When I was young, I thought that when I grew up, I would be closer to the sky.
In fact.
Only found out when I grew up.
The sky, what a long distance!
And now.
Ying Changge brought this feeling to Luna.
She thought she was about to figure out Ying Changge.
Can be final.
Little by little she reveals a terrifying truth again.
That is……
From the very beginning, what she saw was just the tip of the iceberg!
But even this tip of the iceberg is enough to make Luna deeply moved and lost his composure.
“What is the ability to draw and absorb people just now?”
“What is the power to bounce people away?”
“Seventh son…”
“It’s getting more and more mysterious!”
“It’s getting more and more terrifying!”
Luna thought with lingering fear.
this way.
She seemed very silent, following in Ying Changge’s footsteps, daring not to express any opinions or suggestions at all.
In front of Ying Changge, she no longer dared to show off everything about herself.
Only after experiencing the horror of Ying Changge can Moon God realize it.
How terrifying is the seventh son!
“Half a month ago, the seventh son, who was only at the middle stage of Xiantian, was able to easily kill and severely injure the star soul. Now, the seventh son has grown to the realm of the late Xiantian.”
“In addition to those weird tricks that the Seventh Young Master used just now…”
“hard to imagine.”
“How strong is the current Seventh Young Master?”
Luna took a deep breath, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.
She is no longer qualified to try to figure out Ying Changge.
In less than a moment.
Under the leadership of Ying Changge.
Everyone finally arrived at the destination smoothly!
Crossing the huge Zhang Mansion, under the eyes of countless terrified servants of the Zhang Mansion, Ying Changge led Luna, Shao Si Ming, Meng Ying and others into the front study room.
“You, what do you want to do?!”
“This is Zhang’s mansion! The mansion of Mr. Zhang Yanshengzhang!”
“Do you know what the consequences will be if you break into Zhang’s mansion without authorization?”
“You guys openly want to harm the court officials? It’s an unforgivable crime!”
A group of servants yelled in fear, suppressing the fear in their hearts and constantly giving warnings.
“Shut up!”
“How can you be presumptuous in front of my son!”
“I just don’t know what to say!”
Meng Ying frowned, and shouted in a cold tone.
The loud voice spread, startled a group of servants back, and made the big Zhang mansion even more chaotic.
And at this time.
Ying Changge had already arrived at the door of the study, manipulating the terrifying gravity at will, and slowly bounced from his body to attack the door in front of him.
A terrifying shock wave forcibly crushed the door of the study into powder.
Sawdust danced in the sky, dancing wildly with the air current.
at the same time.
Ying Changge and others finally got their wish, and they met the mysterious Master Zhang, Zhang Yansheng.
Zhang Yansheng was about to pack up his belongings and tried to escape from the study.
But just when he was about to escape.
The door of the study was blasted open.
The bursting door turned into countless sawdust, scattered in every corner of the study, staining the white scrolls on the wooden table.
It was so big and comfortable, and it seemed extraordinarily chaotic for a moment.
“You, what do you want to do?!”
In the study, Zhang Yansheng stared in the direction of the door with a face full of shock.
He is about forty years old, a thin middle-aged man, his temples are slightly gray, and his eyes are very deep, with a bit of sharpness and murderous intent.
The most notable place is that…
On his left forehead, there is a very obvious scar, just like martial arts, although it is covered by the hair, the half-exposed scar still looks extraordinarily hideous.
As Ying Changge led Luna and others to set foot on theInside the study.
Zhang Yansheng also saw who was coming!
first glance.
Zhang Yansheng’s eyes fixed on Ying Changge’s body, his pupils shrank slightly, his face changed drastically, and a deep panic appeared on his face.
“you you……”
“You are the seventh son?!”
Zhang Yansheng’s throat was dry and his face lost his composure.
I turned my gaze.
He saw Luna beside Ying Changge.
Luna, who was wearing a light blue long dress, had long, smooth purple hair hanging down her shawl, and a crescent-shaped decoration on her back. She was tall and graceful, exuding an icy air all over her body.
The moment he saw the Moon God, Zhang Yansheng couldn’t help showing deep fear.
In an instant, he suddenly understood.
He understood in an instant.
The purpose of these unexpected guests!
“The Moon God, the right protector of the Yin Yang family!”
Zhang Yansheng’s lips trembled slightly, his face looked very pale.
He felt a chill in his heart.
As an official of the imperial court, how could he not know the Yin Yang family?
It was because he knew too much about the Yin Yang family that he showed such a gaffe and despair.
Of course he does.
The right protector of the Yin Yang family, Luna, is such a terrifying existence!
The atmosphere has become very strange!
Zhang Yansheng’s movement of fleeing, which he was about to flee, abruptly stopped and stopped.
He opened his mouth, his face was pale and bloodless, and he couldn’t speak for a while.
He was completely unprepared for this group of visitors.
But when he saw Ying Changge, Yueshen and others, he understood the purpose of the other party.
Zhang Yansheng sighed, lay down on the seat with his face ashen, and said with a complicated mood: “You guys, how did you find out?”
With the presence of the Moon God, the right protector of the Yin Yang family, he directly cut off his thoughts of fleeing.
he knows.
In front of the opponent, no matter what, he couldn’t escape smoothly.
“Master Zhang, I didn’t expect it to be you!”
Luna’s face was expressionless, her pink lips moved slightly, and her pretty and charming face was full of anger and coldness.

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