If this matter hadn’t been ordered by his father Yingzheng to deal with it, Ying Changge would never have interfered in these conspiracies without authorization.
Speaking up.
For this kind of thing, it is the Yin Yang family who should be worried, not Ying Changge.
It was with this in mind that Ying Changge did not choose to prevent Zhang Yansheng from committing suicide just now.
If he wants to, he can completely prevent the other party from committing suicide.
And use the perfect level of knowledge and domineering to go out with more secrets and secrets.
This point is not difficult for Ying Changge.
He did not choose to do so.
In his opinion, this matter should end here.
If it continues to be involved, I’m afraid it will lead to a series of subsequent troubles.
And these are obviously not what Ying Changge wants to see.
Help the Yin Yang family solve difficult and miscellaneous diseases?
Ying Changge had no such intention at all.
He already had very little favor with the Yin Yang family, so he naturally didn’t want to help the Yin Yang family eradicate these enemies.
“Master Luna, I will hand over this corpse to you.”
Ying Changge spoke slowly.
“Young master, don’t worry, I will handle the follow-up matters.”
“You have worked hard all the way.”
“If it weren’t for your help, I’m afraid that the Yin Yang family would never have found out the person behind the scenes in such a short period of time!”
Luna nodded solemnly, her tone was particularly respectful.
The reason why she respects Ying Changge is nothing more than the terrifying strength that Ying Changge possesses.
If not.
With the status of the Moon God, it is natural not to be so respectful to a young master.
“It’s time to end this matter.”
“Lord Moon God, if you are free, you might as well enter the palace with me to meet Emperor Father, and report to Emperor Father. This matter can be regarded as a complete conclusion for this matter.”
Ying Changge continued.
“What the young master said is very true.”
Luna agreed.
After solving the behind-the-scenes messenger, it is natural to return to the palace.
This time, the efficiency of the work was so fast that Luna was still in a trance.
It’s so efficient!
In the blink of an eye, the mastermind behind the scenes was discovered.
The only pity is that…
The messenger behind the scenes committed suicide by taking poison.
Otherwise, they might be able to find out more people who are trying to target the Yin Yang family.
“It’s a pity~‖.”
Luna felt a pity in his heart.
If this opportunity can be used to catch more civil and military officials who are trying to target the Yin-Yang family, it will undoubtedly be a great joy for the Yin-Yang family.
But alas.
The only clue was broken.
Even if…
Zhang Yansheng, who was the instigator, committed suicide.
It also caused the clues to be broken directly, making it impossible to continue the investigation.
“Order someone to come and dispose of the body.”
“Anyway, he is also an official ordered by the court.”
Ying Changge turned around and walked out of the huge study slowly.
The study room was filled with a strong and pungent smell of blood, he didn’t want to stay here for too long, even the air seemed particularly dull.
so far.
The chief culprit who caused the uproar in Xianyang City was put to death.
Maybe there is someone behind Zhang Yansheng.
But all this is not what Ying Changge needs to consider.
Even if there was someone behind him, Ying Changge didn’t think that the other party dared to attack him.
The opponent has always been targeting the Yin Yang family.
Ying Changge was happy to hear about this kind of thing.
In less than a moment.
Moon God summoned a few disciples of the Yin-Yang family, and immediately started to dispose of Zhang Yansheng’s body.
The huge Zhang Mansion has subsequently become the place where the Yin Yang family investigates.
With the idea of ​​looking for clues and information, the Yin Yang familyThe disciples dispersed separately and carried out a carpet search around the entire Zhang Mansion, trying to find more useful clues.
Ying Changge naturally had a thorough insight into all this.
But he didn’t say much.
If the Yin Yang family wants to investigate, let them continue to investigate.
Ying Changge is not going to continue the investigation.
His mission should end here.
What happened next has nothing to do with Ying Changge.
“My lord, let’s enter the palace.”
After giving instructions to the disciples of the Yinyang family, Luna returned to Ying Changge’s side and reminded him respectfully.
Ying Changge took Shao Siming and Meng Ying, and stood side by side with Luna, and left the huge Zhang Mansion step by step, and walked out of the gate of the Zhang Mansion again.
After walking out of the gate, the originally bustling street has become extremely deserted.
Because the disciples of the Yin-Yang family came here just now, the residents of the whole street fled the scene in fear, not daring to stay in this street anymore.
Ying Changge, Yueshen and others stepped into the carriage, and ordered the coachman to go in the direction of Xianyang Palace.
The carriage is drifting away…
In a blink of an eye.
The entire carriage disappeared in front of the gate of Zhang Mansion.
On the way to Xianyang Palace, Luna was sitting in the carriage, still thinking about all the events that happened in Zhang Mansion just now.
What concerned her the most was not the dead Zhang Yansheng.
And it’s just…
Ying Changge who was sitting opposite her at the moment.
Ying Changge is what Luna pays most attention to.
Recalling Ying Changge’s weird and terrifying abilities, Luna felt palpitations from the bottom of his heart.
Think carefully.
Luna wasn’t even sure.
Being able to deal with Ying Changge’s weird tricks calmly.
“Half a month ago, with only his innate mid-stage cultivation, the Seventh Young Master severely wounded and instantly killed Star Soul, killing a half-step martial arts master in seconds.”
“Seventh Young Master has broken into the realm of late innate!”
“In addition, the weird means and abilities that were displayed just now.”
“Thinking about it, the overall strength of the Seventh Young Master must have improved a lot!”
“If I were to deal with the current Seventh Young Master, I’m afraid the odds of winning would not exceed 20%!”
Luna looked very heavy.
She really didn’t expect it.
In less than half a month, the seventh son, Ying Changge, has become so powerful!
This unbelievable and astonishing growth rate of strength is really shocking.

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