Ying Changge pushed open the door directly, and then took the moon god beside him who had calmed down, leaving only Shao Siming and Meng Ying outside the palace gate.
Ying Changge and Luna stepped into the palace.
This is the first time Ying Changge has come to the palace.
As soon as you walk into the palace, you can smell a unique fragrance.
The palace is very spacious and huge, but there are very few people who can appear here.
Relying on the perfect level of domineering knowledge, Ying Changge was able to gain a very accurate insight into the furnishings and main structure of this huge palace.
not for a while.
Ying Changge and Luna came to the main hall.
From the dark red gold-rimmed carpet in the main hall, extending all the way to the front steps, stood a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe with a dignified appearance.
It was the First Emperor Yingzheng!
“Son, see father.”
“See Your Majesty.”
Ying Changge and Yueshen paused in their footsteps, lowered their heads slightly, cupped their fists, and greeted at the same time.
“Free gift.”
Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the steps, looked surprised, and looked at his son Ying Changge curiously with his eyes, feeling a little surprised in his heart.
Ying Zheng had no psychological preparations for Ying Changge’s sudden arrival at the palace.
Think for a while.
Ying Zheng took the initiative to ask, “Chang Ge, why did you enter the palace this time?”
Hearing this, Ying Changge replied truthfully: “Report to my father, my son has completed the order you gave me according to your wishes.”
The words fell.
Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment.
He looked at Ying Changge with even more surprise.
For a moment, he always felt a little unbelievable.
The front foot just gave the order…
Come back to life on the back foot?
real or fake?
That solves it?
It always feels like a joke!
Is this kid so efficient?
No way?
Ying Zheng vaguely remembered.
The Yin-Yang family seems to have spent several days, but also found nothing, almost made no progress, and failed to find out the true identity of the behind-the-scenes instigator.
And I just issued this order not more than an hour ago, and I handed over my 287 child, Ying Changge, to investigate the matter in person.
Less than an hour’s time.
This matter was actually resolved? !
This will inevitably make Ying Zheng very surprised.
“Are you serious?”
“Really find out, the true identity of the culprit who tried to disrupt the empire?”
Ying Zheng calmed down, but his eyes were still deeply confused and suspicious.
only because……
Ying Changge’s work efficiency is too high!
The Yin Yang family got nothing for a few days!
Arriving at Ying Changge’s place, it took less than an hour to solve it easily?
This inevitably made Ying Zheng somewhat suspicious and unbelievable.
“I naturally dare not lie in front of my father.”
“Father, you can ask Lord Moon God about this matter.”
Ying Changge continued.
Before Ying Zheng could speak again, Luna, who was beside Ying Changge, took the initiative to tell the truth: “Your Majesty, what the seventh son said is true.”
Following Luna’s answer, Ying Zheng finally accepted this astonishing statement.information.
Compared with the efficiency of the Yin Yang family, which took several days to get nothing, Ying Changge solved the problem satisfactorily in less than an hour…
Ying Zheng couldn’t help but be deeply shocked by this huge contrast.
“My son, are you really so good?!”
Ying Zheng thought in shock.
He was still thinking about it.
Let Ying Changge handle this matter personally, and there is about an 80% chance of failure.
after all.
Faced with the investigation of this matter, the yin and yang family found nothing.
So he doesn’t think so.
His own son, Ying Changge, can find out more clues and intelligence than the Yinyang family.
The reason why he handed over this matter to Ying Changge was purely because he wanted to train Ying Changge.
In fact.
He never had the idea that Ying Changge could really solve this matter smoothly.
Surprises always come without warning!
Can’t think of it at all.
This difficult problem was actually solved by Ying Changge!
What makes Ying Zheng unbelievable the most is…
It only took less than an hour!
What is this concept?
In less than an hour, it solved the problem that the Yin Yang family had made no progress for several days?
What kind of fairy efficiency is this?
“it is good!”
“I’ve seen it for a long time.”
“Leave this matter to Changge for you to handle, you will definitely bring me a big surprise!”
“It’s just that I can’t predict after all. It took you such a short time to find out the culprit.”
“This really surprised me!”
Ying Zheng suddenly burst into laughter, and the clear laughter spread in the huge palace, echoing in all directions.
Seeing that Ying Changge is so outstanding and outstanding, Ying Zheng is naturally very pleased and proud.
“Speak up.”
“Changge, your work efficiency is even a thousand times higher than that of Shadow Secret Guard!”
“Even if it is a trap, it is absolutely impossible to find out the culprit in just one hour!”
“But Changge, you did it.”
“This proves that I didn’t misread you!”
Ying Zheng’s mood was full of excitement and joy.
The troubles that had plagued him for several days were finally resolved at this moment and disappeared.
“Father is absurd, but my son is just doing his best.”
Ying Changge shook his head.
Luna lowered her head silently, speechless for a while.
She really didn’t know how to speak.
after all.
In this matter, their Yin Yang family failed to play any role at all!
It’s purely just making soy sauce on the sidelines.
Apart from watching Ying Changgexiu’s operation, their Yin Yang family didn’t play any role from the beginning to the end.
Ying Changge found out who was behind the scenes.

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