Seeing this behind-the-scenes messenger, Luna, who is the right protector of the Yin Yang family, was naturally deeply angry.
It is precisely because of the other party that the situation of the Yin Yang family has been very embarrassing and embarrassing recently.
If it wasn’t for Ying Changge’s action, the Yin Yang family would have to worry about investigating this matter.
“What a yin and yang family!”
“I didn’t expect that you could find me.”
“Can you tell me, how did you do it?”
“I ask myself.”
“Everything I do is almost seamless and watertight.”
“How did you find out about me?”
Zhang Yansheng acted deeply frustrated.
“it’s me.”
Ying Changge spoke.
At this time.
Zhang Yansheng only had time to look at Ying Changge seriously.
He was deeply puzzled by Ying Changge’s words.
“If it weren’t for the help of the seventh son, our Yinyang family might not be able to see through it. The culprit who caused such a commotion in Xianyang city would be Mr. Zhang.”
“Speak up.”
“It’s up to the Seventh Young Master to repay this matter!” 270
said Luna.
“Seventh Young Master? How did you notice the clue?”
Zhang Yansheng frowned.
“Then I have to mention your loyal subordinates.”
Ying Changge smiled.
“They will never betray me.”
“I can be sure of that.”
Zhang Yansheng was very confident.
“It’s true that they didn’t betray you, Mr. Zhang, but if you want to get clues from them, you may not really want them to betray you.”
Ying Changge said meaningfully.
“What’s the meaning?”
Zhang Yansheng asked.
“Master Zhang, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand.”
“Anyway, you’re running out of time.”
“I don’t want to waste this time, explaining these completely unnecessary things to you.”
Ying Changge waved his hand, but had no intention of explaining to Zhang Yansheng.
He wanted to get rid of Zhang Yansheng as soon as possible, instead of arguing with him here.
“My lord is right.”
“I’ll take him down now!”
Luna nodded.
With a bit of unkindness on her brows, she stared at Zhang Yansheng coldly.
“You don’t need to bother Lord Moon God with this matter.”
Zhang Yansheng smiled miserably, “I have my own means to end it. After all, I never expected that I would lose to the Seventh Young Master. However, this matter will never end!”
“All this is just the beginning!”
“Do you want to know why I did this?”
“You will know later!”
With a loud laugh, in the end, Zhang Yansheng committed suicide by taking poison decisively.
Ying Changge did not stop the opponent.
If he really wants to stop the opponent, he has the ability to do so.
after all.
Under the domineering arrogance of the perfect level of knowledge and knowledge, Zhang Yan’s life and death are hard to come by!
It is absolutely possible to directly intercept Zhang Yansheng’s behavior before taking the poison.
Ying Changge didn’t do that.
he thinks.
This matter should end here.
He has no obligation to help the Yin Yang family track it down to the end!
After all.
His task is only to find out who is behind the scenes.
As for Zhang Yansheng, he was already the mastermind behind the scenes in a certain sense.
As for whether there is someone behind Zhang Yansheng?
That’s not what Ying Changge needs to think about.
Anyway, it’s not him, but the Yin Yang family!
Naturally, Ying Changge would not go to war out of boredom.
Ying Changge would not choose to touch such a thankless thing.
Ying Changge possesses the perfect level of domineering and knowledgeable, and can be very sensitive.Rui felt that the vitality of Zhang Yansheng’s body was dying at a terrifying speed.
Chapter 169 What is Resolute Action? What is high efficiency? 【1/6 for customization】
With a perfect level of domineering knowledge, he can clearly see that the vitality of this Master Zhang Yansheng’s body has all disappeared.
The effects of the poison work quickly.
Just less than a moment’s time.
Zhang Yansheng was already bleeding from all seven orifices, and his face turned blue-purple, as if Qi and blood rushed straight to his forehead, and got stuck on his face, making him look particularly ferocious.
His eyes were wide and round, covered with bloodshot eyes, and his bluish-purple face combined with his ferocious expression made him look extraordinarily terrifying.
There was a slight sound.
Zhang Yansheng’s body fell heavily from the seat and hit the ground motionless. The temperature of the body was plummeting, and then it became extremely stiff.
The faint smell of blood slowly flowed out from Zhang Yansheng’s corpse, and wafted into the huge study room.
The windows of the study were closed tightly, so that the smell of blood could not dissipate for a long time.
Rich and pungent, it makes people feel sick.
Since Ying Changge, Yueshen and others set foot in the study, less than half an hour before and after, this Zhang Yansheng, Mr. Zhang, died on the spot.
Take the initiative to seek death!
In order to avoid being caught by the Yin Yang family, he directly swallowed poison and committed suicide.
This decisive heart made Ying Changge feel emotional.
No matter what the purpose of this Zhang Yansheng is, this character alone is by no means an ordinary person.
Not everyone has the guts to take poison and commit suicide immediately.
And Zhang Yansheng obviously did it!
The most terrible thing is to provoke this kind of enemy.
Not afraid of death!
Be fearless!
There is nothing to be afraid of!
Each has no binding force to bind.
“The Yin-Yang family seems to have gotten into a lot of trouble.”
Ying Changge was thoughtful.
For this matter, he was delighted to hear it.
The one being targeted was the Yin Yang family, which naturally had nothing to do with Ying Changge.

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