of Seventh Young Master, you have long since lost your so-called self-esteem!”
“‘ 〃I suggest you.”
“Stop trying to surpass the seventh son.”
“You can’t surpass the number one evildoer in the ages like the Seventh Young Master. In the whole world, no one can compare with the Seventh Young Master.”
“In the face of such an unreasonable monster, even if you are the first genius in the Yin Yang family for three hundred years, there is basically no comparison.”
Luna glanced at Xinghun lightly, and said mercilessly.
Hearing this, Xinghun’s face became gloomy.
He snorted coldly, didn’t bother with Moon God anymore, and left quickly without looking back.
Watching the back of Xinghun’s departure, Luna’s pretty and charming face did not have any emotional ups and downs, and her beautiful eyes were somewhat indifferent.
How terrifying is Seventh Young Master?
Luna knew it well.
Star Soul wants to surpass the opponent?
In the eyes of Luna, this is simply nonsense!
It’s as difficult as climbing the sky!
It’s better to persuade the other party to give up as soon as possible.
In order to avoid the follow-up will be hit, and even hit doubt life.
“time to go.”
Luna couldn’t help shaking his head.
She needs to make good preparations and follow Donghuang Taiyi’s instructions to complete this matter.
It is by no means an easy task to deal with the Shushan Wuzu and seize the Fusang sacred tree that has been guarded by the Shushan Wuzu for generations.
For this matter, the power of the empire must be used.
Otherwise, she really can’t think of it.
Relying on the strength of the Yinyang family, how can they seek to seize the Fusang sacred tree under the interference of the Shushan Wu clan?
too difficult!
Although the Kingdom of Shu is small, it is by no means something that the Yin-Yang family can deal with head-on.
At this time, the Yin Yang family had to rely on the huge power of the empire.
“There must be a reason…”
“Go and convince His Majesty!”
“Let Your Majesty send troops to the Kingdom of Shu and completely wipe out the entire Kingdom of Shu!”
“In this way, the power of the Wu Clan in Shushan will be infinitely weakened. In this way, the difficulty of trying to seize the Fusang (Qian Zhao) Shenmu will drop by thousands of times.”
With such thoughts in mind, Luna decided to go to Yun Zhongjun, the elder of the Yinyang family who is in charge of the gold department.
she believes.
Mr. Yunzhong must have excuses and reasons, and he can help convince His Majesty the First Emperor!
Hibiscus Shenmu…
The Yin Yang family is bound to win!
Not only was Donghuang Taiyi so longing in his heart, even Moon God showed unprecedented longing.
This is a mythical and legendary tree.
As for the main functions it can play, the Yin-Yang School had countless detailed records as early as hundreds of years ago.
The Yin-Yang family already knew everything about it.

Xianyang Palace.
Meng Tian walked into the magnificent palace step by step with a cautious mood and posture.
In less than a moment.
He got his wish and saw the First Emperor Yingzheng wearing a dragon robe on the steps.
Meng Tian quickly lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and greeted him respectfully.
“Chen Mengtian, see Your Majesty.”
The voice spread loudly and echoed in the huge palace.
at this time.
The steps are on the table.
Wearing a dragon robe, Yingzheng Qi is tall and majestic, with a strong sense of majesty between his brows, he is not angry and majestic, his eyes seem to look down on all living beings, and he is quietly watching Meng Tian.
Ying Zheng went straight to the point, without any sloppiness, and issued an order on the spot: “General Meng Tian, ​​the reason why I sent you into the palace is that I want you to lead the Golden Fire Cavalry.”
“Immediately go to the organ city of the Mohist school and completely wipe out the Mohist and other anti-Qin elements!”
“Kill all the anti-Qin elements gathered from all directions in the Mohist trap city!”
“I ask you…”
“Are you confident in doing this?”.
Chapter 175 Seventh Young Master Wants to Participate in Suppressing Anti-Qin Elements? This wave is stable! 【Please customize】
Now that we have learned about the whereabouts of the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements, it is natural to launch an encirclement and suppression operation vigorously and immediately.
in particular……
Ying Zheng already knew the exact whereabouts of the Mohist organ city.
As long as you know the detailed location of the organ city, how can you deal with this group of people?Anti-Qin elements will become much simpler.
No longer as helpless and helpless as before.
Of course Ying Zheng knew.
The importance of the Mohist organ city to the anti-Qin elements!
All the anti-Qin elements in this world almost regard the Mohism’s organ city as a safe haven, and it is also a fairyland without any disputes.
With the existence of the Mohist Trick City, even if they experienced countless failures, they can retreat back to the Mohist Trick City, relying on the unique and dangerous terrain of the Trick City.
They can put an end to the attacks and pursuits of foreign pursuers.

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