People are suicidal.
In the process of doing things, Ying Changge killed two innate powerhouses in seconds!
to sum it up.
Luna doesn’t know.
What role did their Yin Yang family play this time?
Analyze it carefully.
Perhaps the only role that their Yin Yang family can play is to provide the seventh son Ying Changge with that dead man, that’s all.
Other than that, they hardly did anything!
How embarrassing!
Luna was a little ashamed, and her pretty face was a bit embarrassing.
Obviously, this matter was first handed over to their Yin-Yang family to handle it. Unexpectedly, their Yin-Yang family spent several days, but in the end they made no progress and got nothing.
at last.
As soon as the matter was handed over to the seventh son Ying Changge, the other party took advantage of less than an hour to easily solve the matter.
In such a contrast.
Luna felt a deep sense of frustration.
The Yin Yang family really lost face to grandma’s house this time!
Luna has never felt such an embarrassing situation.
And the Yin Yang family has never been so humble and embarrassed.
“Changge doesn’t have to be modest!”
“I know your ability very well.”
“after all.”
“Even the entire Yin-Yang family has thousands of people. It took three days, but there was no progress. And you, just getting involved in this matter, took less than an hour to solve it satisfactorily.”
“In contrast.”
“How outstanding is your ability? Naturally, I know it well.”
Having said that, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Luna, his eyes indifferent.
This indifferent look made Luna tremble slightly, and she quickly lowered her head, her beautiful eyes hidden under the translucent veil were a little frightened.
She feels it.
The dissatisfaction and anger from the First Emperor Yingzheng!
Not just for her, but for the entire Yin Yang family!
“It’s finally here!”
Luna sighed silently.
If there is no comparison, the Yin Yang family will naturally not look so embarrassed.
But once there is the excellent comparison of the seventh son.
The Yin Yang family was instantly reduced to a piece of trash on the roadside.
Luna can only speak.
It’s not that their Yin Yang family is too bad.
And purely…
The seventh son is too monster!
But if it were another person, he would definitely not be able to imitate the feats of a monster like the Seventh Young Master.
Regarding this, not only Luna thought so in his heart.
Even Ying Zheng knew it well.
For the yin and yang family, he still needs to beat the other party well.
Since the other party is unfavorable, he must be beaten and punished!
Ying Zheng didn’t want to watch the process, what he wanted was the result!
the result shows.
The entire Yin Yang family, even their own son, Ying Changge, is far behind!
What is this concept?
There are thousands of people in the Yin Yang family, but even the role of his own son is completely inferior to that of his own son.?
“Of course I know…”
“My son sings a long song, this is the number one evildoer of all time!”
“However, the Yin Yang family is not good at doing things!”
“It’s still not easy to forgive!”
Ying Zheng thought to himself.
He glanced at Luna lightly with a pair of tiger eyes, and looked down at the latter with a blank expression: “The Yinyang family is not doing well, and I am very disappointed.”
The Moon God panicked: “I implore Your Majesty to forgive me!”
What she was most worried about still happened.
most afraid of…
It’s just that the Yinyang family’s status in His Majesty’s heart has plummeted since then.
“It’s not good to do things, but you dare to quibble?”
“The Yinyang family has thousands of people, but they are not as powerful as my son Changge alone.”
“You say, what use do I need you for?”
“Thousands of people were dispatched together, and it took three days, but they still knew nothing and made no progress.”
“Originally, I thought that this matter was indeed difficult to investigate.”
“My son’s long song, it only took less than an hour to find out the things that have troubled your Yin-Yang family for several days, but you have never found anything!”
“In this comparison, how do you let me view your Yin Yang family?”
Ying Zheng’s voice was so cold that it made people shiver.
Facing Ying Zheng, Luna felt a boundless chill sweeping through his heart.
Even though she was the right protector of the Yin-Yang family, her status was prominent, but when facing the First Emperor Yingzheng, her so-called status was like a joke.
Moon God trembled and didn’t dare to speak too much.
Ying Zheng snorted coldly: “A bunch of trash!”
He really felt a little disappointed in the Yin Yang family.
I turned my gaze.
When he looked at Ying Changge, all the dissatisfaction and anger in Ying Zheng’s heart disappeared, and a deep sense of relief, pride, and pride appeared on his majestic face.
“Changge, I am very pleased with your work this time!”
Seeing such an excellent Ying Changge, all the anger in Ying Zheng’s heart naturally disappeared without a trace.
“It is my honor to be able to share the worries of my father.”
Ying Changge, as always, maintained a calm and calm appearance.
“have a look……”
“What is a monster?”
“What is the pride of heaven?”
“My son, you really won my heart!”
Seeing Ying Changge’s calm expression, Ying Zheng felt even more proud in his heart.
My son sings…
It is indeed a peerless evildoer with the talent of a fairy!
Ying Zheng was amazed again and again.
This time, with the Yin Yang family as a contrast and foil, it further highlights Ying Changge’s own excellence and excellence.
After a moment of emotion in his heart, Ying Zheng went straight to the topic.
A somewhat angry look appeared on his face, and he asked aloud: “Who is the culprit? Who is so bold and reckless, it is an unforgivable crime!”
Hearing this, Luna replied quickly and truthfully: “It’s Zhang Yan who gave birth to Mr. Zhang.”
“Zhang Yansheng? How courageous!”
Ying Zheng frowned, his eyes became colder and sharper.
“I didn’t expect it to be him!”
“It’s simply a wolf’s ambition, and its heart can be punished!”

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