He told Meng Ying who was beside him: “Get ready, you are about to leave Xianyang City again. This time, maybe you will fight against your father, General Meng Tian.”
“Yes, my son.”
Mengying looked very excited and looking forward to it.
The days in Xianyang City made him feel very boring and boring.
After becoming a goalkeeper, Mengying is obviously more eager to play on the battlefield.The day of fighting.
Here’s your chance!
Leading troops to encircle and suppress anti-Qin elements…
This is a great opportunity for meritorious service!
Of course Mengying didn’t want to miss it.
not to mention.
This time, it is very possible that he will act together with his father Meng Tian, ​​which makes Meng Ying look forward to it even more.
not for a while.
Meng Ying hurriedly left.
As for Ying Changge, he came to the door of Shao Siming’s room and knocked lightly on the door.
Boom boom boom!
The crisp and pleasant knock on the door spread in all directions.
Accompanied by a slight sound.
The door was pushed open.
Shao Siming was wearing light-colored clothes as always, his graceful and tall figure was full of beauty, his beautiful and delicate face was hidden under the veil, his beautiful eyes were plain, like the surface of a lake without waves.
A head of purple soft hair, hanging down the shawl, fluttering in the wind, filled the air with a faint fragrance, spreading to Ying Changge’s sense of smell.
“You prepare first.”
“We are about to leave Xianyang City and go to the Mohist Trick City!”
Ying Changge ordered straight to the point.
Shao Siming tapped his chin lightly, didn’t say too much, and cherished words like gold as always.
After closing the door, Shao Si ordered to return to the room.
And Ying Changge also started to make his own preparations.
I am about to travel to Xianyang City again…
Still have to prepare well.
Leaving this time is a great opportunity that Ying Changge has been looking forward to and can greatly improve the integration of templates!
Waiting to return to Xianyang City next time, Ying Changge is confident.
His strength will definitely be different from what it used to be!
At that time, even if he meets the invincible powerhouses in the world, such as Donghuang Taiyi and Bei Mingzi, Ying Changge will no longer have any pressure.
Xiang Shaoyu…
It is Ying Changge’s first goal!
Once Xiang Shaoyu, Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng are dealt with…
Followed by Zhang Liang, Liu Bang, Xiao He, Han Xin and the like.
Each of these people is a baby of experience in Ying Changge’s eyes.
Everyone is on Ying Changge’s must-kill list!
For Ying Changge.
These people are all sweet potatoes!

at the same time.
While Ying Changge and the others were making preparations.
the other side.
early in the morning.
Meng Tian, ​​a well-known and well-known general in the empire, accepted the summons from the First Emperor Yingzheng.
He steered the horse non-stop, and entered the palace as soon as possible to have an audience.
All the way across the noisy and lively streets of Xianyang City.
Rush to Xianyang Palace unimpeded!
In less than a moment.
Meng Tian arrived at Xianyang Palace smoothly, and jumped up from the horse.
at this time.
He was wearing a black armor inlaid with gold rims. He had a burly figure, a hulking waist, and an imposing appearance. His eyebrows carried the style of a general, and his facial features were sharp and angular, making him look very tough.
in the sun.
Meng Tian’s iron-blooded soldier’s aura was perfectly displayed, making his figure even more eye-catching, with a sense of publicity and rebellion.
Meng Tian, ​​who got off the horse, passed through a group of guards beside the gate without hindrance, and soon came to the gate of the palace with ease.
for a moment.
From the moment he arrived in front of the palace gate, all the flamboyant and unruly aura exuding from Meng Tian’s body were restrained without exception.
at the same time.
His expression then became very respectful, facing the gate of the palace, lowered his head, cupped his fists and cupped his hands.
“Your Majesty, my minister Meng Tian is begging to see you!”.
Chapter 174 Shushan! Fuso Shenmu! The plan of the Yin Yang family! 【6/6 for customization】
at the same time.
When Meng Tian entered the palace to meet the saint.
Far away on the other side of Xianyang City.
Yinyang Pavilion, the residence of the Yinyang family for many years.
at this time.
The core end area of ​​Yinyang Pavilion.
Headed by the leader of the Yinyang family, Donghuang Taiyi, the two guardians, Moon God and Xinghun, were all located on both sides under the steps, quietly waiting for the former’s order.
Donghuang Taiyi was on the steps, wearing a black robe that completely covered his figure and face, his tall and burly body carried a strong sense of oppression.
on both sides.
Candles fluttered on the stone pillars, and the golden halo lit up the darkness in this area.
“You mean to say.”
“Seventh Young Master, has the terrifying ability to steal people’s hearts?”
“Is this true?”
Donghuang Taiyi was condescending, looking down at the moon god, his eyes full of surprise and solemnity.
“Yes, Your Excellency the Eastern Emperor. The Seventh Young Master personally told me about this matter. There must be absolutely no possibility of falsehood. The Seventh Young Master has no need to lie.”
“After all the things that happened before, it is enough to show that the seventh son may really have such a terrorist method.”
Luna nodded.
just now.
She found out in the past few days that all the information about Ying Changge was told to Donghuang Taiyi, the leader of the Yinyang family, all intact.
Not surprisingly.
These news and information about the seventh son Ying Changge have received the absolute attention of Donghuang Taiyi.
“Stealing hearts?”
Xinghun’s pupils shrank slightly, his immature face was somewhat gloomy and heavy.
this moment.
He was the one who really understood.
Why was it that a few days ago, the seventh son, Ying Changge, was able to easily see the true identity of the behind-the-scenes messenger with just a few short words.
This Seventh Young Master actually possessed such an unbelievable ability.
“This is really an incredible ability!”
“Compared to the mind reading skills of our Yin Yang family, it is even more unpredictable!”

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