As for the Four Heavenly Kings in the quicksand organization alone, which one is not a rebellious generation?
Only Wei Zhuang can completely convince them.
And Ying Changge?
But it was just relying on absolute strength to defeat them.
But that doesn’t mean.
The quicksand organization will really do things according to Ying Changge’s orders.
It is too difficult to completely control the quicksand organization!
By comparison.
Ying Changge is more inclined to take advantage of the quicksand organization and the anti-Qin elements to eradicate them all together.
This is the way to do it once and for all.
Otherwise, the quicksand organization is very likely to become the enemy of the empire in the future.
“In the final analysis, we cannot rely entirely on the Quicksand organization to deal with anti-Qin elements.”
“The empire also needs to make all-round countermeasures and preparations.”
“In this way, nothing will go wrong.”
“This time…”
“I must kill Xiang Shaoyu!”
“Only in this way can I get the desired improvement in the integration of the blind swordsman template.”
Ying Changge secretly set a goal for himself in his heart.
Kill Xiang Yu!
Destroy the remnants of Chu’s remnants!
After completing all this, he is confident that he will definitely get a lot of improvement in template integration.As for other anti-Qin elements?
Such as the leader of the Mohist school, the sword sage Gai Nie and the like?
Their importance to Ying Changge is naturally behind Xiang Shaoyu.
If you can kill them, you will naturally kill them all.
If it really doesn’t work, Ying Changge can only take second place and kill Xiang Shaoyu, the future overlord of Western Chu!
This is the firm plan in his heart.
Anyone can not be killed, but Xiang Shaoyu must die!
Gently exhaling, Ying Changge sorted out what he wanted to do now.
He said to Mengying: “Tell me, the specific content of the news from the Quicksand Organization, and the exact and detailed location of the Mohist organ city.”
Meng Ying nodded solemnly: “Yes, son.”
Mengying then told the news in detail.
“The news from the Quicksand organization indicates that the Mohist organ city is located in Tianhe County, hidden among the canyons and mountains in Tianhe County.”
“The front is surrounded by mountains, and the back is against the surging river…”
“The organ city was built on the mountain. It took three hundred years to build it by the giants of the Mohist dynasty. It is so ingenious. It is hidden in the mountains and the terrain is dangerous.”
“There are steep cliffs and deep valleys for hundreds of miles. It is difficult for ordinary people to climb and cross. But below, there is a torrential river. The water is very dark and full of reefs.”
“If a ship sails here, it will often touch the reef, which will lead to the end of the ship’s destruction.”
“The most peculiar thing is…”
“There is also an unpredictable sea of ​​clouds. Due to the changeable sky, sometimes cloudy and sunny, sometimes heavy rain and mist, people often lose their sense of direction in the vast sea of ​​clouds.”
“According to the information from the quicksand organization. They said that if they want to break through the Mohist mechanism city, the degree of difficulty is quite high, such as sneaking into the mechanism city.”
“Only from the inside of the mechanism city can we find the way to break the mechanism city!”
Under Meng Ying’s detailed introduction.
Ying Changge has generally understood the basic information about the Mohist organ city.
In general.
The Mohist Trap City has a very unique terrain and environment, and there are countless trap arrangements. If you want to break the Mohist Trap City, you can only start from the inside.
It is almost impossible to break through the organ city from the outside.
This point must have come not from the mouth of Wei Zhuang of the quicksand organization, but from the mouth of the contemporary head of the public loser, Gong Shuchou.
“Can it only be cracked from the inside?”
Ying Changge thought for a while.
In this regard, he was not too surprised.
The fact that the Mohist organ city can stand for hundreds of years without falling down is naturally enough to show its own magic and mystery.
It is self-evident to break through such a fortress that has stood for hundreds of years.
Think carefully for a moment.
A meaningful smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
Can only crack the mechanism city from the inside?
not necessarily!
Nothing is absolute!
With his perfect level of knowledge and domineering, maybe he can play a huge role in this aspect!
But it’s just an agency.
All institutions in the world, when encountering Ying Changge, will face only one end.
That is……
Disintegrated by an easy breach!
Even this so-called Mohist Trick City, a huge fortress regarded by countless anti-Qin people as a paradise in the world, will never be an exception.
The Mohist organ city is the biggest safe residence for all anti-Qin people.
Once it is broken, the anti-Qin alliance will naturally be impossible to conclude.
It can be seen.
The Mohist organ city provided these anti-Qin people with all-round security protection and a place to recuperate.
If the organ city is cracked, these anti-Qin people will naturally not escape the fate of being encircled and suppressed.
“This time…”
“Let me do it myself to find out whether this so-called organ city is as solid as the rumors.”
“I’d like to meet you too.”
“How strong is the Mohist’s non-offensive mechanism technique?”
“Compared to the domineering tricks of the public loser?”
Ying Changge had a strong sense of expectation in his heart.
Even the resident of the public loser was easily breached and disintegrated by him.
in this case.
What about the organ city of the Mohist school?
Suppressing many thoughts in his head, Ying Changge asked again: “Apart from these news, is there any other news from the Quicksand Organization?”
Hearing this, Meng Ying shook her head: “It’s gone.”
“Well, the emperor must have known about this matter.”
Ying Changge nodded.
Follow his predictions.
If nothing else…
Now the first emperor, Yingzheng, should already be preparing to dispatch troops to the Mohist organ city, so as to launch an encirclement and suppression operation against the Mohist and other anti-Qin elements.
Naturally, Xiangguo Li Si would not be dispatched again during this trip.
The matter of leading the troops in battle must naturally be handed over to Meng Tian, ​​the prestigious general of the empire!
Wang Li, who was handed over to the Wang family, was also competent.
But in comparison, it is obvious that Meng Tian has won the heart of Ying Zheng even more.
The probability of this matter being handed over to Meng Tian is as high as 90%!
“It’s getting closer and closer to the day when we leave for the Mohist Trick City!”
“I also need to make some preparations in advance.”
Ying Changge stretched his arms, twisted his arms, and had a plan in mind.

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