He wants to take some action.
But on second thought.
He couldn’t help thinking.
The scene that almost died in Ying Chang’s singer that day…
Hu Hai has no doubts.
At that time, he was really close to death!
The fear in Hu Hai’s heart surged up again, entwining his whole heart, making his face full of fear and fear, and his face was pale and bloodless.
Dominated by this deep fear, Hu Hai didn’t dare to try to target Ying Changge at all for a while.

Follow Ying Changge back to Xianyang City.
In just a few days, all forces in the empire have already known similar information.
News such as that Ying Changge has broken into the late Xiantian stage, even killed the black swordsman Shengqi in seconds, and suppressed the entire Quicksand organization, etc., almost unreservedly conveyed to the ears of every force.
Zhang Han, the leader of the Shadow Secret Guards, said bitterly: “I have guessed that the seventh son will surpass me sooner or later. However, what I never expected is…”
“This day will come so soon!”
“Half a month ago, I was still able to beat the Seventh Young Master. Unexpectedly, after half a month, I no longer have the strength to compete with the Seventh Young Master.”
Even the black swordsman Shengqi was instantly killed!
How dare Zhang Han compare with Ying Changge?
Compared with the black swordsman Shengqi, his strength is not as simple as one or two chips!
But as strong as the Black Swordsman 4.9 wins and seven, they were all killed by the seventh son Ying Changge.
If it was him, Zhang Han, what would happen?
I’m afraid there will be no exceptions!
He will also be instantly killed!
“Even the Quicksand organization has been suppressed by the seventh son!”
“How dare I compare with the Seventh Young Master?”
“The Seventh Young Master is the real monster!”
Zhang Han was deeply moved.
the other side.
The moment Wang Li of the palace heard the news, he was almost ecstatic: “I have seen it for a long time. With the ability of the seventh son, he will surely become famous and spread in the empire.”
“This day has come!”
“It came too fast!”
“I didn’t expect the seventh son to grow up so fast!”
“Choosing the seventh son of the team before was the most correct thing I have ever done in my life!”
Meng Tian and Meng Yi are the two prides,Qi Qi was shocked and amazed: “Unexpectedly, in just half a month, the seventh son has grown to a level that I can’t wait for!”
Meng Wu: “Compared to the seventh son, I am indeed old! The seventh son is the scariest monster I have ever seen in this life! He is also the number one monster in the ages!”
Including the Yinyang family, Ying Changge alone caused huge turmoil and influence.
All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were deeply shocked, amazed, and in awe of Ying Changge’s feat.

There are many news and rumors circulating outside Xianyang City.
Ying Changge, who was the party involved, remained unmoved from the beginning to the end.
He behaved indifferently, appearing extremely calm and indifferent.
After a few days.
Neither empire had any major events happening.
Therefore, Ying Changge had a rare free vacation.
And on this day.
Ying Changge’s vacation was suddenly broken without warning.
“My lord, there is news from the Quicksand Organization!”
“They have successfully ascertained the detailed location and specific whereabouts of the Mohist organ city.”
Meng Ying hurriedly ran to Ying Changge and told the truth all the news she had learned.
Chapter 173 Ready to move! Send troops to wipe out the anti-Qin elements! 【5/6 for customization】
“Is it finally here?”
“Waiting for several days…”
“The Quicksand Organization, finally came a piece of useful news!”
“The matter of exterminating the anti-Qin elements should also be put on the agenda as soon as possible.”
A smile appeared on Ying Changge’s face.
He had already expected the news brought by Mengying.
With the efficiency of the quicksand organization, it is by no means too difficult to find out the exact location of the Mohist organ city.
as predicted.
Just as Ying Changge expected.
However, in just a few days, the Quicksand Organization had a thorough insight into the location of the Mohist Trick City.
The organ city is the biggest capital that the Mohists rely on for survival.
It is also an important place where many anti-Qin elements are about to gather to form an anti-Qin alliance.
If we can successfully break through and solve the organ city, then the greatest support of the anti-Qin elements will no longer exist.
Without the shelter of the organ city, neither the Mohists nor the rest of the anti-Qin elements would have a place to live and recuperate.
in this way.
Only then can the anti-Qin elements be wiped out and completely wiped out from the beginning to the end!
If they can’t break through the Mohist organ city, these anti-Qin elements are like wildfires that can’t be burned out. Once a spring breeze blows, they will be full of vitality again.
What Ying Changge wanted to target was, of course, the Trick City of the Mohists!
Only when the organ city is completely destroyed, the Mohists and other anti-Qin elements will be subject to many restrictions from the empire, and thus usher in a catastrophic end.
The efficiency of the quicksand organization is very high.
It was not even five days before Ying Changge and Li Si returned to Xianyang City, the Quicksand Organization and others had already found out the location of the Mohist organ students.
This made Ying Changge have to admire.
The quicksand organization is indeed extremely efficient!
Not in vain, I traveled thousands of miles to invite the quicksand organization with Xiangguo Li Si.
It still makes sense to do so.
This is not.
In just a few days, an important piece of critical news came from the Quicksand Organization!
Once the location of the Mohist Organ City 05 is exposed, a series of meticulous plans can be launched to deal with the Mohist.
And not like before.
Completely helpless against the Mohists!
“Now that the Quicksand organization has found out the location of the Mohist organ city, it’s time to set out to encircle and suppress the anti-Qin elements.”
“From June 6th, there is still about half a month left.”
“You can use this time to make good preparations.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
The quicksand organization is a double-edged sword…
It is a good knife for dealing with anti-Qin elements!
Even with a little carelessness, the Quicksand organization will never show mercy and turn against the empire.
Ying Changge was naturally mentally prepared for this.
You can’t count on the Quicksand organization to be really willing to become a power group sent by the empire at will.
This is not realistic!
Not to mention that Wei Zhuang, the leader of the Quicksand Organization, is himself an extremely arrogant and defiant strongman.

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